
When I was 7 years old, my father took me to the county seat to see a doctor, and I wanted to stay at my aunt's house, but my aunt refused

author:Mr. Xia has worked hard

Narrator: Wu Xiaoying

When I came home on May Day, my mother told me that my aunt had heart surgery in the provincial capital some time ago and was now recuperating at home. Let my sister and I take some time to visit my aunt's house.

Speaking of this aunt, for so many years, for me, I don't think she exists. For my father, I think it's also chilling! It's just that because of the relationship between relatives, I had to go this way.

Father and three siblings. The father is the second child, with an uncle above and an aunt below. The father is the one who is the least favored and the one who gives the most among these children.

Grandparents prefer uncles. The uncle is good-looking and has a sweet mouth. But the uncle is also cold. Uncle went out to serve as a soldier in his early years. When I came back, I had a job, and I thought I could help my family more. But Uncle didn't.

The grandparents gave everything to Zhang Luo to marry a daughter-in-law. Uncle really married his daughter-in-law and forgot his mother. The uncle directly moved out with the aunt to live.

At that time, my grandfather was not in good health, and the burden of supporting the family naturally fell on my father's shoulders alone. The father is simple and straightforward. Kind and hardworking. It's not as sweet as uncle's. You know how to work.

My aunt lived with my father before she got married. My aunt has a smart brain and studies well. My father couldn't read more because of family reasons, so he wanted my aunt to read more.

At that time, my grandfather couldn't do heavy work. Just take care of the vegetable patch in the yard at home.

At that time, my aunt had to go to the countryside to study, more than 20 miles away from home. At first, she walked to school, but later a classmate in the next village had a bicycle, and she often took her aunt with her.

My aunt really wanted a bicycle at that time. His father spent the evening asking his grandfather to teach him how to weave baskets and baskets, and then sold them to save money to buy a bicycle for his aunt.

When I was 7 years old, my father took me to the county seat to see a doctor, and I wanted to stay at my aunt's house, but my aunt refused

Later, my aunt finally got her own bike. My aunt finished high school and didn't get into college. However, it was also a proper cultural person in that era.

By chance, my aunt married into the county seat. My uncle's family is well-off. People in the village said that my aunt married a good family and had a good life! I don't know how glorious it was for someone to have a relative in the city back then. Everyone else is envious!

In fact, my aunt went home twice after getting married. Once I brought back a bottle of honey for my grandfather, and once I bought a really good little coat for my grandmother.

But every time I go back, my mother brings a large bag with her. What a dish, peanuts. Mushrooms, those. That peanut was taken from the ground every year, and my mother was reluctant to let us eat one. Give it to my aunt, and you can really bring as much as you can.

My house is in front of the hill and there is a hill outside the backyard. My father often took me to play on the hill, where there were peach trees, jujube trees, pear trees, and an apricot tree halfway up the mountain.

In the autumn when I was 7 years old, my father took me to the mountains to pick jujubes, when I came down from the mountain, he didn't pay attention, I rolled down from the top, fortunately, halfway through the roll, was blocked by a mountain apricot tree, if I fell directly from the top, then my little life may not be saved.

At that time, my father and mother were frightened and took me to a rural hospital 10 miles away. It is said that there are some problems with the liver and spleen.

At that time, my father was still worried, so he decided to take me to the county hospital to have a look. My mother told my father that she had just brought something for my aunt. I remember that my mother filled my aunt with half a bag of jujubes and 30 eggs.

When I was 7 years old, my father took me to the county seat to see a doctor, and I wanted to stay at my aunt's house, but my aunt refused

I was very happy to hear that I could go to my aunt's house. My mother repeatedly told me to be obedient and polite when I went to my aunt's house. I nodded vigorously.

There is only one shuttle bus from my hometown to the county seat, which is to go in the morning and go back in the afternoon. Originally, my father thought that it would be too late to take the car home after seeing the doctor.

In order to see a doctor early, I thought about going to the hospital first, and then going to my aunt's house to deliver things after seeing the doctor, and then I went home. I never thought that the hospital in this county is not much more cumbersome than the township to check. After all the examinations were completed and the doctor saw them, it was too late to take the car.

My father said to me, "It's okay!" Let's go to my aunt's house for the night and go back the next day. I was very happy to hear that I could stay at my aunt's house. I told my father that I hadn't seen my aunt for a long time, and that she must have been very happy when we went to see her this time. I chattered with my father. Father laughed and said yes.

When my father and I went to my aunt's house, my aunt was not as enthusiastic as she imagined for us, and she was stunned at the door. It took a while to let us into the house.

After my aunt finished speaking, I was about to go into the house, but my father grabbed me, and I noticed the clean floor of my aunt's house, but my aunt did not bring me and my father slippers. In the end, my father and I went barefoot.

The father left the things he had brought for his aunt at the door and told her that he had brought her dates and eggs. My aunt said that she didn't need to take it, she didn't lack anything.

My aunt then asked why we came here all of a sudden? My father was talking to my aunt, and I ran to the couch. I saw white rabbit toffee and biscuits on the coffee table. My drooling water. Wait for my aunt to get it for me.

When I was 7 years old, my father took me to the county seat to see a doctor, and I wanted to stay at my aunt's house, but my aunt refused

As soon as my aunt turned around and saw me, she came over. I was happy and thought that my aunt must have come to fetch me something to eat. But my aunt just came over and wiped my pants on the sofa.

At this time, my father said to my aunt: "Da Chun (aunt's nickname), there is no car this time, can you let me and Xiaoying stay here for one night?"

My aunt was very embarrassed at this time, and said to her father: "Second brother, it's not that I don't want you to live, it's just that this house is small, and besides, your brother-in-law doesn't like outsiders to come to the house."

When my father heard my aunt say this, he took me by the hand and said to her, "Da Chun, don't be embarrassed. I'll leave with Xiaoying. ”

My father dragged me out the door, and my aunt only said behind us, "Second brother, I'll go back to see you when I'm free." Then there was a thud to slam the door shut. My aunt didn't come out to see me and my father.

At that time, my father stopped and said to me: Xiaoying, you have to fight! Study hard to get into university! Actually, at that time, I was still ignorant of my father's words! Still, I nodded vigorously in agreement.

I walked with my father for a long time, and I found a very small hotel to stay in, and my father bought me a pancake, which he wanted me to eat by myself, and in the end I gave half of it to my father.

When I got home the next day, my father told my mother that my aunt had changed. It's not like it used to be. The mother also said: Maybe my aunt is really embarrassed!

It was only for many years that my father did not want to mention my aunt again. And I, I have always remembered the White Rabbit gummies and cookies vividly!

After that, all three of us were admitted to university and stayed in other places after graduation. My aunt has also started to move around in recent years, but the relationship with my father is not so salty. However, my mother was a kind and open-minded person. Every time my aunt came, my mother was hospitable. When she left, she would bring some millet and cornmeal, which she loved to eat.

When I was 7 years old, my father took me to the county seat to see a doctor, and I wanted to stay at my aunt's house, but my aunt refused

This time I went to my aunt's house to see her, and I went with my sister, who was driving. We went to the supermarket and bought milk and fruit, and then each gave 500 yuan.

My aunt and uncle were very welcoming. My aunt also said that her niece was still worried about her, so she went all the way. However, in my heart, I can't get close to it! I don't even want to be polite on the surface. I can't be as open-minded as my mother!