
The most critical battle of the Long March is more dangerous than the capture of the Luding Bridge, and the great man: it must be captured within three days

author:Traveler Claire 3C0

The road of the Long March, forged by blood and fire, is full of bumps and hardships. When the revolutionary pioneers overcame obstacles and trekked through mountains and rivers to the remote city of Lazikou, they faced a severe test. This is the throat of Gansu, the mountain is high and the road is steep, and the enemy army is eyeing it. The great man Mao Zedong judged the situation and issued an order: "Lazikou must be captured within three days!" "A life-and-death decisive battle has begun. Will the steel flood break through the obstacles? Can the flame of revolution burn in a desperate situation? Let us follow in the footsteps of the martyrs and walk into the thrilling battle together.

The most critical battle of the Long March is more dangerous than the capture of the Luding Bridge, and the great man: it must be captured within three days

1. The great significance of the Battle of Lazikou

September 1935 was the difficult years of the Long March. The First Front Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army arrived at Lazikou after trekking through mountains and rivers, which is a pass protected by the natural terrain and is also the choke point to Gansu. The control of Lazikou was of great significance to the Red Army and was related to the future and destiny of the revolution.

This only access road was heavily guarded by the Kuomintang army, and the enemy soldiers were heavily defended by virtue of their excellent geographical location, and once lost, the Red Army would have nowhere to go. In this way, the Battle of Lazikou was written into the life and death book of the Red Army's journey.

The most critical battle of the Long March is more dangerous than the capture of the Luding Bridge, and the great man: it must be captured within three days

Victory in the campaign was an imminent top priority for the Red Army. This is not only a dangerous area, but also the key to the north. Once Lazikou was conquered, the Red Army would be able to break through the encirclement and enter the Hexi Corridor in Gansu, the revolutionary base area. If you can't break through, I'm afraid you can only retreat to the grassland and be gradually consumed by the enemy in the vast desert. Therefore, the capture of Lazikou was crucial to maintaining the revolutionary forces.

Lazikou is the hope of passing on the flame of revolution. At this juncture, the Red Army was determined to move on, even though the road ahead was long. Their belief in the ultimate victory has never wavered. As long as the gate of Lazikou is opened, it will be able to join forces with the Red Army in northern Shaanxi and gather more powerful forces. It can be said that the "load" of the Battle of Lazikou carried the prospects and hopes of the revolutionary cause. Therefore, it was not only a battle, but also a critical moment in maintaining the foundations of the revolution.

In the face of such great significance, Mao Zedong was soberly aware of the severity of the situation. Whether or not the Red Army can break through the encirclement and join forces with the Red Army in northern Shaanxi to establish a new revolutionary base depends entirely on the victory of the capture of Lazikou. Therefore, Chairman Mao personally dialed the front line, ordered that Lazikou must be captured within three days, and personally commanded this battle that would determine the future of the revolution.

2. The first battle was difficult, and the enemy was outnumbered

The canyon at Lazikou is steep, narrow and stretches for several miles. When the Central Red Army arrived here, it was in front of a moat, with rows of ladder-like fortifications rising from the peaks on the opposite bank, and the range of heavy artillery covering the entire canyon. At the beginning of the campaign, it fell into a predicament that was extremely unfavorable to our army.

The most critical battle of the Long March is more dangerous than the capture of the Luding Bridge, and the great man: it must be captured within three days

The 2nd Battalion of the 4th Red Regiment was ordered to be the vanguard, trying to break through the enemy's position directly. They took the platoon as a unit, detoured back to the trail, and quickly approached the wooden bridge in the dark of night. But as soon as they got closer, the enemy returned fire fiercely. The rain of bullets and bullets came to the hood, and many of the vanguard soldiers were pierced alive. Corpses strewn the field, and blood stained the canyon streams red.

The Red Fourth Regiment did not give up, and changed its offensive route again and again, far or near, and scattered the attack. The fighters fought to the death. However, the enemy's fortifications were too strong, and our troops lacked heavy firepower, and the offensive was repeatedly frustrated. By dawn, the battle was still stalemate, and the vitality of the Red Fourth Regiment was greatly damaged.

However, even then, the Red Army fighters never retreated. One by one, they have the will to be martyred, and they regard death as home. They know the most important thing in this battle, and they have to take Lazikou no matter what they want.

The Kuomintang army occupies a favorable position and its morale is also very high. Their general, Lu Dachang, had tasted a great defeat in the Battle of Luding Bridge, and this time vowed to win back the field at Lazikou. They marched step by step, and the walls were clear. In addition to guarding the important places with heavy troops, they also dug deep traps to prevent surprise attacks.

Seeing that the Red Army was attacking more and more urgently, Lu Dachang was even more desperate and sent reinforcements. As a result, the contrast in strength between the two sides was even more widespread, and the Kuomintang army had an absolute advantage. They were convinced that as long as they held Lazikou, the Red Army would be completely exhausted.

The most critical battle of the Long March is more dangerous than the capture of the Luding Bridge, and the great man: it must be captured within three days

For several days, the two sides wrestled their wrists in the Lazikou Gorge and refused to give in to each other. The Red Army soldiers were bloody, thirsty and exhausted. Under Lu Dachang, he was well-equipped and had abundant grain and grass. Although the offensive was difficult, the officers and men of the Red Army cherished the belief that they would win and their fighting spirit was at full strength. Once they conquered Lazikou, they would be able to sweep through the encirclement of the Kuomintang and open up a new avenue for the revolutionary cause.

3. Outwit the trick and turn defeat into victory

After several days of stubborn and desperate fighting, the Red Army's attempt to conquer Lazikou still failed to materialize. The two sides are in a stalemate. Seeing that the minutes were passing by and the Red Army was in danger of being exhausted.

At this critical juncture, the Central Command Headquarters responded to the situation on the spot, resolutely adopted a series of unexpected tricks, and finally turned the tide of the battle.

First of all, the Central Red Army Party member death squad was ordered to make a desperate bet and quietly instigated a death-defying raid at night. They climbed along the cliffs of the canyon and climbed to the commanding heights behind the enemy stronghold in the dark. When the morning dawned, he suddenly outflanked the enemy's defensive position in one fell swoop, inflicting heavy damage on the opponent.

The most critical battle of the Long March is more dangerous than the capture of the Luding Bridge, and the great man: it must be captured within three days

At the same time, the frontal forces are also deploying a jaw-dropping trick. They picked out a skilled warrior and ordered him to carry a large bag of sandbags on his back to cushion the heavy blow, and be ready for anything. As soon as the command was given, the "flying man" jumped down from the height of the mountain wall, flew over the stream bridge in the Lazikou Canyon, and immediately joined his teammates in the position after landing. Seeing this warrior survive the stormy seas, the enemy was all afraid.

The "flying man" then immediately made a homemade wire rope and tied one end of it to the stone on the other side of the wooden bridge. They followed this makeshift rope and rushed through the ravine and river, smashing into the enemy's lair.

Just when the enemy's position began to be embarrassed, Mao Zedong personally commanded in the rear, and deployed and dispatched in real time according to the battlefield information, ensuring the division of labor and cooperation of all troops.

In the face of the Red Army's surprising and winning resourcefulness, coupled with the offensive strategy of internal and external attacks, the Kuomintang army was in great confusion and suffered defeat one after another. Lu Dachang had no choice but to charge and die in person. The rest of the remnants soon surrendered. In this way, in the Battle of Lazikou, the Red Army finally outwitted and regained the initiative.

This hard-fought victory didn't come easily. The soldiers of the Red Army were not afraid of hardships and dangers, regarded death as home, and used iron willpower to complete Chairman Mao's order to capture Lazikou within three days. This battle not only opened up the way to the revolutionary base areas, but also strengthened the confidence of the vast number of officers and men in winning the final victory.

The most critical battle of the Long March is more dangerous than the capture of the Luding Bridge, and the great man: it must be captured within three days

Fourth, the impact of the campaign is of great significance

Although the Battle of Lazikou was only a regional battle in the Long March, its impact touched the future and destiny of the entire revolutionary cause. The significance of this battle is significant and far-reaching.

First of all, it completely smashed the conspiracy of the Kuomintang military to destroy the Central Red Army in one fell swoop at Lazikou. If the Red Army had failed to break through to Lazikou at that time, it would have been besieged by the enemy and exhausted. Once the main force of the Red Army is annihilated, the remaining guerrillas will undoubtedly fall into the dilemma of fighting alone, and it will be difficult to concentrate their forces on a counteroffensive.

The victory in the Battle of Lazikou effectively defended the lifeline of the Red Army and preserved the foundation of the Party. It cleared the way for the successful establishment of a new revolutionary base in the northern Shaanxi Soviet region and laid the foundation for winning the final victory. It can be said that without the battle of Lazikou, the revolutionary cause would have been in jeopardy.

In addition, the Battle of Lazikou further embodied the wise policy decision and correct policy line of the leadership of the CPC Central Committee. In the face of many difficulties, Mao Zedong resolutely commanded in person, judged the situation, and responded to the situation on the spot. He ordered that Lazikou must be conquered within three days, and this determination was firm and vigorous, and finally the goal of the campaign was successfully accomplished.

The most critical battle of the Long March is more dangerous than the capture of the Luding Bridge, and the great man: it must be captured within three days

In the field of combat command, the central authorities have also brought into play their far-sighted wisdom. The "flying man" detour raid and other tricks were taken out one by one, breaking the deadlock between the enemy and us. It can be said that it is the crystallization of the essence and wisdom of the soldiers. It was with such wise and outstanding leadership that the Red Army was able to perform miracles and turn the tide of the war at critical moments.

More importantly, the Battle of Lazikou strengthened the Red Army's officers and men's belief in winning the final victory, and fully embodied their noble spirit of revolution and even in the face of death. In the face of the enemy's obstacles, the officers and men never wavered and fulfilled the orders of the Party Central Committee with iron willpower. This heroic spirit, which can be sung and wept, is precisely the source of the indelible great strength of the revolutionary cause.

In short, the Battle of Lazikou was an important moment in the Long March of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. Its victory not only cleared the way for the later seizure of the base areas, but also gave a more powerful impetus to the revolutionary process, fully demonstrating the wise leadership and firm conviction of the Communist Party of China. This small geographical gateway thus has an immortal significance that will be recorded in the annals of history.

5. Lazikou is brave and immortal

When the battle of Lazikou was raging, a Kuomintang army was fleeing. In their confusion, they encountered a group of Red Army guerrillas dressed as brave people.

The most critical battle of the Long March is more dangerous than the capture of the Luding Bridge, and the great man: it must be captured within three days

The members of the militia asked loudly, "Who are you?" Where to go? The defeated army had no choice but to confess truthfully. The captain of the Minyong immediately asserted: "Since you have lost, you should stay and join the guerrillas!" Follow us, there is hope for the rebuilding of the army in the future. "

As naïve as it sounded, the partisans' words undoubtedly lifted the hearts of the rout. They remembered the revolutionary ideals that followed Dr. Sun Yat-sen, and they could not help but feel a lot of emotion. As a result, the rout stopped fleeing and resolutely joined the ranks of the guerrillas.

This guerrilla force was the famous Soviet Iron Army, and its captain was Chen Changhao, a hero who later became famous at home and abroad. Chen Changhao has always had great ambitions, and he knows that this war cannot be won alone, and all forces that can be united must be united. Since he had finally received the help of the stragglers of the Kuomintang army after going through hardships, he should treat them with sincerity and rekindle their hope for revolution.

In this way, under the inspiration of the guerrillas, this deserter squad suddenly became enlightened, admired and yearned for the Red Army camp from the bottom of their hearts, and decided to follow the Communist Red Army to fight to the end for a long time.

Under the leadership of the Soviet Iron Army, after some arduous days and nights, everyone was finally convinced by the truth of the revolution. They formed a new Red Army, joined the Red Army sequence, became staunch revolutionary fighters.

Immediately after the conclusion of this crucial battle at Lazikou, they joined the ranks of the base areas in northern Shaanxi. Along the way, they fought side by side with the Red Army and fought bloody battles against the enemy. After the vicissitudes of life, all those who had defected completely reversed their minds and became unswerving communists.

It was during this period of training that the personal charm of the Soviet Iron Army and Chen Changhao was revealed, and he was valued by the Party Central Committee, and later joined the Central Red Army with honor and became one of the main forces. As a result, the fragmented and thin Minyong team has unknowingly grown into a strong force like steel, which is indispensable.

This legendary experience is a true portrayal of the afterglow of the battle of Lazikou. It shows that the Battle of Lazikou not only opened the door to the revolutionary base area, but also spiritually united the forces of the Red Army from all walks of life and marched together to the other side of the final victory. As a result, Lazikou became an immortal monument to the heroic struggle of the Red Army.