
Race to the death! The United States imposed 100 percent tariffs on Chinese trams, and China shattered Tesla's illusions

author:Xiao Li speaks

In recent years, the electric vehicle industry has become the focus of global attention, because clean energy has become a hot topic around the world, so electric vehicles as a representative of clean energy, has become a popular area in the domestic and foreign markets, especially in countries with particularly developed production and technology research and development, such as China, the production and sales of electric vehicles have long been far ahead in the world market, ranking first.


Race to the death! The United States imposed 100 percent tariffs on Chinese trams, and China shattered Tesla's illusions

However, Biden is worried about the good sales of electric vehicles in China, and he believes that his interests will be affected by China's positive situation, in order to prevent Chinese electric vehicles from continuing to enter the US market in large quantities, the US Department of Commerce has also begun to plan, and decided to directly raise the tariffs on China's electric car exports to 100%.

Race to the death! The United States imposed 100 percent tariffs on Chinese trams, and China shattered Tesla's illusions

China's foreign ministry said that while the United States has the right to adjust its own tariffs, international trade cooperation should be guided by appropriate principles. China does not prevent other countries from tightening regulation in their own markets, as China has strict operating standards and regulatory regimes that ensure the confidence of international partners.

Race to the death! The United States imposed 100 percent tariffs on Chinese trams, and China shattered Tesla's illusions

China will continue to uphold strict standards to protect the interests and rights of its partners. Such a principled and reasonable approach is in sharp contrast to the shameless behavior of the United States.

Race to the death! The United States imposed 100 percent tariffs on Chinese trams, and China shattered Tesla's illusions

China's electric vehicles have been well received in the international market, and the response from users has been very good. However, the U.S. government's move to impose tariffs is indeed an improper act that goes beyond the reasonable scope of trade protection.

Race to the death! The United States imposed 100 percent tariffs on Chinese trams, and China shattered Tesla's illusions

The healthy operation of the market requires certain institutional norms, but it also requires more open trade relations. The rapid development of the new energy vehicle market shows great potential and prospects, which deserves global attention and support.

Race to the death! The United States imposed 100 percent tariffs on Chinese trams, and China shattered Tesla's illusions

It is normal for countries to have different attitudes towards economic development. The successful development of China's electric vehicle industry has made a positive contribution to the sustainable development of energy worldwide, which is also expected and needed by the world.

Race to the death! The United States imposed 100 percent tariffs on Chinese trams, and China shattered Tesla's illusions

According to the data disclosed by the media statistics, we can clearly see that the number of new energy vehicles in China has shown explosive growth this year, reaching a new high, highlighting the degree of consumer preference for electric vehicles. At the same time, China's electric vehicle technology is constantly innovating and improving, moving from the shortcomings of insufficient range and slow charging in the past to a more mature and reliable stage.

Race to the death! The United States imposed 100 percent tariffs on Chinese trams, and China shattered Tesla's illusions

In the past, electric vehicles had many problems in terms of range and charging speed, but now millions of EV charging stations have been built in major cities in China, and the charging speed has increased significantly, sometimes in as little as five minutes.

Race to the death! The United States imposed 100 percent tariffs on Chinese trams, and China shattered Tesla's illusions

This technological advancement would not be possible without the tireless efforts and continuous research of various teams. As the electric vehicle market continues to grow, consumers' choices are becoming more diverse. Whoever has a good product is qualified to stand out, which should be the constant truth of the market.

Race to the death! The United States imposed 100 percent tariffs on Chinese trams, and China shattered Tesla's illusions

China's electric vehicle market has been a huge success in the United States, with sales continuing to climb and becoming the focus of the electric vehicle industry. Many Americans have also begun to choose Chinese trams, which has attracted the close attention of the Biden administration.

Race to the death! The United States imposed 100 percent tariffs on Chinese trams, and China shattered Tesla's illusions

The U.S. policy of high tariffs exposes its selfish trade mentality, lack of awareness of economic diversity, and determination to work together to promote the global economy, while China has always maintained a friendly trade and economic attitude, hoping to be equal and mutually beneficial with various trading partners.

Race to the death! The United States imposed 100 percent tariffs on Chinese trams, and China shattered Tesla's illusions

The U.S. government's high tariffs on components needed for Chinese electric vehicles could adversely affect the global economy by hindering the export trade of electric vehicles. The trend of economic globalization has become irreversible, and the unilateral approach of the United States can only weaken its position in the international economy.

Race to the death! The United States imposed 100 percent tariffs on Chinese trams, and China shattered Tesla's illusions

Some netizens pointed out that the mainland should also retaliate by taking some sanctions against Tesla to restrict the export of American electric cars.

Race to the death! The United States imposed 100 percent tariffs on Chinese trams, and China shattered Tesla's illusions
Race to the death! The United States imposed 100 percent tariffs on Chinese trams, and China shattered Tesla's illusions
Race to the death! The United States imposed 100 percent tariffs on Chinese trams, and China shattered Tesla's illusions

Some netizens said that we should continue to vigorously reduce our holdings of US Treasury bonds to increase the pressure on the head of the United States.

Race to the death! The United States imposed 100 percent tariffs on Chinese trams, and China shattered Tesla's illusions

Some people also hope to safeguard their interests through international organizations, and call for the WTO to condemn the United States' practice and prevent it from committing such improper acts of imposing high tariffs.

Race to the death! The United States imposed 100 percent tariffs on Chinese trams, and China shattered Tesla's illusions

However, some netizens pointed out that the WTO has lost its effect on an unreasonable country like the United States.

Race to the death! The United States imposed 100 percent tariffs on Chinese trams, and China shattered Tesla's illusions

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