
The United States is developing genetic weapons against China and Russia! Fudan has made public China's genetic information, is it not afraid of being used?

author:Shen Yanzhi
The United States is developing genetic weapons against China and Russia! Fudan has made public China's genetic information, is it not afraid of being used?
The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.


The United States has spared no effort to obtain human genes, but Fudan University and other research institutions have directly published research on the pan-genome of Chinese in authoritative journals, which can't help but make people question, is it really not afraid of being used?

The United States is developing genetic weapons against China and Russia! Fudan has made public China's genetic information, is it not afraid of being used?

Fudan has made public information about China's genes

In June 2023, Fudan University, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China Medical University and other 26 units jointly initiated a research on the Chinese Population Pan-Genome Alliance, achieved important results, and published a paper in the authoritative journal Nature.

The United States is developing genetic weapons against China and Russia! Fudan has made public China's genetic information, is it not afraid of being used?

The success of this project shows our country's outstanding advantages in genome research, but at this time, the United States is also trying its best to extract the basis from the Chinese.

Source: "Publishing the <自然>Pan-Genome Reference Map of 36 Ethnic Groups in China to Help Solve the Genetic Factors of Complex Diseases" - The Paper 2023-06-15
The United States is developing genetic weapons against China and Russia! Fudan has made public China's genetic information, is it not afraid of being used?

Fudan University published the whole genome research results of Chinese in well-known foreign journals, which made many netizens begin to worry, will the exposure of these results bring a potential threat to our country?

Source: "The first pan-genome reference map exclusive to the Chinese population!" Fudan, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and other teams <自然>released results in the main journal"——Fudan University News 2023-06-15
The United States is developing genetic weapons against China and Russia! Fudan has made public China's genetic information, is it not afraid of being used?

We must know that biological and chemical weapons are the main research objects of the United States and some European countries, and if the DNA defects of the Chinese are detected, the United States is very likely to develop a new virus to deal with us, and at that time, we will face unimaginable dangers.

The United States is developing genetic weapons against China and Russia! Fudan has made public China's genetic information, is it not afraid of being used?

The United States has developed genetic weapons against China and Russia

As early as the 90s of the 20th century, the American scholar Charles Piller revealed that the United States was planning to develop genetic weapons and collected human genes in various ways.

The United States has set up more than 300 biological laboratories around the world, and these so-called "research institutions" have the shadow of the military behind them, and the United States has also targeted Chinese, Aryans and Arabs to research genetic weapons.

Source: "Lookout丨Eight Ways for the United States to Steal Racial Genes" - Xinhua News Agency Client 2024-01-29
The United States is developing genetic weapons against China and Russia! Fudan has made public China's genetic information, is it not afraid of being used?

Under the guise of charity, for the purpose of investigation, they also tricked the elderly into collecting their blood samples with small favors, and a university in the United States collected blood samples from more than 10,000 people on the mainland around 2000.

Since the outbreak of SARS in 2003, people have begun to question whether SARS and the new coronavirus were caused by Americans.

Source: "US Presidential Candidates: The United States is Collecting Chinese DNA" - China Youth Network 2023-07-20
The United States is developing genetic weapons against China and Russia! Fudan has made public China's genetic information, is it not afraid of being used?

In recent years, suspicion has risen to a new level with the shocking remarks of US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who said that the United States is collecting Russian and Chinese DNA for the development of chemical and biological weapons.

The United States is developing genetic weapons against China and Russia! Fudan has made public China's genetic information, is it not afraid of being used?

In the past, biological and chemical weapons were indiscriminate, but now, with the development of biotechnology, they have targeted attacks.

According to Kennedy, the biological and chemical weapons developed by the United States are likely to target China and Russia, and that such weapons would attack based on the DNA characteristics of the host, and would also be contagious.

The United States is developing genetic weapons against China and Russia! Fudan has made public China's genetic information, is it not afraid of being used?

Although Kennedy's words cannot be fully believed, after all, the United States is the most developed biotechnology country in the world, and its biological and chemical weapons are also a force to be reckoned with.

Moreover, the development and application of biological and chemical weapons violates international norms and moral norms, and is a serious disregard for a series of international conventions, such as the Biological Weapons Prohibition Convention and the Chemical Weapons Prohibition Convention.

The United States is developing genetic weapons against China and Russia! Fudan has made public China's genetic information, is it not afraid of being used?

The collection of DNA samples in the United States has also aroused people's concern about privacy and privacy, and a person's DNA data contains very sensitive personal information, such as the danger of genetic diseases, ethnic relations, etc., and if it is not properly protected, it will cause great harm to personal privacy.

Moreover, this move by the United States will also make the diplomatic relations between the United States and China and Russia tense, seriously undermine the atmosphere of mutual trust and cooperation between the two sides of the strait, and may even worsen the diplomatic relations between the two countries.

So what will be the impact of the leakage of the genetic map on us?

The United States is developing genetic weapons against China and Russia! Fudan has made public China's genetic information, is it not afraid of being used?

What will happen to us if the genetic map is leaked

To know what the impact of a genetic map leak is, you first need to know what a genetic map is.

The United States is developing genetic weapons against China and Russia! Fudan has made public China's genetic information, is it not afraid of being used?

As the name suggests, a genetic map is a map of an organism's genes, which is drawn by various methods to show the location of genes on chromosomes and their distance from each other.

This diagram not only helps us understand the genetic characteristics of living organisms, but also enables us to understand the impact of these characteristics on the appearance and function of living organisms.

The United States is developing genetic weapons against China and Russia! Fudan has made public China's genetic information, is it not afraid of being used?

Genetic mapping is very widely used in medical treatment, and if doctors can have a genetic map in the process of treating diseases and saving people, they can more accurately know whether someone is likely to have some special genetic diseases, so as to prevent and treat them as soon as possible.

Genetic mapping also plays an important role in agriculture and ecology, for example, we can use genetic mapping technology to breed crops more accurately, so as to improve crop yields, and we can also use genetic mapping to protect biological diversity.

Source: What is Genome Mapping? ——China Public Health Network 2012-12
The United States is developing genetic weapons against China and Russia! Fudan has made public China's genetic information, is it not afraid of being used?

Researchers have even discovered the genes of ancient humans in the genetic map, which helps us better understand the influence of ancient human genes on us, and also provides new clues and data for us to study ancient humans.

In recent years, some scholars in China have carried out in-depth research on gene sequencing, gene editing and gene therapy, which has laid a solid foundation for the application of gene mapping.

The United States is developing genetic weapons against China and Russia! Fudan has made public China's genetic information, is it not afraid of being used?

Today, the mainland has built a huge genetic database, which includes information on various human genes and disease genes. It provides us with a lot of material for genetic mapping, and it can be said that genetic mapping is like a treasure map, providing a basis for us to better understand ourselves.

Genes contain a person's genetic code, and developing weapons through genes is like launching an attack from within the body, and it is difficult to detect at first.

Source: "Human Genome Atlas Update to Better Represent All Mankind" - 2023-05-12
The United States is developing genetic weapons against China and Russia! Fudan has made public China's genetic information, is it not afraid of being used?

Therefore, it can be said that genetic information is a country's top secret information, once leaked, it is likely to cause hidden dangers to national security, and the enemy can use the published genetic data to create genetic weapons against Chinese, which have extremely high lethality, making people unable to resist, and people's bodies and bodies will be threatened.

The United States is developing genetic weapons against China and Russia! Fudan has made public China's genetic information, is it not afraid of being used?

How the mainland should respond

The United States has done everything possible to collect genetic data of Chinese, but Fudan University has directly published the genetic map of Chinese, and Xinhua News Agency has published three articles in one day, issuing a warning of extinction, which also reminds us of the serious consequences of genetic data leakage.

Fudan University and other research institutes may want to make important contributions to the field of human genomics, but the openness and transparency of scientific research will inevitably have some dangers and challenges, especially when some important information is involved in scientific research activities.

At present, preventing the threat of biological and chemical weapons is a top priority for the mainland, and while preventing the United States and other countries from conducting such research, we should also strengthen cooperation with other countries in the world and formulate corresponding response strategies.

The United States is developing genetic weapons against China and Russia! Fudan has made public China's genetic information, is it not afraid of being used?


Scientific research and national security are not antagonistic relations, and only by strengthening the management of scientific research can we better promote the development of scientific research and better safeguard national security.

Source: "The first pan-genome reference map exclusive to the Chinese population!" Fudan, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and other teams <自然>released results in the main journal"——Fudan University News 2023-06-15

Source: "Publishing the <自然>Pan-Genome Reference Map of 36 Ethnic Groups in China to Help Solve the Genetic Factors of Complex Diseases" - The Paper 2023-06-15

Source: "Human Gene "Navigation Map" Has a "Chinese Version" The First Publication of Population Genome Research Independently Completed by Mainland Scientists<自然>" - Jiefang Daily 2023-06-19

Source: "Lookout丨Eight Ways for the United States to Steal Racial Genes" - Xinhua News Agency Client 2024-01-29

Source: "Military Experts: What to Do to Artificially Create an Epidemic or Even Biological Warfare" - 2020-02-11

Source: "US Presidential Candidates: The United States is Collecting Chinese DNA" - China Youth Network 2023-07-20

Source: What is Genome Mapping? ——China Public Health Network 2012-12

Source: "Human Genome Atlas Update to Better Represent All Mankind" - 2023-05-12

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