
I returned as a battalion commander, and I couldn't look down on a blind date, so I walked into the wedding hall with her the following year

author:Capital Observation Jun

It was an unforgettable day, and I returned home in my military uniform with the Medal of Honor on my chest. The villagers beat gongs and drums to warmly welcome my return. At that time, my heart was full of pride and joy, and I felt that I had won glory for my hometown.

However, soon after I returned home, my parents began to arrange blind dates for me. They found a girl named Xiaofang for me, and said that she was a teacher in the village, who was knowledgeable and virtuous. But when I first met Xiaofang, I didn't feel like a call. She was plainly dressed and had a mediocre appearance, far from the ideal partner in my heart.

When we met, we chatted awkwardly. I asked her, "Why would you like to go on a blind date with me?" ”

Xiaofang replied shyly: "Because you are a hero and have contributed to the country, I admire you." ”

I smiled and didn't say anything more. After the blind date, I told my parents that I had no feelings for Xiaofang and didn't want to force myself. My parents sighed, but in the end they respected my choice.

The following year, I received a letter from Xiaofang unexpectedly. In the letter, she told me that she was leaving her hometown and going to the big city to develop. The day before she left, she invited me to meet and said she had something to say to me.

On that day, we met at the bridgehead at the entrance of the village. Xiaofang was wearing a red dress and light makeup, and she looked much more beautiful than last year. She smiled and said to me, "I know you didn't feel good for me last year, but I still want to tell you that I like you." ”

I was stunned, I didn't expect her to like me. I stammered, "But, I ...... you last year."

Xiao Fang interrupted me with a smile: "It's okay, you didn't recognize me at that time." Now, I'm going to the big city, and maybe we'll never get a chance to meet again. I just want you to know that there is someone who has been silently liking you. ”

With that, she turned and left, leaving me alone at the head of the bridge. At that moment, I suddenly felt empty in my heart.

A year later, I received a wedding invitation from Xiaofang. She invited me to her wedding. I hesitated for a long time, but finally went.

At the wedding, I saw Xiaofang's smiling face. She was wearing a wedding dress and was beautiful and moving. The groom is a simple-looking man, and the eyes in their eyes are full of love.

After the wedding, I walked up to Xiaofang and wished her heartfelt: "I wish you happiness." ”

Xiaofang replied with a smile: "Thank you, and I wish you to find your happiness as soon as possible." ”

However, just then, a waiter accidentally bumped into me, and the wine glass in my hand fell to the ground, scattering shards all over the ground. Xiao Fang's groom nervously came over and asked if I was hurt. I shook my head, but I suddenly understood in my heart that I had always cared about Xiaofang.

The following year, I returned to my hometown with honor. This time, I didn't ask my parents to arrange a blind date for me again. I decided to go find Xiaofang and tell her what I wanted.

After a lot of twists and turns, I finally found her. She looked at me in surprise and asked, "Why are you here?" ”

I smiled and replied, "Because I figured it out, I like you, Xiaofang." ”

Xiao Fang was stunned, then smiled. She took my hand and said, "Thank you, but I'm married." ”

I shook my head: "It's okay, I just want you to know that I'm willing to accompany you for the rest of your life." ”

Xiao Fang was moved to tears. That day, we talked for a long time, as if we wanted to make up for the past.

The following year, I received another invitation from Xiaofang. This time, it was her son's full moon feast. I smiled and went to the banquet, looking at her happy family of three, my heart was full of emotion.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Xiaofang and I have entered the twilight years. On a sunny day, we came to the bridge again. She asked me, "Do you regret it?" ”

I shook my head, "Never." Because we used to have a good time, and that's enough. ”

Xiao Fang smiled and leaned on my shoulder, and we enjoyed the beautiful sunset together. At that moment, I understood that even if we didn't come together, we still had each other's sincerest blessings. And this is our story of ups and downs.

The wheels of time turned slowly, and the willows at the head of the bridge turned green and yellow, yellow and green. Fang's hair grew silver, and my back was no longer so straight. Our respective lives are calm and peaceful, but every time we meet at the bridge, we can always evoke that faint ripple in our hearts.

One day, I was walking alone on a country road, and an inexplicable impulse suddenly surged in my heart. I decided to go to Xiaofang and tell her a secret that had been hidden in my heart for years.

It was an afternoon, and the sun was shining obliquely into the courtyard of Xiaofang's house. She was sitting in a rocking chair with a book in her hand and a serene smile on her face. Seeing me come in, she asked with a little surprise, "Why are you here?" Today is not the day we agreed upon. ”

I smiled and walked up to her and said, "There are some things I think it's time to tell you." ”

Xiao Fang closed the book and looked at me seriously: "What's the matter?" You say. ”

I took a deep breath, and then slowly spoke: "Actually, it wasn't that I looked down on you back then, but that I had low self-esteem. I've seen too much life and death on the battlefield, and I'm afraid I won't be able to give you happiness. ”

A hint of surprise flashed in Xiao Fang's eyes, and then she became gentle: "So that's the case, then why didn't you say it earlier?" ”

I smiled wryly: "Back then, I was young and vigorous, and my self-esteem was troublesome. Moreover, I am also relieved to see that you are happy. ”

Xiao Fang sighed softly: "Alas, it turns out that there are so many misunderstandings between us. ”

We were silent for a while, and then Xiao Fang suddenly laughed: "However, it's not too late to say this. At least we can keep each other company like friends. ”

I laughed too, yes, even if we miss our youth, we can still have friendship. At that moment, I felt extremely happy.

In the days that followed, Xiaofang and I became better friends. We will walk together, reminisce about the past together, and share the bits and pieces of life together. Her husband has also become a good friend of mine, and the three of us often play chess together and talk together.

Until one day, Xiaofang suddenly fell ill. I rushed to the hospital and saw her lying weakly on the hospital bed, and my heart felt like it had been pricked by a needle.

I took her hand and whispered, "Xiaofang, you have to be strong, we will wait for you to recover." ”

Xiaofang smiled slightly: "Thank you, you have given me a lot of happiness over the years." Even if one day I'm gone, I hope you can remember these joys, not sorrows. ”

My throat tightened, and I could only nod my head vigorously.

After a period of treatment, Xiaofang's condition improved. On the day I was discharged from the hospital, I went out of my way to pick her up. On the way home, she suddenly said, "You know, I've always had a wish to watch the sunset with you again." ”

I looked out the window at the setting sun, and a warm current welled up in my heart. I replied to her, "Then let's go to the bridge and watch the sunset together." ”

And just like that, we came to the bridge again. The setting sun shines on us and stretches our shadows long. We sat quietly and enjoyed the peace and beauty.

Xiao Fang whispered: "In this life, I am very satisfied with friends like you. ”

I looked at her with gratitude: "Me too, Xiaofang." ”

We sat like that until the sun sank on the other side of the mountain. I know that the beauty of this moment will become an eternal memory in my heart. And Xiaofang, this woman who occupies a special place in my life, no matter how the years change, she will always be my most precious friend.

The sun sank on the other side of the mountain, and the night gradually covered the village. We sat quietly at the head of the bridge, looking at the stars in the sky, and no one spoke. Xiao Fang suddenly hummed a song softly, and the song was melodious, as if with a hint of sadness.

I turned to look at her and asked, "What's this song?" I don't think I've heard of it. ”

Xiao Fang smiled: "This is a song I learned a long time ago, called "The Years Are Quiet". At that time, I always imagined growing old with you, sitting on the bridge together, watching the stars, and singing this song together. ”

My heart warmed, and I sang softly along with her. Our voices echo in the night sky, as if telling the story of our hearts.

Time flowed silently, and we sang and looked at the stars until late at night. Xiaofang leaned gently on my shoulder, and I gently stroked her hair, as if back to the days of my youth.

Suddenly, Xiao Fang sighed softly: "You know, I sometimes wonder what kind of life would be like if we were together back then. ”

I smiled: "Maybe we'll go through more ups and downs together, maybe we'll argue, maybe we'll cherish each other more." ”

Xiao Fang also smiled: "Yes, maybe we will know how to cherish it more." But that's fine now. We're not together, but we're still each other's best friends. ”

I nodded, "Yes, Xiaofang." Although we are not together, we still have each other's most sincere blessings. That's enough. ”

The night was getting deeper, and we were still sitting at the bridge, looking at the stars in the sky and singing. At that moment, I understood that even if we didn't come together, we still had each other's sincerest blessings. And this is our story of ups and downs.

As the years went by, my relationship with Xiaofang grew deeper. Not only do we share each other's stories on bridges, but we also support each other in life. Whenever I encounter difficulties, Xiaofang is always the first to appear by my side and give me encouragement and support. In the same way, I reached out to her in times of need and became her solid support.

One day, Xiaofang suddenly invited me to a family gathering at her house. I was a little surprised because we had never had a party like this. Xiaofang explained with a smile: "This party is to celebrate my son's admission to a prestigious university. I think that as a good friend of mine, you should also share this joy. ”

I readily agreed, full of anticipation. On the day of the party, I went to Xiaofang's house and saw her busy preparing various delicacies. Her husband was also on hand to help and the atmosphere was warm and pleasant.

I walked up to Xiaofang and asked with a smile, "Do you need my help?" ”

Xiao Fang smiled and shook her head: "No need, you just need to enjoy this party." Today, you are the guest of honor of our family. ”

The party began, and Xiao Fang's son stood in front of everyone and proudly announced his results. We all applaud him and be proud of him. In the laughter, I looked at Xiao Fang, and my heart was full of emotion. Not only is she a good friend of mine, but she is also a great mother.

After the party, I walked home alone. At night, I looked at the starry sky and my heart was filled with gratitude. I am grateful that fate allowed me to meet Xiaofang, and I am grateful for the friendship and love she gave me.

Just then, I suddenly heard a sound of footsteps. I turned around and saw Xiao Fang hurrying over. I was a little surprised and asked, "Why are you here?" ”

Xiao Fang replied with a smile: "I want to watch the stars with you." It's our shared hobby, isn't it? ”

I smiled and nodded. We sat together on a bench on the side of the road and looked at the starry sky. The twinkling stars in the night sky seem to tell our story.

Xiao Fang suddenly turned her head and looked at me seriously: "You know, I've always been grateful to you. You are not only my friend, but also my family. ”

I looked at her with emotion and replied, "Me too, Xiaofang." You are one of the most important people in my life. ”

We just sat quietly, looking at the starry sky and feeling each other's company. At that moment, I understood that even if we didn't come together, we still had each other's sincerest blessings. And this is our story of ups and downs.