
He joined the army in 1969 and returned to his hometown in 1973.

author:Smoke Moon wrote

In those years, serving in the army was the highest honor for every young man. In 1969, I also put on a green military uniform and wore a big red flower on my chest, said goodbye to my parents, and left my hometown. I remember vividly that it was a cold winter, with a howling north wind and snowflakes.

Four years have passed in the blink of an eye, and I have changed from a young man to a warrior who has gone through the storm. In 1973, I was finally notified to return home. At that moment, my heart was surging, and I wanted to put on my wings and fly back to my hometown.

However, the road to visit relatives was not smooth. At that time, it was the end of the Cultural Revolution, and society was in turmoil. It took me a lot of twists and turns to get a train ticket home.

On the train, it was crowded and crowded. It took me a lot of effort to squeeze into a carriage. Next to me was an old lady with a wrinkled face, who saw that I was wearing a military uniform and accosted me enthusiastically: "Young man, you are back from the army, right?" ”

I nodded and replied with a smile, "Yes, auntie." I haven't been home for four years, and this time I'm so excited to come back. ”

The eldest lady sighed and said, "Alas, the current world is chaotic, you have to be careful outside." ”

I comforted the eldest mother: "Auntie, don't worry, we are soldiers, what difficulties have you never seen?" ”

The train started slowly, and I looked out the window with a lot of thoughts. After four years, what will become of my hometown? Are the parents okay? How are the siblings doing?

The train stopped and went, and after a day and a night, it finally arrived in my hometown. I couldn't wait to get off the train, only to find that the train station was deserted and no one had come to pick me up.

My heart sank, could it be that something happened at home? I hurried home, and along the way, my heart was in my throat.

When I ran to the door out of breath, I found the door locked. When my neighbor Aunt Wang saw me, she said in surprise, "Oh, isn't this Xiao Li?" How did you get back? ”

I asked anxiously, "Aunt Wang, where has my family gone?" ”

Aunt Wang sighed and said, "Alas, you don't know, your father died of illness last year, and your mother and your brother and sister-in-law both went to work in other places, leaving your sister alone at home." ”

I froze, tears rolling in my eyes. I swallowed my grief and asked, "Then where did my sister go?" ”

"She's gone to work in the fields." Aunt Wang pointed in the direction of the entrance of the village.

I didn't bother to talk to Aunt Wang, and immediately ran towards the entrance of the village. In the distance, I saw a thin figure, it was my sister.

"Sister!" I shouted.

My sister turned around, saw me, threw away the hoe in her hand, ran over, hugged me and cried bitterly.

My brother and sister hugged each other and cried, and at that moment, I felt the preciousness of my family. Although the journey home is arduous and tortuous, it is worth it to be reunited with my family.

Later, I took my sister to my father's grave and burned incense to worship. I know that from now on, I will take on the responsibility of the family, for the sake of my sister, for my mother and sister-in-law who are far away, I will live strongly.

This is my journey to visit my family, which is tortuous but full of hope. Life, as it always is, closes a door for you and opens a window for you. And what we have to do is to face it bravely and move forward bravely.

For the next few days, my sister and I lived together, taking care of the household chores and cultivating the fields. Although my sister is young, she has already understood many hardships in life. We encouraged each other and supported each other through those difficult days.

One day, I was working in the fields when I heard a commotion in the village. I put down the hoe in my hand and ran over to see that it was a distant cousin. As soon as he saw me, he said excitedly, "Xiao Li, you are back!" Your mom and your brother and sister-in-law both got jobs in the city, and they asked me to pick you up. ”

My eyes widened and I couldn't believe my ears: "Uncle Cousin, are you telling the truth?" Are they all in town? ”

Uncle Cousin nodded and said, "Yes, the family is over there." They said that life is better now, and they want you to go over and reunite with your family. ”

A warm current welled up in my heart, and I hurriedly went back to tell my sister the good news. When my sister heard this, a long-lost smile appeared on her face.

The next day, my sister and I simply packed our bags, said goodbye to our hometown, and set out on our way to the city. Along the way, my sister and I looked forward to our future lives, and our hearts were full of anticipation.

When we arrived in the city, my mother and sister-in-law were so excited that they burst into tears when they saw us. We hugged each other tightly and felt each other's warmth. At that moment, I felt that all the efforts for this family were worth it.

After settling in the city, I started looking for work. Soon, I got a job as a security guard in a factory. Although the income is not high, it can barely make ends meet.

One day, I was on duty at the factory and suddenly received a call from my sister, who said, "Brother, come back quickly, my mother is sick." ”

My heart tightened, and I hurriedly asked for leave to go home. When I got home, I found my mother lying on the bed, her face pale. I hurriedly asked her, "Mom, what's wrong with you?" ”

The mother barely squeezed out a smile and said, "It's okay, it's just a cold, just take a rest." ”

I was relieved and insisted on taking my mother to the hospital for a check-up. After the doctor's diagnosis, he told us that my mother had pneumonia and needed to be hospitalized.

During those days, I worked in a factory during the day and went to the hospital at night to take care of my mother. Although I was exhausted, I felt that everything was worth it when I saw my mother's condition gradually improve.

Finally, my mother recovered and was discharged from the hospital. Our family sat around the dinner table to celebrate my mother's recovery. That night, we talked a lot, reminiscing about the past and talking about our plans for the future.

I looked at the happy smiles of my family and secretly vowed in my heart that no matter what difficulties I encountered in the future, I would protect this family and let every loved one live a happy life.

This is my story, the family life of an ordinary military man. Although it has been a twist and turn, the company of my family has made me move forward. Life is always full of challenges, but as long as we have faith in our hearts and move forward bravely, we will always usher in the dawn of hope.

As the days went by, I gradually got started working in the factory, and my sister also found a temporary job in the city to help the family. Although our lives are not rich, at least everyone is healthy, and we can sit around that cozy table every night and share each other's joys and sorrows.

One day, I came home from work and found my sister sitting on the couch looking a little wrong. Her eyes were red, as if she had just cried. My heart tightened, and I quickly asked, "Sister, what's wrong?" Did you suffer any grievances? ”

My sister raised her head, looked at me, hesitated for a moment, and then whispered, "Brother, I met Xiaomei on the street today." ”

Xiaomei was a friend of my sister's childhood, and I certainly remember her. But I asked suspiciously, "What's wrong with meeting Xiaomei?" Did she bully you? ”

My sister shook her head and said, "No, brother." Xiaomei, she got married, and invited me to her wedding. ”

I understood that my sister felt lonely because of her friend's happiness. I sat next to her, patted her on the shoulder, and said, "Sister, you will find your own happiness too." Don't worry, good people will always be rewarded. ”

My sister smiled reluctantly and said, "Brother, I know, I just suddenly felt a little emotional." ”

That night, I talked with my sister for a long time until she was in a better mood. I knew that in this family, I would not only have to be a strong brother, but also a close friend.

Soon after, my mother began to offer me a blind date. She said, I'm not young anymore, it's time to start a family. I smiled and agreed, but I was a little apprehensive. I don't know if I'll ever meet a partner who understands me and supports me.

On the day of the blind date, I put on the clean shirt that my sister had prepared for me and went to the agreed teahouse. The other party is a quiet girl named Xiaofang. During our conversation, I found that she was not only kind, but also very understanding of my former military status, which made me feel good about her.

We started dating, and Xiaofang's gentleness and understanding made me feel more at ease than ever. Not only is she nice to my family, but she often helps my sister with some tricky matters.

Time passed quickly, and my relationship with Xiaofang became more and more stable. Finally, on a sunny day, I proposed to her. Xiao Fang nodded tearfully and agreed.

On the day of the wedding, the whole family came, and friends and relatives came to congratulate them. I watched my sister smile so happily, and my heart warmed. I know that from now on, I have another responsibility, not only to take care of my wife, but also to continue to protect my family.

This is my life, the family life of an ordinary soldier. I know very well that happiness does not fall from the sky, it requires us to manage it with our hearts and care for it with love. And my story, like the lights of this city, is small, but there is always a light for me to warm my way forward.

My sister's wedding was held on a warm spring day. She was dressed in a white wedding dress, as beautiful as an angel. As an older brother, I stood beside her, and my heart was both excited and emotional. My sister has finally found her happiness, and I'm really happy for her.

Xiao Fang gently held my hand on the side, she knew what I was thinking, she could always understand my inner feelings. She smiled at me gently, and that smile was like the spring sunshine, which made me feel extremely warm.

After the wedding, our family returned home. The younger sister and the groom sat on the sofa, their faces shining with happiness. Mother and father sat across from them, looking at them with a smile of relief on their faces.

I watched this scene with emotion in my heart. I used to be a soldier in the army and went through countless hardships and difficulties. But now, I'm just an ordinary person, an ordinary brother, and an ordinary husband. I look at my family and I know that this is my world, my life.

At night, Xiaofang and I stood on the balcony together, looking at the sky full of stars. Xiao Fang leaned into my arms, her hair emitting a faint fragrance. I gently stroked her hair, my heart filled with gratitude.

"Thank you, Xiaofang." I said, "Thank you for understanding me and supporting me." ”

Xiao Fang looked up at me, her eyes shining with tenderness. "Fools," she said, "we are family, we are each other's support." ”

I smiled and hugged her tightly. I know that this is my happiness, my life. It's ordinary, but it's full of love.

This is my story, the family life of an ordinary military man. I know that life is always full of challenges, but as long as we have love and faith, we can move forward and meet every new challenge.

I looked out the window at the starry sky and my heart was filled with hope. I know that no matter what the future throws at us, as long as we hold hands and connect hearts, we can overcome anything. This is my life, my story, my happiness.