
Jia Xu: The really smart people in the Three Kingdoms speak simply but get to the point, and never talk nonsense

author:Ancient and modern miscellaneous talks
Jia Xu: The really smart people in the Three Kingdoms speak simply but get to the point, and never talk nonsense

In the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms, heroes and heroes have emerged, and strategists are like clouds. In this group of people, there is a character who is often overlooked, but his every word is like thunder, changing the course of history. He is Jia Xu, a person who doesn't like to talk too much and doesn't talk nonsense.

Jia Xu: The really smart people in the Three Kingdoms speak simply but get to the point, and never talk nonsense

Jia Xu, the character Wenhe, is a native of Wuwei, Liangzhou. At first, he was appreciated by Yan Zhong of Hanyang County and was able to raise filial piety as a lang.

However, fate always likes to joke. Once, Jia Xu encountered a horse thief of the Di tribe, and his life was about to be lost.

But he only used three sentences, not only successfully escaped, but also came to a beautiful counter-kill!

He said, "You will regret killing me!" "My grandfather is the great general Duan Xi!" "My family has money, give you double the ransom!" Just a few simple words made Di people dare not move, and also allowed him to find a chance to get out.

Jia Xu: The really smart people in the Three Kingdoms speak simply but get to the point, and never talk nonsense

Later, Dong Zhuo entered Beijing, and Jia Xu became his subordinate. After Dong Zhuo's death, the Xiliang army was leaderless, and Li Dao, Guo Yan and others were like headless flies, not knowing where to go.

At this time, Jia Xu stood up and only said four words: "Kill back to Chang'an!" These four words, like a fire, ignited Li Dao Guo Yan's fighting spirit, and also plunged Chang'an into chaos.

Later, the Xiliang army could not stay in Chang'an, and Jia Xu suggested that Zhang Xiu take refuge in Cao Cao. Zhang Xiu asked suspiciously: "We have a grudge against Cao Cao, aren't we going to die?" ”

Jia Xu replied calmly: "It is precisely because of the enmity that Cao Cao will treat us well!" Sure enough, after Zhang Xiu took refuge in Cao Cao, he was reused.

Jia Xu: The really smart people in the Three Kingdoms speak simply but get to the point, and never talk nonsense

After returning to Cao Cao, Jia Xu gave Cao Cao a shot in the arm in the battle of Guandu: "You are wise to win Shao, brave to win Shao, use people to win Shao, decisive victory to win Shao, just wait for a fighter plane, you can defeat Yuan Shao." ”

When Xiliang Ma Chao attacked, he offered a discordant plan and disintegrated the enemy army without much effort.

In the battle between Cao Pi and Cao Zhi for the storage position, his words were like an initiation, awakening Cao Cao: "Think about Yuan Shao and Liu Biao. ”

Cao Cao suddenly understood the danger of abolishing the elder and the young, and finally decided to make Cao Pi his heir.

Jia Xu: The really smart people in the Three Kingdoms speak simply but get to the point, and never talk nonsense

After Cao Pi ascended the throne, Jia Xu was a very popular minister, but he chose to retreat and live a life without contention.

When someone asked him about government affairs, he always said, "This is everyone's business, let's discuss it together." ”

He knows very well that if he says too much, he will lose, and it is better to remain silent. Jia Xu's life seems to be unremarkable, but he can always play a key role at critical moments.

His success stems not only from his intelligence, but also from his art of speaking.

Jia Xu: The really smart people in the Three Kingdoms speak simply but get to the point, and never talk nonsense

In that turbulent era, Jia Xu used his wisdom and eloquence to turn danger into disaster again and again, and became one of the smartest strategists in the Three Kingdoms.

His story teaches us that sometimes, silence is golden. Talk less nonsense and get to the point, so that people can be convinced. Speaking is an art, and we all have to learn from Jia Xu!

Jia Xu: The really smart people in the Three Kingdoms speak simply but get to the point, and never talk nonsense