
Brotherhood! In 1969, my brother sent me to join the army, and four years later I returned to my hometown to repay the favor

author:Smoke Moon wrote

In 1969, I was still a stunned young man, my brother was twenty-three and I was eighteen. The family is in a small village in the northeast, poor and remote, and the life is hard. In order to make me promising, my brother sent me to the army with a ruthless heart.

That day, just after dawn, my brother took me on the way away from home with a crumpled enlistment notice. Along the way, neither of them spoke, and their hearts were heavy. When I arrived at the troops, my brother patted me on the shoulder, said nothing, and turned to leave. I looked at his slightly slumped back, and tears almost fell.

Life in the recruit company was not easy, but whenever I remembered my brother's expectant eyes, I gritted my teeth and persevered. In four years, I grew from a hairy boy to a qualified warrior, and the hardships during this period were not enough for outsiders.

In 1973, I was discharged from the army and returned home. On the way home, I silently vowed in my heart that I would repay my brother's kindness.

When I returned to the village, I noticed that my brother had aged a lot. The life of the family is still hard, and my brother has not married me yet. My nose was sour, and tears were rolling in my eyes.

"Brother, I'm back." My voice choked.

My brother looked at me and smiled, and that smile was like the winter sun, warming my heart that had been frozen for a long time.

"It's good to come back, it's good to come back." My brother whispered.

After that, I worked hard to make my brother have a good life. But there were unforeseen circumstances, and a serious illness left my brother bedridden. I was so anxious that I borrowed money from everywhere to help my brother see a doctor. In those days, I was exhausted from doing farm work during the day and taking care of my brother at night.

One night, my brother called me to the bed, and he said weakly, "Brother, don't toss, my brother knows his own body." You...... You have to live well in the future, don't let my brother worry. ”

I burst into tears, shook my head and said, "Brother, you will definitely get better, let's live a good life together!" ”

In this way, I stubbornly refused to give up, and finally took back my brother's life from the hands of death. My brother gradually recovered, but I fell ill from overwork.

On the hospital bed, my brother looked at me guiltily: "Brother, it's my brother who dragged you down." ”

I smiled and shook my head: "Brother, we are brothers, what do you say is not a drag." As long as you live, I'm motivated. ”

My brother cried, and that was the most sincere emotional exchange between our brothers.

As the days passed, our brothers and I relied on each other for our lives and worked together through countless difficult times. In those years, we experienced the ups and downs of life together, and we also experienced the deep brotherhood more deeply.

Now, my brother has passed away, but I will always remember his kindness. And I will continue to work hard to make my brother proud of his spirit in the sky.

In this vast black land, the story of our brotherly love has become a good story for the villagers. And I will always miss the brother who gave his life to me.

Time flies, and in the days after my brother left, I still worked hard in the village, inheriting his tenacity and perseverance. In the dead of night, I would think of my brother's voice and smile, as if he was by my side and never left.

One day, I was working in the fields, and the village boy Tiezhu came to me in a hurry.

"Brother, the village chief called you over, saying that there is a big matter to discuss." Tie Zhu said breathlessly.

I wiped my sweat and looked at him suspiciously: "The village chief is looking for me?" What's so urgent? ”

Tie Zhu shook his head: "I don't know, the village chief is mysterious, saying that he must find you." ”

I couldn't rest assured, so I quickly packed up my tools and followed Tiezhu to the village chief's house. As soon as I entered the door, I saw the village chief sitting on the kang, and a strange middle-aged man was sitting next to him.

"Lao Zhang, come here." The village chief beckoned me to sit down.

I sat down puzzled and looked at the strange middle-aged man. He looked at me with a smile and a flash of approval in his eyes.

"This is Director Zhao of the county, he heard that there is a veteran in our village, who is hardworking and capable, and he also takes special care of the lonely and widowed elderly in the village, so he came to understand the situation." The village chief introduced.

I immediately understood that it was because I had taken care of the elderly in the village all these years and attracted the attention of the above. I scratched my head a little embarrassedly: "This is what I should do, not worthy of praise." ”

Director Zhao looked at me seriously: "Young man, your name is Zhang Wei, right?" We would like to invite you to attend a symposium in the county to share your experience and set an example for more young people. ”

I was stunned, symposium? Share your experience? This is the first time for me. I hesitated, but finally agreed.

On the day of the symposium, I wore the military uniform left by my brother and stood on the stage to tell the story of our brotherly love. The audience burst into tears and applauded me.

After the symposium, Director Zhao came to me and said earnestly: "Zhang Wei, we are very moved by your story. We intend to promote your deeds throughout the county and let more people learn from your spirit. ”

I smiled embarrassedly: "Director Zhao, I'm just an ordinary veteran, and I do all the little things I can." As long as I can make my brother proud in the heavenly inspiration, I am satisfied. ”

Back in the village, I continued to live an ordinary and fulfilling life. With the spiritual support of my elder brother, I led the villagers to work together to make the village better and better.

A few years later, the village changed dramatically, with new roads, new schools, and a specialty plantation industry. And I was also rated as a model worker in the province.

Standing on the podium, I silently said to my brother in my heart: "Brother, you see, our village is getting better and better. Your wish, I am fulfilling it step by step. Rest assured, I will continue to work hard to make our village more prosperous. ”

As the days passed, I became a role model in the village, but I never forgot my brother's teachings, and I always maintained my humility and hard work. One day, on a fine afternoon, I was helping the villagers renovate the playground of their new school when a small car slowly drove into the village.

It was Director Zhao who got out of the car, and he walked towards me with a smile on his face: "Zhang Wei, I came this time because I have good news to tell you." ”

I stopped what I was doing and wiped my sweat: "Director Zhao, what good news can I let you run in person?" ”

Director Zhao patted me on the shoulder: "The contributions you have made to the village over the years are all in my eyes. The county decided to recommend you to participate in the selection of the National Model Worker, which is the greatest affirmation of your hard work. ”

I was stunned, national model worker? This honor is too big for me, and I don't know what to say for a while.

"Director Zhao, I'...... I just did something that I deserved to be honored. I said nervously.

Director Zhao looked at me seriously: "Zhang Wei, your spirit is worth learning from everyone. You represent not only yourself, but also the workers of our time. Go for it, you deserve it. ”

I nodded, but my heart was full of apprehension. I went back to the cottage where my brother used to live, sat down at the old table, and looked through what my brother had left behind.

"Brother, what would I do if I knew that one day I would get such an honor?" I asked myself softly.

That night, I dreamed of my brother, who was still so warm and determined. He told me that no matter how great the honor is, we must remember our original intention, remember where we came from, and remember the villagers who helped us.

The selection of the national model worker began, and with the blessings of everyone in the village, I put on the military uniform left by my brother and walked onto the podium. The moment I received the trophy from the leader, I silently said to my brother in my heart: "Brother, you see, I have lived up to your expectations. ”

When I returned to the village, I didn't stop because of the honor. Instead, I worked harder to lead the villagers to explore new development paths. We opened a farmhouse and promoted green agriculture, attracting more and more tourists to our once obscure village.

One day, a young tourist asked me, "Brother Zhang, how did you do that?" What makes this village so beautiful. ”

I smiled, pointed to the field in the distance and said, "That's because I have a good brother who taught me what responsibility is and what perseverance is." And everybody here, they're all my motivation. ”

The years are like a song, and I am still working on this land, inheriting the spirit of my brother. I know that my brother's spirit in heaven will be proud of me. And I will continue to move forward, for the sake of this land, for these folks, for the story of our brotherly love, forever.

With the passage of time, the development of the village has become better and better, and we not only have our own characteristic industries, but also attract a lot of foreign investors. The young people of the village have also begun to return, bringing new ideas and ideas with them to breathe new life into the village.

One day, a young man named Li Ming came to me, and he said with a firm look in his eyes: "Brother Zhang, I want to do something for the village with you." ”

I looked at him, as if I saw my younger self: "What do you think?" ”

Li Ming handed me a plan: "I want to use the Internet to promote the agricultural products in my village, so that more people can know about our green agriculture." ”

I looked at the proposal and thought, "That's a great idea." What are you going to do? ”

Li Ming's eyes sparkled: "I want to set up an e-commerce platform so that villagers can sell agricultural products directly online." In this way, not only can the income of the villagers be increased, but also more people can enjoy our green food. ”

I nodded: "Okay, I support you on this project." Together, we work to make the village better. ”

Under the leadership of Li Ming, our village's e-commerce platform has developed rapidly, attracting more and more consumers. The sales of agricultural products in the village have increased dramatically, and the income of the villagers has also risen. Not only have we improved our lives, but we have also led to the development of the surrounding villages.

One day, I was working in the fields when a familiar figure walked by. It was Director Zhao, he looked at the busy fields, his face was full of relief: "Zhang Wei, the current development of your village is really surprising." ”

I wiped my sweat and said with a smile, "It's all thanks to everyone, I just did my part." ”

Director Zhao looked at me seriously: "Zhang Wei, your spirit has infected more and more people. The county has decided to establish a modern agricultural demonstration area in your village, so that more people can learn from your development experience. ”

I was stunned, I didn't expect our efforts to be recognized like this. I squeezed Director Zhao's hand: "Director Zhao, we will definitely work hard to make this demonstration area a model for the whole country." ”

After the demonstration area was established, the village welcomed more visitors. They come to learn from our experience and bring new ideas and resources. The development of the village is getting better and better, and our story has spread all over the country.

As the years go by, I watch the village get better day by day, and my heart is full of gratitude. I am grateful to my brother for his dedication back then, to the support of the villagers, and to everyone who has contributed to the development of the village.

I know that my brother's spirit in heaven will be proud of me. And I will continue to move forward, for this land, for these villagers, for the story of our brotherly love, forever. In these hopeful times, the story of our village will continue, from generation to generation.