
Allen and Chen Qiaoen won the most disappointing male and female protagonists of the golden broom, netizens: Is this super or super disappointed

author:Free lamb Nmv

Super Disappointment: "Super Family" Becomes the Golden Broom 'King of Bad Movies'

At the 15th Golden Broom Awards, a film called "Super Family" became the focus of the night, but not because of its radiance, but because it sat firmly on the throne of the 'king of bad movies'. The film not only disappointed the audience, but also made the judges rate it "the most disappointing film" without hesitation.

Allen and Chen Qiaoen won the most disappointing male and female protagonists of the golden broom, netizens: Is this super or super disappointed

Director Song Yang, a director who was once well-known in the film industry, won his first "Most Disappointing Director" award this time. And actor Allen, who has been hovering on the list of Golden Broom Award nominees many times, finally won the title of "Most Disappointing Actor" with his performance in "Super Family".

Allen and Chen Qiaoen won the most disappointing male and female protagonists of the golden broom, netizens: Is this super or super disappointed

Netizens ridiculed this: "Is this a superpower or a super disappointment?" "Is Alan's superpower a disappointing ability? These comments are not only humorous, but also reflect the gap between the audience's expectations of the quality of the film and the reality.

Allen and Chen Qiaoen won the most disappointing male and female protagonists of the golden broom, netizens: Is this super or super disappointed

Love scam: "Can You Don't Leave Me" gets a golden broom

The romance film "Can You Don't Leave Me" did not escape the label of "bad movie" at this year's Golden Broom Awards, and became another "winner" of "the most disappointing film" side by side with "Super Family".

Allen and Chen Qiaoen won the most disappointing male and female protagonists of the golden broom, netizens: Is this super or super disappointed

The film's directors, Wang Ziming, Xiao Fei and Song Yang, shared the title of "Most Disappointing Director", while the lead actor Chen Qiaoen became the "Most Disappointing Actress".

Allen and Chen Qiaoen won the most disappointing male and female protagonists of the golden broom, netizens: Is this super or super disappointed

Netizens' evaluation of this movie is quite ironic: "Is this a romance film or a 'love deception'?" "Does Chen Qiaoen's acting skills make people 'can you stop watching it'? These comments not only reveal the audience's dissatisfaction with the film's content, but also reflect concerns about the quality of the film industry.

Allen and Chen Qiaoen won the most disappointing male and female protagonists of the golden broom, netizens: Is this super or super disappointed

Comedy tragedy: "Bei'er likes you" likes to mention the golden broom 'double yolk eggs'

Guo Dalei's romantic comedy "Bei'er Likes You", written and directed by Guo Dalei, is not far behind at the Golden Broom Awards, and won the double "honor" of "the most disappointing film" and "the most disappointing screenwriter" in one fell swoop.

Allen and Chen Qiaoen won the most disappointing male and female protagonists of the golden broom, netizens: Is this super or super disappointed

Although the male protagonist Jia Bing "lost" in the "competition" with Allen and failed to win the "Most Disappointing Actor", the "achievement" of this movie is enough for the audience to remember.

Allen and Chen Qiaoen won the most disappointing male and female protagonists of the golden broom, netizens: Is this super or super disappointed

Netizens' comments on this were full of humor: "Is this a comedy or a 'tragedy'? "Is Jia Bing 'Bei'er' disappointed? These reviews not only ridicule the quality of the film, but also reflect the gap between the audience's expectations for a comedy film and the actual experience.

Allen and Chen Qiaoen won the most disappointing male and female protagonists of the golden broom, netizens: Is this super or super disappointed

Summary of controversy: The Golden Broom Award, is it a spur or a mockery?

The announcement of the Golden Broom Award has undoubtedly set off a wave in the film industry. On the one hand, it is seen as a spur to the quality of the film industry, encouraging filmmakers to continuously improve the quality of their works; On the other hand, there are also those who see it as a mockery and disrespect for filmmakers. In any case, the existence of the Golden Broom Award has sparked extensive discussions among the audience and industry insiders.

Allen and Chen Qiaoen won the most disappointing male and female protagonists of the golden broom, netizens: Is this super or super disappointed

It is not only an evaluation of the quality of the film, but also a reflection on the film industry. In this controversial topic, we hope that filmmakers can learn from it and create more excellent works, so that the audience will no longer have a 'super disappointed' experience." At the same time, we also hope that the Golden Broom Award can continue to play its positive role and become a catalyst for the progress of Chinese films.

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