
Fu Zuoyi's daughter, who has made great contributions to the peaceful liberation of Beiping, what is the outcome after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

author:Xu Shishi said

Fu Zuoyi was a famous warlord during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, who commanded the army of the Nationalist Government to fight against Japan. However, in the final stage of the Liberation War, Fu Zuoyi ushered in a difficult choice. As a father, he naturally hopes that his children will be safe, but as a warlord, he will inevitably be involved in the whirlpool of civil war. In the end, it was Fu Zuoyi's eldest daughter Fu Dongju who played a key role. She not only persuaded her father to reach an agreement on the peaceful liberation of Beiping, but also made great efforts to achieve this. What is commendable is that Fu Dongju is not just out of family affection, but more out of a patriotic heart. So, what exactly did this young woman contribute to in the process? How did she resolve the conflict with her father? After the founding of the People's Republic of China, what will happen to her?

Fu Zuoyi's daughter, who has made great contributions to the peaceful liberation of Beiping, what is the outcome after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

Fu Dongju's anti-Japanese background

Fu Zuoyi's daughter, who has made great contributions to the peaceful liberation of Beiping, what is the outcome after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

The land of Jianghuai produces heroes, and the vicissitudes of life cast loyal souls. When it comes to the Huai'an Zhou family, everyone knows it. In this illustrious family back then, an extraordinary daughter was also born - Fu Dongju.

As the eldest daughter of the famous anti-Japanese general Fu Zuoyi, Fu Dongju grew up in a family with a privileged environment since she was a child. Although her mother Zhao is not a famous family, she is good at housework, teaches her children, and her father's military career is famous, so the family is rich and can be described as living and working in peace and contentment.

However, as a lady from a scholarly family, Fu Dongju has received a good family education since she was a child. Since she was a child, she has shown extraordinary intelligence and independent personality. Although there are many servants in the family, she is never indulgent, but hardworking and capable, and takes care of her own life.

Fu Zuoyi's daughter, who has made great contributions to the peaceful liberation of Beiping, what is the outcome after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

Her father, Fu Zuoyi, was also a literate person when he was young, and later joined the army, engaged in teaching for a period of time, and attached great importance to his daughter's education. When he was a child, he personally named Fu Dongju "Dong Ju", taking the meaning of "proud frost upright", hoping that she could stand proudly in the severe winter adversity.

Later, under the careful cultivation of his family, the intelligent Fu Dongju was successfully admitted to Nankai Middle School. In this prestigious and well-known university, she is not only diligent and studious, but also has a lot of exposure to new ideas and new cultures, which further broadens her horizons and lays the foundation for her character to be fearless and brave to climb new heights in the future.

The Liberation War uprising defected to the revolutionary camp

Fu Zuoyi's daughter, who has made great contributions to the peaceful liberation of Beiping, what is the outcome after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

The beacon fire continues, and the good years burn the "red" heart. With the successive victories of the War of Liberation, the flame of ideological emancipation has been quietly ignited throughout the country. Even in the home of Fu Zuoyi, a stubborn warlord, it is difficult to escape the rolling tide of the torrent of this era.

Fu Dongju, who was in the prime of life at the time, was a progressive-minded intellectual, and she had long hated the dark status quo under the rule of the Kuomintang. During her studies in Nankai, she began to come into contact with emerging trends of thought such as Marxism, and gradually established the ideal and ambition of fighting for national independence and people's liberation.

After graduating from university, she first worked on the news front and published a lot of texts that reflected social reality. This laid a solid foundation for her to join the underground party in the future. Sure enough, in 1948, she resolutely joined the Communist Party of China and became an underground party member.

Fu Zuoyi's daughter, who has made great contributions to the peaceful liberation of Beiping, what is the outcome after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

As the party's secret intelligence officer, Fu Dongju began to shoulder the arduous task of transmitting important information. She skillfully used her father's power to "suppress the general" and obtained many special passes and certificates, providing a large amount of valuable military information for the liberated areas.

During this period, she was almost hanging by a thread. When night fell, she disguised herself as a petty merchant and peddler, and took advantage of the darkness to sneak out of the station and go to the streets of the city to get in touch with the party's underground workers and exchange the latest information.

Time and again, she risked her life to send the latest military intelligence to the base areas behind enemy lines. She understands that the slightest negligence can lead to devastating consequences. But revolutionary conviction was the greatest driving force for her.

Fu Zuoyi's daughter, who has made great contributions to the peaceful liberation of Beiping, what is the outcome after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

Sometimes, in order to hide people's eyes, she also took advantage of the privilege in the hands of her father Fu Zuoyi to transport some urgently needed medical supplies, arms and ammunition for the party organization. She cautiously hid these things in the secret compartment of her home, waiting for an opportunity to transfer them out.

In the dead of night, she stayed up all night alone, fearing that the munitions would be discovered and cause trouble. But she never showed the slightest weakness and retreated, just because the great trust of the motherland and the people made her fearless.

It was not until the beginning of 1949 that the Battle of Beiping began. At that time, Fu Zuoyi personally led the Kuomintang army to insist on defending Beiping and encountered a stubborn confrontation with the People's Liberation Army. In order to liberate Beiping as soon as possible and avoid excessive casualties, the Party Central Committee urgently needed someone to do Fu Zuoyi's work. And Fu Dongju, with her daughter's kinship, became the best candidate.

Fu Zuoyi's daughter, who has made great contributions to the peaceful liberation of Beiping, what is the outcome after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

The key mediation for the peaceful liberation of Beiping

At the beginning of 1949, the war of liberation entered the final decisive stage. The People's Liberation Army's ironclad torrent soon surrounded Beiping. As a diehard of the Kuomintang, Fu Zuoyi naturally could not sit idly by and watch the loss of Beiping, and he personally led heavy troops to defend this ancient capital.

The two sides are on the verge of breaking out, and the rain of bullets seems inevitable. However, the Party Central Committee wanted to avoid unnecessary sacrifices as much as possible, especially to protect the densely populated city of Beiping from the ravages of war. As a result, the special role of Fu Dongju was given an important mission.

Fu Zuoyi's daughter, who has made great contributions to the peaceful liberation of Beiping, what is the outcome after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

As Fu Zuoyi's only daughter, Fu Dongju knows her father's temperament well. She knew her father's stubbornness and determination to change the situation. But as an underground party member, she also has the responsibility to consider the interests of the party and the people.

So, Fu Dongju began a protracted lobbying. During the day, she never left her father's side, and communicated with him about the changes in the situation step by step; In the dead of night, she secretly flipped through the party's propaganda publications for her father, hoping to break his ideological shackles.

At that time, the People's Liberation Army had completely encircled Beiping and could launch a general offensive at any time. The grandson's troops were well organized and heavily guarded the city; Inside, Fu Zuoyi led the national army to hold on to the city with heavy troops, and the defense was strong. The two sides are deadlocked, and the outcome is unpredictable.

Fu Zuoyi's daughter, who has made great contributions to the peaceful liberation of Beiping, what is the outcome after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

At this critical juncture, Fu Dongju was ordered to go to Xibaipo, the seat of the Party Central Committee, to ask for instructions from the supreme leader. She personally reported to the leaders the latest developments in the military situation in Beiping and conveyed her father's current thoughts and attitudes.

After repeated deliberations, the leaders finally made a decision: Fu Dongju personally persuaded Fu Zuoyi to strive to liberate Beiping through peaceful means and avoid a recurrence of the tragedy. If this is not possible, the PLA will have to be forced to launch a general offensive.

This was undoubtedly a difficult task, but Fu Dongju did not flinch in the slightest. She knows very well that this is the great trust entrusted to her by the party and the people, and it is also her own long-cherished wish. She immediately returned to Peking and began the final sprint.

Fu Zuoyi's daughter, who has made great contributions to the peaceful liberation of Beiping, what is the outcome after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

In the face of her stubborn father, she patiently enlightened and persuaded and told the story. Sometimes she is moved by her feelings as a daughter, and sometimes she is outspoken as a party. Her words are sincere and moving, and the father and daughter have experienced many verbal confrontations.

During this period, Fu Dongju always paid attention to his father's mood fluctuations and reported the progress to the Party Central Committee in a timely manner. According to the instructions of her superiors, she changed her tactics and tone from time to time, hoping to finally impress the stubborn warlord.

Incognito after the founding of the People's Republic of China

Fu Zuoyi's daughter, who has made great contributions to the peaceful liberation of Beiping, what is the outcome after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

Succeed and retreat, and the smoke of gunpowder dissipates. In October 1949, Peking was peacefully liberated, and this ancient city was averted a catastrophe with the efforts of Fu Dongju and others. Soon after, the People's Republic of China came into being, and the dawn of new China finally shone into every corner.

As a core figure who made great contributions to the peaceful liberation of Beiping, Fu Dongju could have counted on high-ranking officials to live a carefree life. But she did not do this, but was humble and low-key, incognito, and continued to serve the people and dedicate her strength.

At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, as an underground party member and journalist, she was naturally arranged to continue working on the news front. Whether she is engaged in news gathering and editing, or planning to start newspapers and magazines, she has unreservedly devoted all her efforts.

Fu Zuoyi's daughter, who has made great contributions to the peaceful liberation of Beiping, what is the outcome after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

Although his father Fu Zuoyi was unable to embrace the embrace of New China in the end, this did not affect Fu Dongju's selfless dedication to the cause of the party and the people. On the contrary, it was precisely because of her father's regret that she was more unswervingly devoted to the great cause of building New China.

In addition to journalism, Fu Dongju also uses her special identity and influence to actively participate in various social welfare activities. She has repeatedly reflected the demands of the masses to the relevant departments and worked for the welfare of the people.

For example, when she learned that a poor county had suffered a serious natural disaster, she immediately rushed to the scene to evacuate the affected people and coordinate related rescue efforts. From the preparation and deployment of relief supplies to the planning of rebuilding homes, she was involved in the whole process to ensure that the victims could regain their lives as soon as possible.

Fu Zuoyi's daughter, who has made great contributions to the peaceful liberation of Beiping, what is the outcome after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

Under her influence, many celebrities have also joined in public welfare and charity. Some were descendants of powerful families, while others were red-capped merchants of the old days. Regardless of their background, under the leadership of Fu Dongju, they all realized the importance of serving the people.

In this way, with Fu Dongju's unremitting efforts, public welfare charities have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, benefiting tens of thousands of ordinary families. She has personally participated in the establishment of a number of charitable foundations and held key positions in which she was directly responsible for the operation and management of the funds.

In the moment when she holds flowers and the crowd cheers, Fu Dongju is always humble, and she insists that she is just doing her part. It is the care and cultivation of the party and the people that has enabled her to have everything she has today.

Fu Zuoyi's daughter, who has made great contributions to the peaceful liberation of Beiping, what is the outcome after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

In her later years, this heroine, who had been at the forefront of the party-state work several times, did not choose to live a life of idle clouds and wild cranes, but lived a simple life. She often recalls her youth

Extraordinary tenacity in the course of the revolution

Time flies. In the blink of an eye, Fu Dongju has entered the final stage of her life. But this heroine, who has made several outstanding achievements, still maintains her former demeanor and noble sentiments in her deathbed.

Fu Zuoyi's daughter, who has made great contributions to the peaceful liberation of Beiping, what is the outcome after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

Looking back on her life, it can really be described as vicissitudes and twists and turns. From being born in a famous aristocratic family to devoting himself to the revolutionary cause; From the underground intelligence agent of the secret work party to the hero of the new China, everything she has experienced can be described as thrilling.

But no matter what the circumstances, she always maintained her indomitable revolutionary will. It is this tenacity that has given birth to those earth-shattering feats. Otherwise, how could she be fearless in the rain of bullets and bullets, and go to the soup for the party and the people?

In fact, as early as before the peaceful liberation of Peking in 1949, Fu Dongju had shown extraordinary courage and wisdom many times. For example, in the process of secretly collecting military intelligence, she has experienced many life and death tests.

On one occasion, she disguised herself as a peddler and infiltrated the walls of the enemy camp, only to be stopped and questioned by a heavily guarded checkpoint. At the moment of crisis, she was witty and composed, and in a fluent local accent, she quibbled that she was going to the city to catch the market, and was quickly released. But her heart hung in her throat, for fear that her small mistake would cause a big disaster.

On another occasion, she encountered an unexpected situation while transporting munitions, and the cargo of a transport truck was stopped for inspection. At that moment, time seemed to stand still, and her brain was running at high speed to respond. In the end, with an extremely calm expression, she used fictitious reasons to prevaricate and pass the test, so that the important materials were safely transferred.

Whenever she encounters such a critical juncture, Fu Dongju never panics, she can always deal with it calmly. And this composure stems from her firm belief in the revolutionary cause. For the trust of the party and the people, she is willing to gamble her life.

Even at the critical moment of the peaceful liberation of Beiping, she never flinched in the face of her stubborn father. She persuaded with her daughter's affection, mediated as a party member, and finally persuaded the stubborn warlord by all means. In the end, she avoided a catastrophe in Beiping.

Since then, although she has lived a simple life incognito, she still dedicates all her strength. She always had a pure heart and was determined to serve the people, and this tenacity continued until the last moments of her life.

In her later years, when someone praised her for her outstanding contributions to the construction of New China, she always modestly waved her hand and said: "I just did my little bit of strength." I am far more than a people's hero. "