
Let's see which year the Rooster has the strongest fortune and popularity

author:Versatile oranges

It is said that this zodiac rooster is always closely associated with auspiciousness and wealth in Chinese culture. Whenever the Year of the Rooster is mentioned, people always think of the traditional meanings related to the rooster, such as "the golden rooster announces the dawn" and "smells the rooster dancing", all of which convey people's beautiful expectations for a new life. And when we count the years of the Rooster, which year of the Rooster has the strongest fortune and popularity? This brings us to the deep meaning behind each Year of the Rooster.

1. Fortune in the Year of the Rooster: The Golden Rooster is independent and prosperous

Let's see which year the Rooster has the strongest fortune and popularity

The chicken, as the unitary of the earthly branch, is gold in the five elements. The golden rooster is independent, a symbol of tenacity and perseverance. This temperament adds an element of stability and perseverance to the fortune of the Year of the Rooster. In particular, certain certain Year of the Rooster highlights its exuberance in terms of financial fortune.

1. Year of the Rooster – 1933, 1993

Let's see which year the Rooster has the strongest fortune and popularity

In the Year of the Rooster, Xin Jin sits in the unitary and is full of gold. Roosters born in this year often have a keen sense of business and financial management ability, and have good financial luck. They know how to seize opportunities and are good at accumulating wealth.

2. Year of the Rooster – 1945, 2005

Let's see which year the Rooster has the strongest fortune and popularity

Otogi meets Youjin, and although the wood is golden, Otogi is flexible and able to dissolve this restraint. Although there may be some twists and turns in their financial fortunes, they can always rely on their wisdom and hard work to turn danger into disaster and achieve ultimate success.

3. Year of the Rooster – 1933, 1993

Let's see which year the Rooster has the strongest fortune and popularity

The fluidity of water and the solidity of gold complement each other. People born in the Year of the Rooster tend to have good financial luck and business acumen, and know how to use resources to gain wealth.

Second, the Year of the Rooster noble popularity: like-minded, extensive contacts

Let's see which year the Rooster has the strongest fortune and popularity

In addition to financial luck, the popularity of the Year of the Rooster is also often paid attention to. In the traditional Chinese concept, a noble person refers to a person who helps, supports, and supports him. So, which of the Year of the Rooster are the most popular?

1. Year of the Rooster – 1877, 1937, 1997

Let's see which year the Rooster has the strongest fortune and popularity

Ding Huo and Youjin form a counter-restraint trend, but Ding Huo has enthusiasm and vitality and can resolve this kind of restraint. People born in the Year of the Rooster tend to have strong interpersonal skills and are able to meet many like-minded friends to help them in their careers and lives.

2. Year of the Rooster – 1869, 1929, 1989

Let's see which year the Rooster has the strongest fortune and popularity

The soil and the gold form a symbiotic trend, and the thickness of the soil and the sharpness of the gold complement each other. People born in the Year of the Rooster tend to have a steady, down-to-earth personality and are able to earn the trust and respect of others, thus building good relationships.

3. Year of the Rooster – 1871, 1931, 1991

Let's see which year the Rooster has the strongest fortune and popularity

Gengjin sits in the unitary, and the gold is pure. People born in the Year of the Rooster tend to have an upright and honest character, and are able to attract many sincere friends to provide solid support for their career and life.

3. The perfect combination of wealth and fortune in the Year of the Rooster and noble popularity

Let's see which year the Rooster has the strongest fortune and popularity

Fortune and popularity are crucial for everyone. In the Year of the Rooster, the two are often able to reinforce each other, bringing good luck and success to those in the Year of the Rooster.

1. Year of the Rooster – 1885, 1945, 2005

Let's see which year the Rooster has the strongest fortune and popularity

The armor wood and the unitary metal form a counterweight to each other, but the armor wood has the power of growth and can resolve this restraint. People born in the Year of the Rooster are often able to find a balance between wealth and popularity, both to gain wealth through their own efforts and wisdom, and to meet many people who will help them.

2. Year of the Rooster – 1873, 1933, 2023

Let's see which year the Rooster has the strongest fortune and popularity

Nonshui and unitary gold form a symbiotic trend, and the fluidity of water and the sharpness of gold complement each other. People born in the Year of the Rooster are often able to achieve a double harvest in terms of financial luck and noble popularity, which can not only obtain rich wealth, but also establish good personal relationships.

Let's see which year the Rooster has the strongest fortune and popularity

The ancients said: "Ji people have their own heavenly appearance". No matter what the Year of the Rooster is, as long as we work hard and be aggressive, we will be able to achieve good results in terms of wealth and popularity. Finally, I wish every friend in the Year of the Rooster can prosper financially and help each other to realize their dreams and ambitions in the years to come. I wish you all the best in the days to come!