
My comrades-in-arms pulled the strings, and I was abandoned because of my old clothes! When the truth was revealed, she regretted it

author:Smoke Moon wrote

It was a bright spring, and I wore my old military uniform and came to the house of my old comrade-in-arms, Ah Qiang. He mysteriously told me that he was going to introduce me to someone. I smiled and didn't take it seriously. Unexpectedly, this blind date became the most ups and downs in my life.

The girl introduced by Ah Qiang is called Xiaofang, and she is a gentle and virtuous rural girl. We made an appointment to meet at the teahouse at the entrance of the village. On that day, I wore the old military uniform that had accompanied me through many years of barracks life, and waited for Xiaofang's arrival with great anticipation.

After meeting, we had a very speculative chat. She admired me and said that I was a hero who stood up to the sky. I was secretly happy in my heart, and I felt that this blind date should be nine out of ten. However, just when I thought everything was going to fall into place, the unexpected happened.

That day, Xiaofang suddenly mentioned my old military uniform, she said, "Your clothes look old, why don't you change into a new one?" I was stunned for a moment and explained, "This is my robe, and it means a lot to me that I have been with me through countless hard days." ”

Unexpectedly, Xiao Fang's face suddenly became ugly. She stumbled, "I ...... I don't think we're a good fit, so let's forget it. With that, she walked away without looking back.

I was lost in thought, not understanding why Xiaofang suddenly changed her mind. When Cuong heard the news, he was also shocked. He decided to help me get to the bottom of the matter.

After some investigation, Cuong finally found the answer. It turns out that there is a legend circulating in Xiaofang's village that says that a man in an old military uniform will bring bad luck. Xiaofang believed in this legend, which is why she misunderstood me.

When I learned the truth, I had mixed feelings. I felt the need to explain it to Xiaofang. So, I put on the old military uniform again and came to Xiaofang's house.

When Xiaofang saw me, her eyes were full of surprise and remorse. I said sincerely, "Xiaofang, I know you misunderstood me. This old military uniform is my pride, it has witnessed my growth and honor. I hope you can understand and not give up our feelings because of a legend. ”

Xiao Fang looked at me with tears in her eyes, and finally couldn't help crying: "I'm sorry, I'm too superstitious." Actually, I've always liked you, but I was scared by that legend. Can you forgive me? ”

I smiled and hugged her: "Of course." We all need to learn to face our fears and be brave in our pursuit of happiness. ”

Since then, Xiaofang has become my girlfriend. We have gone through many ups and downs together, and the old military uniform has also become a testimony of our love. And the legend that once separated us has also become a joke after our tea and dinner.


The days passed like this, and my relationship with Xiaofang became deeper and deeper. We started planning for the future, discussing when to meet our parents and when to have a wedding. Xiaofang's eyes were full of expectation, and I worked harder, hoping to give her a happy home.

One day, I was helping Xiaofang's family in the field, and the village chief hurriedly came to me: "Young man, the county is going to hold a veteran commendation meeting, and I want you to attend it by name." I was stunned, I didn't expect to get such an honor.

Xiao Fang looked at me with a glint of pride in her eyes: "Go, this is your glory and our pride." I nodded, my heart filled with gratitude.

On the day of the commendation ceremony, I put on my old military uniform and stood on the podium, feeling unprecedented glory. When I got that shining medal, my eyes couldn't help but moisten.

Back in the village, Xiao Fang and the villagers greeted me warmly. They cast admiring glances at me, and the old military uniform that had once misunderstood me was now a symbol of my honor.

In the evening, Xiaofang snuggled up to me and whispered, "You know, I think that old military uniform is particularly handsome now." I smiled and hugged her tightly: "Thank you, Xiaofang, for making me understand the importance of being brave." ”

However, life is not always smooth sailing. Soon after, I received an urgent task to return to the army immediately. Before leaving, Xiaofang sent me to the entrance of the village, and she held my hand tightly, tears rolling in her eyes.

"Don't worry, Xiaofang, I will definitely come back safely." I comforted her, but my heart was also full of reluctance.

In the days in the army, I always missed Xiaofang. In the dead of night, I would take out the medal and think of her farewell at the entrance of the village.

Finally, the mission was accomplished, and I couldn't wait to get back to the village. Xiaofang was already waiting at the entrance of the village, and when she saw me returning safely, she rushed over and hugged me tightly, tears welling up in her eyes.

"You're finally back, and I'm praying for you every day." Xiao Fang choked up.

I gently wiped away her tears: "Fool, didn't I say I would come back safely?" ”

Since then, we have cherished each other even more. That old military uniform and that medal became the most precious treasures in our family. We work together, face the hardships of life together, and move towards a happy future together.


The days flow calmly like flowing water, and our lives bloom with sweetness in the ordinary. Xiaofang's smile is my biggest motivation, and my perseverance is her greatest comfort. We started laying the groundwork for the future, I worked harder while Xiaofang took care of everything at home.

One day, Xiaofang suddenly told me mysteriously that she had a surprise for me. I asked curiously, but she just smiled and didn't answer. It wasn't until that evening that she took me to the clearing at the entrance of the village.

There, the villagers have set up tables and chairs in advance, and a simple and warm celebratory dinner is being prepared. Xiao Fang pulled me to the center, with a happy smile on her face: "This is what the village chief and everyone meant, they want to celebrate for you, because you have brought glory to our village." ”

I looked at the familiar faces around me with emotion, and my heart welled up with gratitude. This village, which once misunderstood me because of a legend, has now accepted me in such a sincere way.

At the dinner, the villagers took turns toasting me and saying blessings. Xiao Fang kept holding my hand tightly, her eyes full of love and pride.

After the banquet, Xiaofang and I sat on the stone bench at the entrance of the village, looking at the stars in the sky. She rested her head on my shoulder and whispered, "It's a good day like this." ”

"Yes, with your days, anything is fine." I responded.

At this moment, the village chief walked over, with a trace of seriousness on his face: "Young man, there is something I want to discuss with you. Our village intends to set up a militia self-defense unit, just in case. We would like to ask you to be an instructor and teach you basic military skills. ”

I looked at the village chief with some hesitation. I knew it meant that I needed to put on that old uniform again, and that my peaceful life with Xiaofang might be shattered. I turned to Xiao Fang, but she smiled and nodded: "Go ahead, this is your responsibility, and it is also our responsibility." ”

In this way, I became an instructor of the militia self-defense forces. Every day, I wore that old military uniform and taught the villagers basic military skills. Xiao Fang became my assistant, she helped everyone organize their equipment and arrange training.

At the end of the day's training, I returned home exhausted, and Xiaofang had already prepared a hot meal. She looked at me with concern in her eyes: "Are you tired?" ”

I shook my head: "With you by my side, no matter how tired it is, it's worth it." ”

However, just when we thought life would go on like this, a sudden flood shattered the tranquility of the village. On that day, I was training the militia when the flood came without warning and the village was in crisis.

I immediately organized the militia and threw it into the rescue effort. The old military uniform became my battle uniform again, and together with Xiaofang, I led the villagers to fight the flood and protect their homes.

After several days of hard work, the flood waters finally receded and the village gradually returned to its former tranquility. In that disaster, we gave a lot, but we also gained a lot. That old uniform is a testament to our bravery and unity, as well as a deeper understanding and trust between me and Xiaofang.

Our lives are peaceful again, but the memories and lessons of that flood will always be in our hearts. We know that no matter what difficulties we encounter in the future, as long as we work together, there is nothing that cannot be overcome.


As time passed, our lives gradually returned to peace. After the baptism of the flood, the village became more united and resilient. My militia self-defense unit was also commended by its superiors for its outstanding performance in the rescue effort. All of this makes Xiaofang and I extremely proud.

One day, I met Cuong at the entrance of the village, carrying a sealed envelope with a somewhat serious expression. He told me that the letter was sent by a higher authority and that I needed to open it myself. I felt a little uneasy, but I opened the envelope carefully.

The letter said that the higher authorities had decided to send me to a newly established militia training base in a neighboring county to serve as an instructor at the base. It's a higher platform, but it's also a greater responsibility. However, this also means that I will leave the village and leave Xiaofang.

I held the letter with mixed feelings. I knew it was a great opportunity, but I couldn't let go of the quality time I spent with Xiaofang. I found Xiaofang and handed her the letter. After she read the letter, she was silent for a long time.

"Go ahead, it's a rare opportunity. I can't let my selfishness delay your future. Xiao Fang finally spoke, her voice trembling a little.

I hugged her tightly, my heart full of gratitude and reluctance. I know that Xiaofang is willing to give up everything for me.

In the early morning of parting, Xiaofang sent me to the entrance of the village. She held my hand tightly, tears glistening in her eyes. I kissed her gently and told her I would be back as soon as possible.

In my new position, I went all out to train an excellent militia team with the experience and knowledge I had accumulated in the village. Whenever I see them progressing, I think of Xiaofang and her farewell at the entrance of the village.

As the days passed, my feelings of missing Xiaofang also increased day by day. In the dead of night, I would take out that medal and think of the bits and pieces of our past.

Finally, on a vacation, I couldn't wait to return to the village. Xiao Fang has been waiting for me at the entrance of the village for a long time. When she saw me, tears welled up in her eyes, and she rushed over and hugged me tightly.

"You're finally back, and I'm praying for you every day." Xiao Fang choked up.

I gently wiped away her tears: "Fool, didn't I say I would come back safely?" ”

Since then, we have cherished each other even more. Although I have to travel back and forth between the village and the base frequently, our hearts are always connected. Xiaofang has become my biggest support, and I am trying to create a better future for her.

Our lives are full of challenges and uncertainties, but our feelings are deepened by it. We believe that as long as we work together, nothing is insurmountable.