
I met a beautiful girl on the road

author:Smoke Moon wrote

It was a warm spring afternoon, and I was walking alone through the streets of the small town. Sunlight shines through the green leaves and dappled the bluestone pavement. Suddenly, my eyes were drawn to a figure—a beautiful girl.

She wore a long pale blue dress, her hair was black and shiny like a waterfall on her shoulders, and her eyes were as clear as a lake. I couldn't help but stop and admire the picturesque scenery from afar.

At that moment, an out-of-control carriage came galloping from the other side of the street, and the girl stood in a panic, about to be hit by the carriage. Without hesitation, I rushed up and pushed her aside with all my might.

"Thank you!" The girl looked at me in horror, her voice trembling.

I smiled and said, "It's fine, I just happened to be passing by." "

While we were talking, the carriage had stopped, and a sweaty driver jumped out of the car to apologize to us. At this time, I noticed that the carriage had a sign for a theater on it.

"You're from the theater?" I asked the girl curiously.

She nodded: "Yes, my name is Xiaoyan, and I am an actor there." After rehearsing today, I was getting ready to go home. "

My heart struck me that this might be an opportunity: "Can I invite you over for a cup of tea?" As a thank you for saving you just now. "

Xiao Yan hesitated for a moment, then smiled, "Okay, but I can only drink it for a while." "

So, we found a teahouse and sat down to chat. Xiaoyan told me that she grew up in the theater since she was a child and dreamed of becoming a famous actor one day. I was impressed by her dedication and enthusiasm, and I became intrigued by her story.

Just as they were chatting energetically, the door of the teahouse was suddenly pushed open, and a man with a meaty face walked in. He caught a glimpse of Xiao Yan and his eyes widened suddenly.

"Xiaoyan, so you're here! The theater owner has been looking for you for a long time, hurry up and go back with me! The man said rudely.

Xiao Yan looked at me with a frightened face and asked for help. I stood up and stood in front of her: "This big brother, if you have something to say, why be so fierce?" "

The man glared at me: "Boy, don't meddle! She's from the theater and I have the right to take her back! "

I was not afraid to respond, "You don't want to take her away unless she wants to!" "

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and the people around watched one after another. At this time, the owner of the teahouse walked out and played the round with a smile: "Everyone, this is a teahouse, if there is anything to discuss, don't affect everyone's mood." "

After being persuaded by the crowd, the man finally agreed to let us go. Before leaving, he glared at me viciously: "Boy, you wait for me!" "

Xiaoyan and I hurriedly left the teahouse, and she looked at me gratefully: "Thank you, if it weren't for you, I might have been taken back and punished." "

I smiled and comforted her: "It's okay, I will protect you in the future." "

Since then, Xiaoyan and I have become friends who talk about everything. In the days that followed, we faced many difficulties together and reaped countless joys. And that spring afternoon has become our most precious memory.

During this wonderful time, I gradually discovered that Xiaoyan not only has a beautiful face, but also a strong and brave heart. And I also grew from an ignorant teenager to a man who stood up to the sky with her company by her side.

However, life is always full of surprises. Just when we thought we could support each other like this, a sudden change pushed us into the whirlpool of fate again. And this time, no one knows if we will be able to get through it together again......

The days passed slowly in the waves, Xiaoyan's performances in the theater became more and more popular, and every time she went on stage, her eyes flashed with her dedication to her dreams. We agreed to stick to each other's dreams no matter what the future holds. However, fate always seems to play a joke on us.

On that day, the theater suddenly caught fire, and the entire theater was plunged into a sea of fire. When I heard the news, I was so anxious that I rushed to the theater. In the distance, I saw Xiao Yan struggling in the sea of fire, her tears intertwined with the firelight, which made people's hearts ache.

Without hesitation, I rushed into the sea of fire, grabbed her hand, and shouted, "Xiaoyan, let's go!" ”

She shook her head, her eyes firm: "I can't go, my stage, my dreams, are all here." ”

I was so anxious that I almost shouted, "Your life is more important than all that!" ”

Xiaoyan's eyes were hazy with tears, but she still insisted: "I know, but this is the path I chose, and I can't give up." ”

At that moment, I understood her persistence. I gritted my teeth and decided to accompany her to save the stage. We risked our lives to snatch one precious item after another from the fire.

Just as we were exhausted, a familiar figure appeared in front of us - the man with a full face, who was also involved in fighting the fire.

He looked at us, a flash of surprise in his eyes, and said, "You two, it's really dead." ”

I ignored him and just said coldly, "We're here for the dream, what about you?" ”

He was stunned for a moment, and then said with a wry smile: "I also have my responsibilities, and the theater is my everything." ”

At that moment, I seemed to see another side of this man, maybe he was not as cold as I imagined.

The fire was finally extinguished, and the theater was saved, although it was badly damaged. Xiaoyan and I hugged each other and felt glad for each other's persistence.

However, life has not been quiet. The man, the theater owner, even announced that he was going to close the theater. The reason he gave was that the theater had lost too much to continue operating.

Xiao Yan was heartbroken, she found me with tears in her eyes: "Are our efforts in vain?" ”

I clasped her hand tightly and said firmly, "No, we'll find a way." ”

During that time, we were running around asking for help. Eventually, under the recommendation of an old drama bone, we met a wealthy businessman. He appreciated Xiaoyan's talent and was willing to sponsor us to rebuild the cinema.

With the help of wealthy merchants, the theater reopened. Xiaoyan stood on the new stage, tears flashing: "We did it, we kept our dreams." ”

I smiled and nodded: "Yes, Xiaoyan, this is your stage." ”

Since then, Xiaoyan's acting career has been thriving, and she has finally become a famous actor. And I am also by her side, guarding the stage of this dream for her.

Life, always in the midst of countless tribulations, has taught us to cherish. And Xiaoyan and I also found our direction in the whirlpool of fate. Every step we take together has become the most precious treasure in each other's lives.

As time passed, Xiaoyan's fame grew, and the theater's business flourished. The boss who used to be full of meat is now much more polite to us, and there is even a little more respect in his eyes. He knew that it was Xiaoyan and I who brought this almost closed theater back to life.

One day, Xiaoyan called me aside, and her eyes sparkled with excitement: "I have an idea, I want to arrange a brand new play, about a brave girl who is not afraid of difficulties and pursues her dreams." ”

I laughed, and I knew that the girl was the epitome of herself: "That's a great idea, you can bring our story to the stage." ”

Xiao Yan nodded, her face filled with joy that her dream had come true: "Yes, I want more people to know that as long as there is a dream, it is possible to achieve it." ”

The process of rehearsing a new play is arduous, but every drop of Xiaoyan's sweat shines with her dedication to her dreams. I was also silently supporting her and preparing everything she needed.

On the day of the premiere, the theater was packed. When Xiaoyan stood in the center of the stage and the light illuminated her, I seemed to see her panicked but determined and brave appearance on that spring afternoon.

At the end of the play, the audience erupted in thunderous applause. Xiao Yan stood at the front of the stage, bursting into tears. She looked over to me, her eyes full of gratitude.

When it was over, I walked onto the stage and gave her a deep hug: "You did it, Xiaoyan, you let everyone see your dream." ”

She smiled, tears still hanging on her cheeks: "We did it, and all this is inseparable from you." ”

At this moment, a familiar figure walked over, it was the man who had threatened us. He looked at Xiao Yan, his eyes were full of pride: "Xiao Yan, your performance today makes me proud of this old man." ”

Xiao Yan smiled slightly: "Thank you, boss." ”

He waved his hand: "Don't call me boss, from today onwards, you are the partner of this theater." ”

We were all stunned, and Xiao Yan was even more surprised and speechless. The once cold-blooded boss was willing to share the theater with her.

Life is always full of surprises. Xiaoyan's persistence and hard work not only made her a famous actor, but also won her a new identity - a partner in the theater.

And in the process, I found my place. I became a playwright in the theater and brought our stories to life one by one.

The years are like songs, Xiaoyan and I have spent countless springs, summers, autumns and winters in the theater. We have witnessed each other's growth, as well as the rise and fall of cinemas.

Until one day, Xiaoyan found me backstage, and her eyes flashed with a certain determination: "I want to go to a bigger stage and see the outside world." ”

I knew it was her new dream, and I couldn't stop it. I smiled and said, "Go ahead, Xiaoyan, go after your dreams." This place will always be your home. ”

She hugged me tightly, tears sliding down my shoulders: "Thank you for accompanying me through all this." ”

I gently pushed her away and smiled: "Don't forget, no matter where you go, I will be behind you, silently supporting you." ”

On the day Xiao Yan left, there was a drizzle in the sky, as if to see her off. I stood at the door of the theater, watching her figure gradually drift away, and my heart was mixed. I know that she may encounter more challenges and difficulties when she goes, but I am sure that she will face them bravely because she always has a dream.

The theater lost Xiaoyan, as if it had lost its soul. Even though I worked hard, I always felt like something was missing. I decided to leave the theater for a while and look for new inspiration. I came to an old town, and I heard that there are a lot of folk tales here, and maybe it will give me new inspiration.

Life in the town is slow, and people go about their lives at a leisurely pace. I met many interesting people here and listened to many touching stories from them. One day, when I was wandering around the square of the town, I saw a familiar figure - Xiaoyan. She stood in the middle of the square, listening intently to the story of an old man.

I walked over and gently patted her on the shoulder. She looked back at me with surprise in her eyes: "Why are you here?" ”

I smiled, "I'm here for inspiration, stop by to see you." ”

Xiaoyan introduced me to the old man: "This is my friend from the theater, and he is a screenwriter. ”

The old man looked me up and down, then smiled and said, "Young man, you are blessed to work with a good actor like Xiaoyan. ”

I smiled modestly and asked, "The story you just told is interesting, can you tell it again?" ”

The old man nodded and began to tell a story about a brave teenager who went through many difficulties in order to save his hometown. I was fascinated by what I heard, and I suddenly had an inspiration in my heart. I said to Xiaoyan, "This story has a lot of potential, we can adapt it into a play." ”

Xiao Yan's eyes lit up: "Really? Then we'll go back and start adapting. ”

In the days that followed, together with Xiaoyan, I adapted the old man's story into a brand new play. This time, I was the screenwriter, and Xiaoyan played the brave boy. We searched the town for the right actors and eventually formed a whole new team.

On the day of the premiere, the theater was packed. When Xiaoyan stood in the center of the stage and the light illuminated her, I seemed to see her panicked but determined and brave appearance on that spring afternoon. At the end of the play, the audience erupted in thunderous applause. Xiao Yan stood at the front of the stage, bursting into tears. She looked over to me, her eyes full of gratitude.

When it was over, I walked onto the stage and gave her a deep hug: "You did it, Xiaoyan, you let everyone see your dream." ”

She smiled, tears still hanging on her cheeks: "We did it, and all this is inseparable from you." ”

This experience taught me that if you have a dream, you can achieve it. And Xiaoyan and I will continue to move forward hand in hand on the road of drama and create more miracles together.