
Every man should know about health, do you really know these few?

author:Po talks about health

In modern society, men often neglect to pay attention to their health because of their busy schedules. However, health is the cornerstone of quality of life, and men of every age should know and practice relevant health knowledge to ensure good health and stay away from diseases.

Every man should know about health, do you really know these few?

1. Hygiene and care of private parts

Hygiene of men's private parts is crucial. Cleaning of the penis and testicles should be done daily, with clean water, and avoid the use of harsh cleansing solutions. For men with long foreskin, the foreskin should be pulled back and washed thoroughly to prevent bacterial growth. When wearing, you should avoid tight pants or underwear to reduce the pressure on the genitals and the increase in local temperature, which affects the quality of sperm.

2. Testicular self-examination and abnormal observation

Asymmetry in the size and position of the testicles is normal, but a testicular self-exam should be done at least once a month to check for abnormalities such as lumps, tenderness or irregularities. If you find something abnormal, you should seek medical attention immediately. In addition, pay attention to the color and texture of semen, and if there is any abnormality, you should also check it in time.

Every man should know about health, do you really know these few?

3. Urination habits and urinary system health

Changes in urination habits, such as urinary frequency, urgency, increased nocturia, or difficulty urinating, may be a sign of urinary disorders. Regular digital anal examination can help to detect low rectal cancer, prostate disease, etc. early.

4. Regular physical examination and disease prevention

After the age of 45, men should have regular prostate-specific antigen tests, and after the age of 50, screening for colorectal, lung, and liver cancers should be increased. Sexually active men who receive the HPV vaccine can protect against cancers caused by HPV.

5. Lifestyle and health

Refusing bad lifestyle habits such as staying up late, smoking, and drinking alcohol can take a toll on the body. Maintaining a healthy diet and reducing the intake of high-sugar and high-fat foods can help maintain good physical condition.

Every man should know about health, do you really know these few?

6. Mental health and socialization

Mental health should not be overlooked. Professional help should be sought in the face of stress and emotional problems. At the same time, staying socially active and keeping in touch with family and friends can improve quality of life and reduce loneliness.

7. Sexual Health and Fertility

Sexual health is an important part of men's health. Educating about sexual health, using safe measures, and getting regular tests for sexually transmitted diseases are essential to maintaining sexual health. For fertility problems, if you have not been trying to conceive for more than a year, a semen analysis should be done.


Men's health needs to start with every little detail of life. By understanding and practicing the above health knowledge, diseases can be effectively prevented and quality of life can be improved. Remember, health is a lifelong investment that deserves the attention and maintenance of each of us.

Every man should know about health, do you really know these few?