
I can't laugh anymore, after Alan Chen Qiaoen won the Golden Broom Actor, I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

author:Crunchy roll fries
I can't laugh anymore, after Alan Chen Qiaoen won the Golden Broom Actor, I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Text \ Crunchy roll fries

Edit\Crunchy roll fries


In the Chinese film industry, the Golden Broom Award has sparked attention and discussion with its unique existence.


Video source: @Yupo

The award is given to the worst-performing film and actor of the year, with the aim of forcing the industry to improve the quality of the film.

I can't laugh anymore, after Alan Chen Qiaoen won the Golden Broom Actor, I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

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At the recent 15th Golden Broom Awards, Allen and Chen Qiaoen won the Most Disappointing Actor Award and the Most Disappointing Actress Award respectively for their performances in "Super Family" and "Can You Don't Leave Me".

I can't laugh anymore, after Alan Chen Qiaoen won the Golden Broom Actor, I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

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Both films were also named the most disappointing films of the year. This result is not only an evaluation of individual actors, but also a touch on the entire industry.

I can't laugh anymore, after Alan Chen Qiaoen won the Golden Broom Actor, I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

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The incident spread to the Internet, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

Why don't you comment on bad movies, it has a lot to do with the screenwriter and director, and what does it have to do with the actors

I can't laugh anymore, after Alan Chen Qiaoen won the Golden Broom Actor, I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

This award is the embodiment of bullying the soft and fearing the hard, and I dare not mention it if it is really a bad movie.

I can't laugh anymore, after Alan Chen Qiaoen won the Golden Broom Actor, I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

There are three actresses who have won the Golden Broom Award, you are too bad

I can't laugh anymore, after Alan Chen Qiaoen won the Golden Broom Actor, I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

There are so many bad movies, does it dare to nominate them? Not yet capital

I can't laugh anymore, after Alan Chen Qiaoen won the Golden Broom Actor, I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Yang Mi won three consecutive terms

I can't laugh anymore, after Alan Chen Qiaoen won the Golden Broom Actor, I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Meaning and impact

Although the Golden Broom Award may seem negative, it actually has a positive driving effect. It not only reveals the high expectations of audiences for the quality of films, but also reflects the relentless pursuit of excellence within the film and television industry. Through such awards, the public and industry insiders can clearly see which works or performances are not up to the expected standards, which in turn stimulates more self-reflection and innovation.

Although Allen and Chen Qiaoen's awards brought embarrassment for a while, it also provided them with an opportunity to re-examine their acting skills and choose roles. In an actor's career, every low point can become a new starting point for the rise. There is no shortage of anticipation and interest in their future work on social media and public commentary, which shows that the audience still retains their desire and support for quality performances.

The editor has something to say

The establishment and influence of the Golden Broom Award have caused a lot of shock in the Chinese film industry. Although this award is in the name of honoring the worst films and performances, its essence is to stimulate deep reflection and quality improvement within the industry. By "honoring" actors such as Allen and Jon Chen, this award not only exposes the shortcomings of the film industry, but also highlights the public's desire and expectation for high-quality film works.

The existence of the Golden Broom Award challenges the status quo of the Chinese film industry. In many cases, commercial films may sacrifice the depth of art and content due to market orientation, which leads to the production of a large number of low-quality film works. By naming names, the Golden Broom Prize exposes this problem, prompting practitioners to re-examine their work. When Allen and Jon Chan were named the most disappointing actors, it was not just a personal criticism of them, but a warning to the industry as a whole to relax its standards.

This award reflects the audience's expectations for the art of cinema. In the current entertainment market, viewers are increasingly reluctant to pay for low-quality content. The influence of the Golden Broom Awards comes in part from the support and recognition of the audience, which shows the demand for quality films in the market. The cases of Alan and Jon Chan provide an opportunity for reflection and the possibility to reconsider their future role choices and performances, while also providing an incentive for other practitioners to improve.

Film and television production is not only a business, but also a kind of cultural transmission and artistic expression. When the industry starts to take the criticism behind this award seriously, it may push the industry in a more professional and artistic direction. This change will not only improve the overall quality of films, but also enhance the competitiveness of Chinese films in the global market.

Through social media and online platforms, ordinary audiences are able to directly express their grievances and expectations, and this voice can directly influence the production and promotion strategy of films. This bottom-up feedback mechanism provides more possibilities for the healthy development of the film industry.

Although the Golden Broom Award is ostensibly a criticism of the Chinese film industry, it is actually a force for the industry's progress. By revealing the problems of the industry, it stimulates the pursuit of high-quality films by practitioners and audiences, and also points out the direction for the long-term development of the industry. Although Allen and Chen Qiaoen encountered embarrassment in the process, they also became a catalyst for reflection and progress in the industry.

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I can't laugh anymore, after Alan Chen Qiaoen won the Golden Broom Actor, I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

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