
National Table Tennis Head Coach Li Falcon: The Olympic list is produced according to the rules! Wang Manyu was defeated because of insufficient points

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The national table tennis team list for the Paris Olympics was announced, which attracted widespread attention and discussion. The men's singles consisted of Fan Zhendong and Wang Chuqin, the women's singles consisted of Sun Yingsha and Chen Meng, and the mixed doubles consisted of Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha. Wang Manyu's defeat has become the focus of heated discussions.

For this list, we need to look at it objectively from multiple angles. First of all, the change in the rules of the Table Tennis Association has undoubtedly had an impact on the selection of players. The rules have been adjusted to adapt to the evolving sporting landscape in order to select the squad that is best suited to represent the country. This means that players need to constantly adapt to the new rules and improve their competitiveness under the new rules.

National Table Tennis Head Coach Li Falcon: The Olympic list is produced according to the rules! Wang Manyu was defeated because of insufficient points

Results are also an important factor. Fan Zhendong, Wang Chuqin, Sun Yingsha and Chen Meng have all had excellent performances in recent competitions, and they have proved their worth with their results. Although Wang Manyu is also very strong, he may be slightly lacking in some key indicators or competitions, resulting in the final failure to be selected.

Ma Lin affirmed Wang Manyu, which shows that Wang Manyu must have something worthy of recognition in his usual training and performance. Li Falcon said that the change in the rules is to select the strongest team and add glory to the country, which also reflects the determination and pursuit of national table tennis to achieve excellent results in the Olympic Games.

National Table Tennis Head Coach Li Falcon: The Olympic list is produced according to the rules! Wang Manyu was defeated because of insufficient points

We, as spectators, should understand and respect the results of such selections. Each selection is based on comprehensive consideration and trade-offs, not solely based on a single factor. Although Wang Manyu's defeat this time is regrettable, this does not mean that her strength is denied, she is still an excellent member of the national table tennis team.

At the same time, there is no doubt that the successful selection of the contestants has a great responsibility and high expectations. They stood at the height of representing the country, and they condensed the eyes and expectations of countless people. In the upcoming Paris Olympics, they will have to give their all with 12 percent effort and determination, without reservation.

National Table Tennis Head Coach Li Falcon: The Olympic list is produced according to the rules! Wang Manyu was defeated because of insufficient points

They should know that they are not only carrying personal honor, but also the reputation and prestige of the whole country in the field of table tennis. Every game and every point is related to whether the glory of the country can be continued and demonstrated. They need to meet every challenge with firm faith and tenacious perseverance, and no matter how strong the opponent is, they must not flinch or fear in the slightest.

In training, they have to keep improving, constantly improve their technical level and competitive ability, tap their potential, and adjust their condition to the best. When playing, they need to maintain a high level of concentration and calm, use tactics flexibly, and bring out the best in themselves. In the face of pressure, they must learn to transform into motivation, fight with a tenacious fighting spirit, and strive for every possible victory.

National Table Tennis Head Coach Li Falcon: The Olympic list is produced according to the rules! Wang Manyu was defeated because of insufficient points

They want to use their performance to prove to the world the strong strength and profound heritage of Chinese table tennis, win honor for the country, let the five-star red flag fly high on the field of the Paris Olympic Games, and let the passionate melody of the national anthem echo in every corner. They are the pride of the country and the practitioners of sportsmanship, and they have the responsibility and ability to write a glorious chapter of Chinese table tennis at the Paris Olympic Games.

We should trust the decision-making of national table tennis and the professional judgment of the coaching team. They have a wealth of experience and expertise to make choices that are best for the team.

National Table Tennis Head Coach Li Falcon: The Olympic list is produced according to the rules! Wang Manyu was defeated because of insufficient points

For those who unfortunately failed to make the selection, we should give full encouragement and firm support. They have also put in hard work, and they also have the same desire for victory and the pursuit of their dreams, and they cannot negate all their efforts because of a single defeat.

Every unsuccessful contestant has gone through countless days and nights of hard training, and they have endured endless sweat and tremendous pressure. They also have excellent skills and tenacious fighting spirit, but they have not been able to stand out in the cutthroat competition for the time being. The loss and frustration in their hearts can be imagined, and at this time, what they need most is understanding, encouragement and warmth from us.

National Table Tennis Head Coach Li Falcon: The Olympic list is produced according to the rules! Wang Manyu was defeated because of insufficient points

We want them to know that a defeat does not mean failure, but a new beginning. The road of life is always full of ups and downs and challenges, and this is just a small bump in their path. We hope that they will not be discouraged, continue to maintain their love and dedication to table tennis, and persevere in their efforts. In the days to come, we will continue to improve our strength, make up for our own shortcomings, and meet new challenges and opportunities with a fuller mental state.

We look forward to seeing them brave again in the coming competitions to take chances and prove their worth." Because they have unlimited potential, as long as they don't give up, they will definitely be able to achieve their goals. Their fighting spirit is also worthy of our respect and praise, and they are also an important force in the development of China's table tennis industry. Let us use words of encouragement and supporting actions to become a solid force behind them, accompany them through this difficult time, and look forward to them shining brighter in the future.

National Table Tennis Head Coach Li Falcon: The Olympic list is produced according to the rules! Wang Manyu was defeated because of insufficient points

For those successful candidates, we undoubtedly want to give them the most sincere and maximum blessings and expectations. With their own strength and unremitting efforts, they won the opportunity to represent their country in the Paris Olympics.

They are the best of the best from the crowd and carry the expectations and dreams of countless people. We would like to send them our best wishes and wish them all the best in their preparation for the next competition, and they will always be in good health and have a positive attitude. May they continue to push themselves through in the hard training day after day and adjust their condition to the top.

National Table Tennis Head Coach Li Falcon: The Olympic list is produced according to the rules! Wang Manyu was defeated because of insufficient points

We have deep expectations for them and hope that they will be able to perform at their best on the stage of the Paris Olympics. It is expected that they will be able to be calm and calm in the face of strong opponents from all walks of life, and fight every point with exquisite skills and tenacious fighting spirit. It is expected that they can perfectly show the results of their training on weekdays and play the style and momentum of Chinese table tennis.

National Table Tennis Head Coach Li Falcon: The Olympic list is produced according to the rules! Wang Manyu was defeated because of insufficient points

We are well aware that they have a great mission on their shoulders, and they represent the honor and image of the country. Every game, every move, every score they scored, tugged at our heartstrings. We hope that they will leave a brilliant record at the Paris Olympics and win the highest honor for their country. Let us use our most sincere blessings and the most ardent expectations to turn them into the motivation to move forward bravely, inspire them to release their brilliance in the Paris Olympic Games, create their own legends, and bring endless pride and pride to the country and the people.

Every selection is a new beginning, and we look forward to the excellent results of national table tennis in the Paris Olympics and bring glory to the country and the people. At the same time, we also hope that all players can maintain a good state and mentality, continue to improve and improve themselves, and make greater contributions to the development of China's table tennis industry.

National Table Tennis Head Coach Li Falcon: The Olympic list is produced according to the rules! Wang Manyu was defeated because of insufficient points

In short, the announcement of the list of national table tennis teams for the Paris Olympics has sparked extensive discussion, but we should look at it with an objective attitude. We respect the results of the selection, support all the players, and look forward to their outstanding performances in future competitions. This is the attitude and stance that we should have as viewers.

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