
Ten years after the death of the landowner Liu Wencai, the tomb was pried open, and the grave keeper was so anxious that he shouted: You can't dig it

author:Calm thinkers

At the beginning of the 20th century, China was on the cusp of social unrest and political change. In Sichuan Province in particular, local forces collided violently with emerging communist ideas. During this period, the power of the landlord class reached its peak, and the most representative figure among them was Liu Wencai. Liu Wencai was not only a landowner, but also a ruler who skillfully used power and fear to rule, and his methods were cruel and far-reaching. This historical background tells us a story of power, tyranny, and the resistance of the people.

Ten years after the death of the landowner Liu Wencai, the tomb was pried open, and the grave keeper was so anxious that he shouted: You can't dig it

In a vast land in southern Sichuan, Liu Wencai became the undisputed overlord with his rampant and domineering methods. He has used his collusion with local officials to ensure that he has an absolute say in all policymaking, which is often self-serving to the detriment of the people. Heavy taxation has made life even more difficult for already impoverished peasants.

Ten years after the death of the landowner Liu Wencai, the tomb was pried open, and the grave keeper was so anxious that he shouted: You can't dig it

One day, Liu Wencai had a secret conversation with several local officials in his luxurious mansion: "We must tighten our grip on the peasants and make sure they are powerless to resist." ”

"Brother Wencai, it's true, only by letting them live in dire straits, can we have long-term peace and stability." An official chimed in.

Ten years after the death of the landowner Liu Wencai, the tomb was pried open, and the grave keeper was so anxious that he shouted: You can't dig it

At this time, Liu Wencai also set his sights on the more complex and sinister underground world, trying to further expand his influence through cooperation with the Youth Gang and other forces. He even sent his eldest son Liu Bu to be an apprentice to the Qinggang bosses Du Yuesheng, Huang Jinrong and others.

As Liu learned how to survive under the protection of the Green Gang, Liu Wencai established a strong relationship with these Jianghu people. This was a crucial step for his political and economic power.

Ten years after the death of the landowner Liu Wencai, the tomb was pried open, and the grave keeper was so anxious that he shouted: You can't dig it

Over time, oppression and exploitation inspired the peasants to revolt. On a secret night, the Communists lit a spark of hope and called on the peasants to stand up bravely against Liu Wencai's tyranny. They encouraged farmers to participate in the anti-tobacco tax movement and fight for their rights.

Liu Wencai was furious when he learned the news: "These rabbles dare to go against me!" ”

Ten years after the death of the landowner Liu Wencai, the tomb was pried open, and the grave keeper was so anxious that he shouted: You can't dig it

He immediately sent armed forces to surround the place of the secret meeting of the peasants, and a bloody crackdown ensued. Many unarmed peasants and Communists were wiped out in the face of the mighty force.

After that, Liu Wencai held a public trial and put several Communists on the bench. "This is a warning to all those who resist!" He declared indifferently. In full view of the public, several Communists were executed.

Ten years after the death of the landowner Liu Wencai, the tomb was pried open, and the grave keeper was so anxious that he shouted: You can't dig it

Although Liu Wencai's atrocities temporarily deterred the local peasants, his actions also planted a deep hatred in their hearts. This resentment and anger gradually built up in the hearts of the people, and eventually ignited a larger struggle.

Ten years after the death of the landowner Liu Wencai, the tomb was pried open, and the grave keeper was so anxious that he shouted: You can't dig it

As the years passed, Liu Wencai died of illness, leaving behind countless evil deeds and enemies. His burial ground, located in a desolate valley, was supposed to be his permanent resting place. Ten years later, a group of unidentified people opened his tomb. Seeing this, the guardian of the cemetery shouted: "You can't dig! This is blasphemy against our ancestors! But they turned a deaf ear and continued to dig, as if searching for some buried truth or treasure.

In the end, they found no treasure, only churned dirt and more suspicions. This action seems to be a symbolic display of the consequences of Liu Wencai's past, and his crimes will not be forgotten or buried even after his death.

Ten years after the death of the landowner Liu Wencai, the tomb was pried open, and the grave keeper was so anxious that he shouted: You can't dig it

Liu Wencai's story is a cautionary tale about power, greed and the dark side of human nature. He ruled the world with intrigue and violence throughout his life, but in the end, he left the world with only memories of fear and pain. This is not only a historical evaluation of a person, but also a profound reflection on the totalitarianism and oppression of that era.

Ten years after the death of the landowner Liu Wencai, the tomb was pried open, and the grave keeper was so anxious that he shouted: You can't dig it

History is woven through countless such stories, each one reminding us that true strength should not come from oppression and fear, but from understanding and justice. The respect and loyalty, as shown by the guardians of the cemetery, may be the true wealth we should draw from history.