
In 1967, on the eve of returning to the city, the female educated youth unbuttoned her clothes and gave herself to the rural guy to meet again many years later

author:Happiness Breeze I

My name is Lin Xiao, and I am a former female intellectual. Time flies, and now looking back on those years in the countryside, my heart is still full of emotion. That summer of 1967, something happened that changed my life.

In 1967, on the eve of returning to the city, the female educated youth unbuttoned her clothes and gave herself to the rural guy to meet again many years later

It was the eve of returning to the city, and the moonlight was shining in the small courtyard in the countryside, and everything seemed so peaceful and beautiful. I sat quietly on the edge of the bed, my heart filled with mixed emotions. Tomorrow, I will leave the place where I have lived for a few years and return to the city to start a new life. However, there is a trace of reluctance and nostalgia in my heart.

"Xiao, have you slept?" Suddenly, a familiar voice came from outside the door, it was Cuong, the rural guy who had spent a lot of time in the countryside with me. I opened the door and saw him standing there, looking a little nervous and shy in the moonlight.

"Cuong, why are you here?" I asked softly.

"I ...... I'll come and see you. He lowered his head, not daring to look me in the eye.

We sat down on the edge of the bed, and for a moment, no one spoke, and a faint embarrassment filled the air. After a while, Cuong suddenly raised his head, looked at me and said, "Xiao, are you really leaving?" ”

I nodded, tears rolling in my eyes. "Yes, I'm leaving tomorrow."

In 1967, on the eve of returning to the city, the female educated youth unbuttoned her clothes and gave herself to the rural guy to meet again many years later

Cuong took my hand, and his hand was warm and comforted to me. "Xiao, I don't want you to leave. I know there's a big gap between us, but I really like you. ”

I looked at him and my heart was full of emotion. Actually, why don't I like him? In the past few years of getting along, we have experienced many ups and downs together, and I was deeply touched by his kindness and diligence. However, the reality is so cruel that we come from different worlds and are not destined to be together.

"Cuong, I like you too. But we can't be together, our futures are too different. I said softly.

"I don't believe that as long as we love each other, we will be able to overcome all difficulties." Cuong said excitedly.

"Cuong, you don't understand. The gap between us is too big, and when I go back to the city, my life will be completely different. I can't let you suffer with me. "I couldn't help but cry.

Cuong took me into his arms and hugged me tightly. "Xiao, I'm not afraid of suffering. As long as I can be with you, I'm willing to do anything. ”

I leaned into his arms, feeling his warmth and strength. At that moment, I really wanted to just keep leaning on and never leave. But I knew I couldn't do that. I gently pushed him away and stood up.

"Cuong, we can't do this. Tonight, let's say goodbye. I said.

Cuong looked at me with pain and helplessness in his eyes. "Okay, Xiao. Then let's say goodbye. ”

I slowly unbuttoned my shirt, revealing my white skin. Cuong was stunned, he looked at me, overwhelmed.

"Xiao, what are you doing here?" He asked.

In 1967, on the eve of returning to the city, the female educated youth unbuttoned her clothes and gave herself to the rural guy to meet again many years later

"Cuong, this is the last gift I can give you. Let's make a good memory. I said.

Cuong stepped forward and hugged me gently, kissing my forehead, my cheeks, and my lips. At that moment, I felt his deep affection and love, and my heart was full of happiness and satisfaction.

That night, we hugged each other and slept as if time had stopped. However, when the early morning sun shone on our faces, I knew it was all over. I put on my clothes, silently packed my bags, and prepared to leave.

Cuong sent me to the entrance of the village, and he kept looking at me silently, his eyes full of reluctance and nostalgia. "Xiao, you must take care of yourself." He said.

"You too, Cuong. Live well. I said.

I turned away, tears blurring my vision again. I didn't dare to turn back, I was afraid that as soon as I turned around, I couldn't help but stay. I knew that with this departure, maybe we would never see each other again.

After returning to the city, I started a new life. I struggled to adapt to the rhythm and lifestyle of the city, and gradually forgot about those days in the countryside. However, in the dead of night, I always think of Cuong and the moments we spent together.

Time flies, and decades have passed in the blink of an eye. I have gone from a young girl to an old man with gray hair. My life is peaceful and happy, but there is always a trace of regret in my heart. I often wonder what our lives would have been like if I hadn't left Keung.

Until one day, I received a message. Cuong is sick and he wants to see me. I felt a thrill in my heart, and immediately packed my bags and rushed to where he was.

The moment I saw Cuong, I couldn't help but cry. He had become so old and frail that he was nothing like the handsome young man I remembered.

"Xiao, you're finally here." He said.

"Cuong, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm fine, I just want to see you again." He said.

We sat on the edge of our beds, reminiscing about the past. Those good memories seem to come back to my eyes, and I feel extremely warm and happy.

"Xiao, I've never regretted it. Although we are not together, I know that you have always been in my heart. Cuong said.

"Me too, Cuong. I have never forgotten you. I said.

We sat in silence for a long time, as if time had stopped. Finally, Cuong took my hand and slowly closed his eyes.

In 1967, on the eve of returning to the city, the female educated youth unbuttoned her clothes and gave herself to the rural guy to meet again many years later

"Ah Qiang!" I shouted.

But he couldn't hear anymore, and he left this world forever. I hugged his body, tears streaming down my face. I know that my youth and regret are gone with him.

Since then, I have often sat alone in front of the window, reminiscing about my days with Cuong. I know those days are gone, but they remain in my heart forever. Perhaps, this is life, full of regrets and helplessness, but we still have to face it bravely and move on.