
Eight years of female soldiers, changed jobs in October, and the future is promising

author:Capital Observation Jun

It was a breezy autumn day, and I ended my eight-year military career and returned to my hometown. I remember that day, I was standing in the bustling streets in civilian clothes, and an indescribable feeling welled up in my heart.

"Xiao Li, you're finally back!" I was greeted by my childhood friend Xiao Zhang, who greeted me warmly.

I smiled and said, "yes, it's been eight years, and time flies." ”

Xiao Zhang said mysteriously: "Do you know, our village is going to build a large factory, which is said to solve the employment problem of many people. ”

My eyes widened: "Really? That's great! ”

However, the good times were short-lived. The construction of the factory caused a series of problems, first of all, environmental pollution, and the air quality around the village dropped sharply. The villagers complained about this, and I decided to stand up for everyone's rights.

One day, I found the village chief and asked him straight to the point: "Village chief, what the hell is going on with this factory?" Why has our environment become so bad? ”

The village chief sighed and said, "Xiao Li, you just came back and don't know the specific situation. This factory is a project of the higher department, and we can't help it. ”

I argued, "That doesn't sacrifice our quality of life!" Village chief, you should stand up and speak for the villagers. ”

The village chief was silent for a moment, and finally made up his mind: "Okay, I will find an opportunity to report this problem to my superiors." ”

In the days that followed, I contacted more villagers, and together we signed a petition asking the government to take our environmental issues seriously. The fight was extremely hard, but none of us gave up.

It was at this moment that I met an unexpected person - my old comrade-in-arms, Xiao Wang. He told me that he now works in the environmental protection department and is willing to help us solve this problem.

"Xiao Li, the problem in this factory is indeed serious, and we have paid attention to it. I will do my best to help and try to make the factory clean and reduce pollution. Xiao Wang swore and said.

I shook his hand excitedly: "Thank you, Xiao Wang. Our whole village is counting on you. ”

After some hard work, the factory finally began to rectify, and the air quality gradually improved. The villagers cheered, and I was glad for my efforts.

However, life is always full of drama. Just as we were celebrating our victory, news came: the factory had to lay off workers because of financial problems. This means that many villagers will lose their jobs.

I pondered again, this time, how can I save this village?

One night, I was walking alone on the street, thinking about this question. Suddenly, a familiar figure broke into my line of sight, it was my instructor who had been in the army.

"Xiao Li, why are you here?" The instructor asked in surprise.

I smiled wryly and said, "Instructor, I'm trying to find a way to save the village." ”

The instructor patted me on the shoulder: "I believe in you, you can do it." However, have you ever thought about starting your own business and leading the villagers to get rich together? ”

My eyes widened, and it suddenly dawned in front of me: "Yes, I can start a business!" ”

So, I started my own entrepreneurial path. With the help of my instructors, I raised funds and set up my own agro-processing plant. The villagers joined in, and together we worked together to bring prosperity to the village.

Now, I've been in business for eight years. In the past eight years, I have experienced many twists and turns, but it is these twists and turns that have allowed me to continue to grow. In the future, there are countless possibilities waiting for me to explore. And I will also lead the people in the village to a better future together.

The days passed quietly in a busy and fulfilling way, and my agricultural processing plant was gradually on the right track. There was new hope in the lives of the villagers, everyone was full of energy, and there was more laughter in the village.

One day, I was in the factory to check the quality of a new batch of agricultural products, and Xiao Zhang came to me in a hurry.

"Xiao Li, go and take a look, there are a lot of strangers gathered at the entrance of the village, as if they are investigating some project." Xiao Zhang said breathlessly.

My heart tightened, and I immediately put down my work and rushed to the entrance of the village. When I got there, I saw a group of people surrounding the village chief, discussing something enthusiastically.

"Village chief, who are they?" I stepped forward and asked politely.

When the village chief saw me, his eyes lit up: "Xiao Li, you are here well." This is a delegation from the city who are going to invest in an eco-tourism project in our village. ”

I was stunned for a moment, ecotourism? It's a new word.

The person in charge of the delegation looked me up and down, smiled and said, "You are the female soldier who led the villagers to start a business, right?" We heard about your deeds and were very touched. If you wish, we can work together to make the village a model site for ecotourism. ”

My heart moved, this is a rare opportunity, but it can't be hastily decided.

"Can I think about it?" I replied cautiously.

"Absolutely." The person in charge nodded.

That night, I lay in bed tossing and turning, thinking about the feasibility of this ecotourism project. Suddenly, I remembered what the instructor once said: "Xiao Li, you have to learn to grasp opportunities and dare to challenge." ”

The next day, I approached the delegation and said firmly, "I am willing to work with you to build this eco-tourism project." ”

After some preparation, the project was officially launched. Together with the villagers, I learned about eco-tourism, improved the village's infrastructure, and introduced more green industries.

In the process, I have made many like-minded friends from all walks of life and have a wealth of experience. We learn from each other, make progress together, and contribute to the development of the village.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, the eco-tourism project has begun to take shape. The environment in the village is getting better and better, attracting a large number of tourists to visit and play.

One day, I stood at the entrance of the village, looking at the bustling tourists, and my heart was full of pride. At this time, Xiao Zhang walked over and said with a smile: "Xiao Li, you are really good!" Under your leadership, the village is getting better and better. ”

I smiled slightly: "This is not only my credit, but the result of everyone's joint efforts." ”

Just then, a familiar figure caught my attention - it was the instructor. He looked at us with a satisfied smile on his face.

I walked up quickly and said excitedly, "Instructor, you see, the village is getting better and better, and we have finally realized our dream." ”

The instructor patted me on the shoulder and said earnestly: "Xiao Li, you have to remember that the strength of one person is limited, but the power of unity is infinite. Keep working hard and lead the villagers to a better future. ”

I nodded heavily, my heart full of conviction. In the future, no matter how many difficulties I encounter, I will work with the villagers to work together to create brilliance.

With the deepening of the eco-tourism project, the village is changing rapidly. There is an endless stream of tourists, and the life of the villagers has become more colorful. However, over time, new challenges have arisen.

One weekend afternoon, I was discussing with the villagers how to further improve the quality of the tourism project, and Xiao Zhang hurried in.

"Xiao Li, it's not good! Rumors are spreading among tourists that our village's agro-processing plant uses substandard raw materials. Xiao Zhang said anxiously.

I was shocked that the stakes were high and that it had to be dealt with immediately. I immediately gathered the person in charge of the factory and some of the villagers to discuss countermeasures.

"This must be someone deliberately sabotaging behind the scenes." The head of the plant said angrily.

I pondered for a moment and said, "Now is not the time to hold accountable, the priority is to find a way to set the record straight and win back the trust of tourists." ”

After some discussion, we decided to clear up any misunderstandings by inviting visitors to visit our processing plant and witness our production process firsthand.

The next day, a group of tourists walked into our processing plant led by the village chief. I personally explained to them our production process and quality control.

"You see, our raw materials are all high-quality local agricultural products, and every process is strictly controlled to ensure the safety and deliciousness of the products." I would like to introduce it to the tourists sincerely.

The tourists were skeptical about the entire production process and expressed their satisfaction.

"It turns out that your processing plant is so standardized, our previous worries are really unnecessary." A tourist said with emotion.

The misunderstanding was finally cleared up, and the trust of the tourists was gradually restored. But I know that this is just the tip of the iceberg, and more needs to be done to get the village on the path to sustainability.

Soon after, I received a phone call from an agricultural expert in the city.

"Xiao Li, I heard that your village's eco-tourism project is doing well, and I want to come over to inspect it and see if there is any possibility of cooperation." The expert said on the phone.

I was overjoyed that this was a great opportunity. I immediately acceded to the expert's request and began to prepare for the reception.

On the day the experts arrived, the villagers and I waited early at the entrance of the village. As soon as the experts got out of the car, they were attracted by the beauty of our village.

"Xiao Li, your environment here is really good! I looked at your ecotourism project, it is very distinctive, we have a lot of room for cooperation. The expert said excitedly.

I excitedly shook the expert's hand: "Thank you for your recognition, we are very much looking forward to working with you to promote the development of the village." ”

Under the guidance of experts, we began to plan new projects to better integrate agriculture and tourism to create an all-encompassing ecotourism destination.

During that time, I spent almost every day busy, and although I was tired, my heart was full of hope. I know that every effort is contributing to the future of the village.

One night, I was walking alone on the village road, looking at the starry sky, and I couldn't help but think of the confusion and anxiety I had when I first changed jobs. Now, I have found my way and made a real difference in the village.

"Xiao Li, you look tired, but you are also very fulfilling." A voice suddenly came from behind, it was the instructor.

I turned around and smiled, "Instructor, I think I finally understand what real responsibility and responsibility are now. ”

The instructor patted me on the shoulder: "You did a great job, Xiao Li." Remember, no matter how difficult the future holds, as long as you stick to your faith and move forward, you will be able to lead the villagers to create a better tomorrow. ”

I nodded, a warm current welling up in my heart. Yes, no matter what the road ahead, I will unswervingly go on, for the sake of the village, for the sake of every villager, and for our common dream.

In the following days, together with the villagers, under the guidance of experts, I started to implement a new ecotourism project. We have made full use of the village's abundant natural resources to create a series of eco-tourism products that attract more tourists.

However, just as we were cheering for the development of the village, a sudden natural disaster brought great challenges to the village.

It was a stormy night, and the power facilities in the village were severely damaged, and many villagers' houses were also damaged to varying degrees. Faced with the sudden disaster, the villagers fell into panic and confusion.

I stood at the entrance of the village, looking at the messy village, and my heart was mixed. I knew that as the leader of the village, I had to step up and lead everyone through this difficult time.

The next day, I gathered the young adults of the village and organized them to rebuild after the disaster. At the same time, I also applied for assistance from the city and the relevant departments.

In the days that followed, I worked day and night with the villagers to rebuild the disaster. We cleared the rubble, repaired the roads, rebuilt the electricity facilities, and restored the village bit by bit.

In the process of rebuilding, I have deeply experienced the power of solidarity and cooperation. The villagers helped each other to overcome the difficulties, which made me feel endless warmth and strength.

After a period of hard work, the village finally returned to its former state. Looking at the renovated village, the villagers and I cheered and our hearts were filled with pride.

That's when the good news came: our ecotourism project was recognized by the city as a success story.

"Xiao Li, congratulations! Your village's eco-tourism project has really won glory for our city. "The city leaders came to the village in person to congratulate me.

I smiled and said, "It's the result of the joint efforts of our whole village." Thanks to the care and support of the leaders, we will continue to work hard to make the village a better place. ”

In the coming days, together with the villagers, I will continue to promote the eco-tourism project to attract more tourists. At the same time, we also vigorously develop the agricultural industry to improve the living standards of the villagers.

Now, I've been in business for 10 years. In the past ten years, I have experienced many difficulties and challenges, but it is these difficulties and challenges that have allowed me to continue to grow. I firmly believe that as long as we unite and move forward, the future of our village will be brighter. And I will continue to work hard for the village, for every villager, and for our common dream.