
Do you want to wash your butt with water often? What are some changes in the body for people who have been doing this for a long time?

author:Mr. Yajun said in traditional Chinese medicine
Do you want to wash your butt with water often? What are some changes in the body for people who have been doing this for a long time?

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Washing the confusion

"Doctor, my anus is itching and burning unbearably, what the hell is going on?" 45-year-old Liu Min looked anxiously at Wang Leehom, director of the anorectal department. Wang Leehom smiled slightly and asked rhetorically: "Ms. Liu, do you have the habit of washing your butt with water often?"

Liu Min was stunned: "Yes, I've been like this since I was a child, and I feel clean and hygienic with water." Could it be ...... Dr. Wang's question made her vaguely aware of the seriousness of the matter.

How can a seemingly ordinary little habit be associated with today's discomfort? What's behind it? Let's follow Liu Min's medical experience to explore the hidden health hazards behind the seemingly harmless habit of washing the buttocks, and uncover the little-known secrets in the prevention and treatment of anorectal diseases.

Do you want to wash your butt with water often? What are some changes in the body for people who have been doing this for a long time?

The story begins a week ago. Liu Min is a middle school teacher who is busy with work, but she has always been very particular about her living habits. Especially when it comes to cleaning after going to the toilet, she prefers to wash with water, which she thinks is the most hygienic.

However, in the last week, she has noticed itching, burning, and even mild pain in her anus. At first, Liu Min didn't care, thinking that it was just caused by the fire. It wasn't until the discomfort became more and more unbearable and seriously affected her daily work that she had to seek help from the hospital.

When Liu Min described her condition to Dr. Wang, the doctor did not draw a direct conclusion, but further inquired about her living habits, especially the way she cleaned the toilet.

Do you want to wash your butt with water often? What are some changes in the body for people who have been doing this for a long time?

After learning about Liu Min's long-term habit of rinsing her anus with water, Dr. Wang nodded meaningfully: "Ms. Liu, I initially suspect that you have anal eczema or perianitis. Let's do an anoscopy to confirm the diagnosis. "

Liu Min was a little surprised: anal eczema, perianitis? How can these diseases have anything to do with butt washing?" Dr. Wang, why do I still have these problems when I usually pay attention to hygiene? Is there a mistake?"

Wang Leehom smiled slightly and patiently explained: "Ms. Liu, your idea is a common misunderstanding of many people. Washing the anus with water may seem hygienic, but if it is not done properly or too often, it will destroy the barrier around the anus and cause problems. "

Do you want to wash your butt with water often? What are some changes in the body for people who have been doing this for a long time?

Under the doctor's explanation, Liu Min gradually understood the seriousness of the problem. It turns out that the skin around the anus is relatively delicate, and washing too often, especially rubbing vigorously, can easily lead to damage to the skin barrier, excessive loss of moisture, causing dryness and scaling, and creating conditions for bacterial and fungal infections.

The anal skin has more folds, which is more likely to hide dirt and dirt, which aggravates the infection. In addition, too high a water temperature and too long a cleaning time can also aggravate skin damage. The superposition of various factors has led to perianal diseases such as anal eczema and perianal inflammation.

After completing a series of tests, Liu Min's diagnosis was finally determined to be perianal eczema. In response to her condition, Dr. Wang Leehom developed a comprehensive treatment plan: topical glucocorticoid ointment to relieve skin inflammation;

Do you want to wash your butt with water often? What are some changes in the body for people who have been doing this for a long time?

Antihistamines are given at the same time to improve itching; In addition, it is recommended to eat more fruits and vegetables rich in dietary fiber to keep the stool smooth. However, Dr. Wong stresses that the most important thing is to change the bad habit of overwashing.

He suggested that Liu Min gently wipe with soft toilet paper after going to the toilet and avoid frequent washing; If you must rinse, you should also pay attention to the water temperature should not be too high, and the time should not be too long, dry it in time afterwards, and apply some moisturizers such as petroleum jelly if necessary to maintain the skin barrier around the anus.

Under the careful treatment and guidance of the doctor, Liu Min's perianal eczema gradually improved. At the same time, she also revisited the deep-rooted washing habits of the past.

Do you want to wash your butt with water often? What are some changes in the body for people who have been doing this for a long time?

Liu Min realized that the so-called "hygiene" is not to blindly rinse with water, but to choose the most gentle and effective cleaning method according to the time and local conditions. Only by following the physiological laws of the human body can we truly achieve both cleanliness and hygiene without harming health.

Liu Min's encounter sparked heated discussions in the circle of friends. Many people suddenly realized that long-term washing of the buttocks is not only unhygienic, but also may cause a series of anorectal diseases. Liu Min's attending doctor, Wang Leehom, also called on the public to strengthen the scientific understanding of toilet hygiene and get rid of some bad habits.

Through popular science lectures and other forms, he popularized the correct perianal cleaning method to the public: soft toilet paper wiping is preferred, and conventional washing is not advocated; If there is stubborn dirt, you can rinse with warm water, but the water temperature should not exceed 38 °C, the rinsing time should not exceed 3 minutes, and the anal area should be dried in time afterwards;

Do you want to wash your butt with water often? What are some changes in the body for people who have been doing this for a long time?

Drink plenty of water, eat more fruits and vegetables, keep your stool smooth, and reduce irritation around the anus; If there is discomfort such as itching, you should seek medical attention in time and avoid blindly using drugs.

With the popularization of these perianal hygiene knowledge, more and more people have changed the bad habit of excessive water flushing the anus. They used their own experiences to demonstrate the importance of scientifically based toilet hygiene.

Do you want to wash your butt with water often? What are some changes in the body for people who have been doing this for a long time?

Many patients who used to suffer from perianal diseases have also been relieved by improving their improper habits. They sighed from the bottom of their hearts: it turns out that the real "cleanliness" is not to blindly pursue superficial cleanliness, but to choose the most beneficial way for health.

Today's Liu Min has completely bid farewell to the bad habit of washing his butt in the past. She uses her personal experience to influence more people around her. Whenever someone asks her about toilet hygiene, she always shares her experiences and insights with relish.

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(The story in the article is purely fictional, if there is any similarity is purely coincidental, if the body is not well, seek medical help in time)