
Those trivia facts from history that give you goosebumps!

author:Morimori Samurai

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Those trivia facts in history that give you goosebumps!

In the thick pages of history, there are countless shocking trivia, which are like treasures sealed by the dust of time, once uncovered, they make people shudder and send chills down their spines. Today, let's explore these little-known secrets and experience those historical moments that give you goosebumps.

1. Qin Shi Huang's "Path to the Netherworld"

Qin Shi Huang, the great emperor who ruled the six kingdoms, his great achievements are breathtaking. However, behind his brilliance, there is a creepy "Netherworld". It is said that Qin Shi Huang sent a large team to the overseas Immortal Mountains in search of the elixir of immortality. Before setting out, this team was ordered by Qin Shi Huang to build a secret passage to the underground palace as a retreat after their defeat. This secret passage is known as the "Netherworld's Path" because it is buried deep underground and winds like a passage to the Netherworld.

Imagine the fear and despair that this team would have felt when they had to return along this secret passage after returning from the Immortal Mountain in vain. In the narrow and dark passage, they could only rely on the faint light of the fire to move forward, and from time to time there was the sound of dripping water and the distant wind in their ears, as if countless ghosts were crying in low voices. This terrifying atmosphere is enough to give people goosebumps on the ground.

2. The "Silent Night" of the Tang Dynasty

Behind the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, there was an incredible regulation - "silent night". Every night, the entire city of Chang'an falls into a dead silence, as if all the sounds have been swallowed up by some mysterious force. This rule stems from the Tang government's strict management of social security, which considered the night to be the time of high crime, and therefore forbade the people to make any noise at night.

Those trivia facts from history that give you goosebumps!

However, this regulation has caused great inconvenience and distress to the residents of Chang'an City. Those who need to go out at night to work or run errands, have to act secretly at the risk of being penalized. Those who wake up at night are left alone in their beds, listening to their breathing echo in the silence of the night. This atmosphere of loneliness and oppression makes people feel creepy.

3. The "Ghost Shadow Palace" of the Ming Dynasty

In the Forbidden City of the Ming Dynasty, there was a little-known school - "Ghost Shadow Palace Learning". This school was set up for the eunuchs in the imperial palace and was designed to cultivate their cultural literacy and loyalty. However, the teaching methods and atmosphere of this school are extraordinarily eerie.

It is said that in the "Ghost Shadow Palace", eunuchs not only have to learn traditional cultural knowledge such as a subset of scriptures and histories, but also receive some mysterious training. These trainings include walking alone in the palace at night, searching for hidden clues in the dark, etc. These trainings not only tested the courage and wisdom of the eunuchs, but also made them feel the strangeness and horror of court life.

In addition, the school building of the "Ghost Shadow Palace" is also extremely eerie. It is said that the school is located in a remote corner of the Forbidden City, surrounded by tall walls and dense trees. At night, there are strange noises and strange noises that seem to be roaming around the area. This eerie atmosphere is reminiscent of those terrifying legends and stories about the court.

Fourth, the Qing Dynasty's "blood draft"

During the Qing Dynasty, the draft system became a dream opportunity for countless young girls. However, behind this glory, there are countless girls' blood, tears and bitterness.

Those trivia facts from history that give you goosebumps!

In the draft of the Qing Dynasty, only women from noble families of the Eight Banners were eligible to participate. These women need to go through layers of screening and investigation, including appearance, talent, morality and other aspects. However, the process was unusually brutal and unforgiving. Many women were eliminated from the selection process for various reasons, and some even committed suicide because they could not bear the blow.

And those women who were lucky enough to be selected had to give up their original lives and relatives and enter the palace to become the emperor's concubines or palace maids. In the palace, they have to face strict rules and institutions, and lose their freedom and individuality. At the same time, they also have to face fierce competition and court struggles, and if they are not careful, they may lose the favor and status of the emperor. This cruel reality makes people feel sorry and sympathy for those women who were selected.

5. The tragedy of human martyrdom in ancient times

In ancient China, human martyrdom was an extremely cruel and barbaric custom. When a nobleman or emperor died, their relatives or slaves were forced to accompany them to burial. These people are usually buried alive or poisoned to accompany their owners to rest in the ground. This system lasted for a long time in Chinese history and was not completely abolished until the Qing Dynasty.

Imagine the fear and despair of those who were forced to accompany them as they faced a life-or-death choice. They are ruthlessly deprived of their lives and dignity, falling victim to power and status. Although the abolition of this system is a liberation and respect for human nature, the souls of those who were once forced to be buried will never be able to rest in peace.

These historical trivia gives us a deeper understanding of the social system and cultural traditions of ancient China. They not only make us marvel at the complexity and diversity of history, but also make us think more about and sympathize with the living conditions and destiny of ancient people. These trivia not only have high historical value and research significance, but also inspire our awe and respect for history.

So, what kind of warning do these historical trivians give us? They make us aware of the cruelty and ruthlessness of history, and at the same time remind us to cherish our lives in the present

Those trivia facts from history that give you goosebumps!

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