
The wind has changed! New energy vehicles or levy "road maintenance fees", 15.52 million pure electric vehicle owners: there are suffering

author:Emotional Dream Weaver

"The wind has changed!"

New energy vehicles may have to levy "road maintenance fees", and 15.52 million pure electric vehicle owners: "There are hardships".

A car worth hundreds of thousands to hundreds of thousands, the collection of "road maintenance fees" is like a fuel car to pay for fuel, will everyone still be willing to buy it?

Should the cost of "no door" be borne by the owner of the vehicle?


Recently, it is rumored that new energy vehicles are expected to officially stop enjoying government subsidies in the coming years, and they will also charge vehicle purchase tax for new energy vehicles, and they will have to pay for "public facilities".

In the eyes of many car owners, the cessation of government subsidies is not a thing, and there is a bottom in the heart of subsidies for car purchases, but to pay vehicle purchase tax and "road maintenance fees" similar to fuel vehicles, it has aroused heated discussions among car owners and netizens.

On the one hand, some people think that new energy vehicles have occupied a large market share, and the price of oil is getting higher and higher, which is itself contributing to the environment, but now they have to pay "no door" fees.

On the other hand, fuel vehicles are now charged "road maintenance fees" for exhaust gases, and new energy vehicles should be paid, or new energy vehicles can be bought early and saved like life insurance.

In the end, how was the new energy vehicle charging policy formulated?

1. Charging policy for new energy vehicles.

According to CCTV news, the news about whether new energy vehicles need road maintenance fees has spread recently, and it has been hyped for a while, and electric vehicle owners are all kinds of frightened.

Although the policy of paying "road maintenance fees" has not yet been introduced, new energy vehicle owners have felt this strong "toll" atmosphere in advance.

How did the charging policy come about?

In 2019, the Ministry of Transport issued the "Interim Measures for the Management of Charging Facilities for New Energy Vehicles", and proposed that new energy vehicles will no longer enjoy the policy of exempting vehicle purchase tax, but will float according to local government prices.

In 2019, new energy vehicles in Beijing did not escape two "taxes", namely vehicle purchase tax and exemption policy.

Since 1999, the mainland has launched a "clean car" policy to support the development of environmentally friendly vehicles, and several cities have successively launched a "dividend" exempt from vehicle purchase tax, with an amount of up to 600,000 yuan.

Beijing's policy of exempting purchase tax has also made many car owners feel the benefits, making the price of new cars significantly cheaper.

However, since 2019, Beijing has also abolished the purchase tax on new energy vehicles, and the subsidies for car purchases have just been reduced, and they have been restricted from buying cars, which has also made car owners panic about the prospect of buying cars.

The wind has changed! New energy vehicles or levy "road maintenance fees", 15.52 million pure electric vehicle owners: there are suffering

Although local governments no longer provide policy support for new energy vehicles, the state still provides subsidies for new energy vehicles.

Before 2019, car owners would feel that the price was cost-effective when they heard that new energy vehicles were exempt from purchase tax.

However, with the change of time, the policy summary of the current foreign policy is that new energy vehicles no longer enjoy these two policies, and they must pay vehicle purchase tax and bear their own public facilities "road maintenance fees".

The wind has changed! New energy vehicles or levy "road maintenance fees", 15.52 million pure electric vehicle owners: there are suffering

The news has sparked discussions between car owners and netizens on the Internet, and car owners have felt more miserable when they take the subway, saying that new energy vehicles "entered the industry" too early, and they did not enjoy the cheap but sucked "blood".

There are also car owners who send out the slogan of the news that spreads: "New energy vehicles, buy early and enjoy early, and buy late is more worry-free".

How is this a different way of expressing the same question?

Why does another person say that if you don't buy it now, you can save more money by buying it next year?

The wind has changed! New energy vehicles or levy "road maintenance fees", 15.52 million pure electric vehicle owners: there are suffering

2. Buy early and enjoy early.

If there is no benefit, it will not be sold, and people are thinking about their future, so people will seize the direction of the wind, and the power to move forward will be greater.

"Buy early and enjoy early" in the slogan, the propagandist refers to the new energy vehicle "early purchase, early enjoyment" thing, from this sentence, the purchase of subsidies, vehicle purchase tax exemption and other welfare policies will end in the coming years.

Therefore, if you buy a car now, the new energy vehicle owner will not only have to bear the cost of vehicle purchase tax, but also pay the "road maintenance fee" for his own public facilities.

The "early" in this sentence refers to the "early" and "late" of new energy car purchases, and benefits such as subsidies for car purchases and exemption from vehicle purchase tax will end in the future.

"Buying late is more worry-free" means that if you buy a new energy vehicle now, the new energy vehicle owner will also have to pay the "no door" fee for buying the car, but if you buy it next year or in the next few years, it will be equivalent to avoiding these "no door" costs.

In the eyes of car owners, new energy vehicle owners buy cars "early" is equivalent to paying more "no door" fees, it is better for new energy vehicle owners to buy cars "late", so that they can save part of the "no door" costs.

On the other hand, some car owners believe that new energy vehicles should pay vehicle purchase tax and public "road maintenance fees".

From the date of driving on the road, fuel vehicles must pay "road maintenance fees" for their own fuel emission exhaust gases.

Compared with the "road maintenance fee" of three or four yuan per liter of fuel vehicles, new energy vehicle owners enjoy the dividend of "free charging".

Why do new energy vehicle owners think that new energy vehicles do not need to pay "public" fees after buying a car?

For new energy vehicle owners, after the purchase of new energy vehicles, several times a year, may not have to pay a "road maintenance fee" once a year, but new energy vehicle owners have to spend time every day to charge their vehicles "maintenance fees".

Therefore, car owners believe that new energy vehicles should pay "no door" fees, and new energy vehicles should also "pay" for public facilities.

3. "Road maintenance fees for fuel vehicles" and "road maintenance fees for new energy vehicles" are different.

Some car owners said that "new energy vehicles also have to pay for public facilities, and the introduction of the policy is more to reflect the continuous increase in the market share of new energy vehicles, and the development trend of new energy vehicles also reflects the mainland's green environmental protection concept."

Electric vehicles do not burn "oil", but they need electricity to charge, which will only increase "pollution" and "emissions" from power generation.

For "green" new energy vehicle owners, even the introduction of policies has bitter water in their hearts.

More car owners believe that the government should be like life insurance, buy early and protect early, so that new energy vehicle owners can enjoy the "welfare" of new energy vehicles, and car owners who will not buy new energy vehicles late have thoughts.

Compared with the exhaust gas emitted by fuel vehicles, they need to pay "road maintenance fees" and "fuel fees", and new energy vehicle owners will think that the free charging policy of new energy vehicles is the real "road maintenance fee".

The process of charging new energy vehicles will increase pollution and emit more harmful gases, and some car owners say that new energy vehicles "take up too much resources".

Not only will new energy vehicles be charged with electricity, but also car owners will charge their own cars, which will increase the use of resources and be detrimental to the environment.

Therefore, new energy vehicle owners should also pay "road maintenance fees".

Another car owner mentioned: "New energy vehicles can be charged every year, but they don't necessarily need to pay 'road maintenance fees' every year, so not everyone has to pay 'road maintenance fees'."

Most netizens also believe that there is no problem with the general direction of new energy vehicles to pay "road maintenance fees", but in the specific implementation process, differentiated fees should be formulated according to factors such as model and mileage, and at the same time give car owners a certain buffer period.

At the same time, the calculation of road maintenance fees should allow car owners to use road maintenance fees to buy fuel, so as to better take care of the needs of new car owners.

For the government's policy of charging taxes or road maintenance fees for new energy vehicles, car owners also provided their own suggestions: "After car owners buy new energy vehicles, they should be exempt from tax or exempt from paying road maintenance fees 5-10, which can not only promote people to buy new energy vehicles, but also allow car owners to have a psychological buffer period."

Fourth, how can the government develop more humane policies?

The government needs to find a balance between encouraging new energy development and equitable burdens.

In terms of formulating a road maintenance fee policy for new energy vehicles, the government can consider extending the exemption period, setting reasonable rates, so that car owners have enough time to adapt to the new policy, and the government can also introduce some incentives.

The end of the subsidy for the purchase of a car is not a big deal for the car owner, and the subsidy for a car is 4-50,000 yuan, which does not make much difference, but if the car owners feel scared, this is not something that the car owner wants to see.

Therefore, the government should pay more attention to the needs of car owners, and also consider the needs of the public.

In terms of power generation, the government can appropriately reduce the emissions of new energy vehicle charging, and at the same time, it can also allow new energy vehicle owners to enjoy more policy price reductions.

The wind has changed! New energy vehicles or levy "road maintenance fees", 15.52 million pure electric vehicle owners: there are suffering

In terms of electric vehicle charging, the government can also provide more charging piles for new energy vehicle owners, and at the same time, it can also be more intelligent, which not only allows new energy vehicle owners to charge more conveniently and quickly, but also increases a certain amount of revenue for the government.

The development of new energy vehicles has just begun, and the government needs to pay more attention to the introduction of policies, and all aspects must be well measured, and all car companies should also develop well.

The wind has changed! New energy vehicles or levy "road maintenance fees", 15.52 million pure electric vehicle owners: there are suffering

The government should give more consideration to the technology and development of new energy vehicles.

First of all, in the environment of new energy development, the government should increase a certain amount of dividends for new energy vehicle owners every time it is charged, and at the same time, it can also allow new energy vehicle owners to send more benefits, so that new energy vehicle owners will become more and more popular.

The government also needs to consider providing better services for car owners on the basis of "road maintenance fees", so that car owners can also experience the benefits of new energy vehicles, so that new energy vehicles can really be popularized.

In order to make the development of new energy vehicles, car companies need to be prepared in terms of technology, technology and marketing strategies, and ensure that the development of new energy vehicles and environmental protection are organically combined.

At the same time, the state should also provide more policy support for the development of new energy, and at the same time, it will also help new energy vehicle companies to do a good job in development, and at the same time, they can also achieve green development and contribute to healthy travel.

Fifth, the charging of new energy vehicles is still "greasy".

With the popularization of new energy vehicles, the government also needs to consider how to build more charging piles and optimize road facilities to provide a better environment for the development of new energy vehicles.

The collection of road maintenance fees for new energy vehicles may become an opportunity to promote new energy technology innovation and increase market competitiveness.

For car companies, the government's policy of levying road maintenance fees for new energy vehicles can also allow car companies to work together to promote the development of new energy vehicles.

The development of new energy vehicles still requires the joint efforts of the government, car companies and consumers to promote the integration of new energy technologies and make the greatest contribution to the environment.

The wind has changed! New energy vehicles or levy "road maintenance fees", 15.52 million pure electric vehicle owners: there are suffering


The R&D and manufacturers of new energy vehicles should also make early preparations and promote new energy vehicles in more fields, so that new energy vehicles can truly contribute to the environment.