
Anecdote: The man married a blind woman, and on the night of the cave room, the blind woman said: Hurry up and order a few more oil lamps

author:Chuangyi is important

Guan Gong punished Qin Hui: A man married a blind woman

In the far east, there is a Maoshan Mountain, the mountain is steep, the clouds and mist are shrouded, it is rumored that there are immortals living in the mountain, and there are often ghosts and ghosts. There is a small town named Qingxi at the foot of Maoshan Mountain, and there is a young man named Li Hao in the town, who has a gentle temperament and is willing to help others, and is deeply loved by the villagers.

However, Li Hao's marriage made his parents feel white. It was only because he was born in poverty, his family had little savings, and he had no prominent relatives and friends to help him, so he was still unmarried at the age of 30. Li Hao's parents asked people everywhere and finally found a family business for him. The woman's name is Xiaolian, she is blind, but she has a beautiful appearance, a gentle personality, and is proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and is a rare talented woman.

Although Xiaolian can't see it, her heart is like a mirror. Her parents died when she was a child, and she was adopted by an old Taoist priest, who saw that she was unusually intelligent, so he taught her some Maoshan techniques, so that she could perceive some things that ordinary people could not perceive.

The wedding date came as scheduled, and Li Hao and Xiaolian worshiped heaven and earth with the blessings of the villagers and became husband and wife. On the wedding night, Li Hao sent Xiaolian into the cave room, and the two sat on the edge of the bed, Li Hao was a little apprehensive in his heart, and he didn't know how to communicate with Xiaolian.

At this moment, Xiaolian suddenly said, "Husband, can you order a few more oil lamps?" Li Hao was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "Of course you can." He got up and lit all the oil lamps in the room, and suddenly the whole room was illuminated as if it were day.

Xiaolian smiled slightly and said, "Husband, although I can't see it, I can feel the yang energy in this room. Do you know that Qingxi Town, where we are located, is actually a ghost town? Li Hao was shocked when he heard this, he had never heard of this, and hurriedly asked Xiaolian why.

Anecdote: The man married a blind woman, and on the night of the cave room, the blind woman said: Hurry up and order a few more oil lamps

Xiaolian took a deep breath and slowly explained her life experience and experience. It turned out that Xiaolian was not born blind, but suffered a catastrophe when she was young, and was injured by a powerful ghost, and lost her eyesight. That powerful ghost was originally the soul of Qin Hui, a famous general of the Qin Dynasty, because he did a lot of evil in his life, he was punished to wander in Maoshan after his death, and he was not allowed to live beyond his life. Qin Hui's unjust soul is resentful, and often goes down the mountain to cause trouble, harming the people.

Xiaolian's master, the old Taoist priest, learned about this, and decided to go down the mountain to subdue Qin Hui's unjust soul. After a hard battle, the old Taoist priest finally sealed Qin Hui's unjust soul in a jade pendant, and handed it to Xiaolian for her to carry with her, in case the ghost would be haunted again.

However, on the night of Li Hao and Xiaolian's marriage, Qin Hui's unjust soul suddenly broke out of the seal and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to make trouble. Although Xiaolian couldn't see it, she could feel the breath of the ghost, so she asked Li Hao to order a few more oil lamps to suppress the yin energy of the ghost with yang energy.

After listening to Xiaolian's story, Li Hao was shocked and angry in his heart. He didn't expect that Qingxi Town, where he was located, would hide such a terrible secret. He clenched his fists and swore to protect Xiaolian and the people in the town from Qin Hui's unjust soul from haunting him again.

At that moment, a dark wind blew, and the oil lamp in the room flickered on and off, as if something was approaching. Xiaolian held Li Hao's hand tightly and said softly, "Husband, don't be afraid. We have the jade pendant left by our master, as long as we work together, we will definitely be able to defeat Qin Hui's unjust soul. ”

Li Hao took a deep breath and nodded. He held Xiaolian's hand tightly, ready to meet the upcoming challenge.

(Story to be continued)

Anecdote: The man married a blind woman, and on the night of the cave room, the blind woman said: Hurry up and order a few more oil lamps

Just as the wind was getting stronger and stronger, and the temperature in the room seemed to be gradually dropping, Li Hao took a deep breath, he knew that they were facing a serious challenge now. He gently stroked Xiaolian's hand, passing on strength and courage to her.

"Husband, it's time." Xiaolian suddenly spoke, although she couldn't see, her voice was extremely firm, "Master once taught me how to use the power in the jade pendant, and now, I want to use this power to deal with Qin Hui's unjust soul." ”

Xiaolian took out the jade pendant from her arms, and saw that the jade pendant was crystal clear and exuded a faint light. She closed her eyes and muttered words that seemed to be reciting some kind of incantation. As the sound of her incantation became more and more rapid, the light of the jade pendant became more and more intense.

Suddenly, the yin wind in the room suddenly stopped, as if some powerful force was competing with the ghost. Li Hao saw that Xiaolian's face showed a look of pain, but she did not flinch and continued to chant the incantation.

At this moment, a piercing scream sounded, and a black shadow rushed out of the corner of the room and rushed straight towards Xiaolian. Seeing this, Li Hao immediately stood in front of Xiaolian and started a fight with the black shadow. Although Li Hao has no martial arts, his courage and determination make him extremely strong. He gripped the shadow's arm tightly, pushing it out with all his might.

However, the power of that black shadow was extremely powerful, and Li Hao could barely resist it. Just when he was about to lose his support, Xiaolian's incantation suddenly stopped. She opened her eyes and raised the jade pendant high with both hands, only to see a dazzling light shoot out of the jade pendant, directly hitting the black shadow.

Anecdote: The man married a blind woman, and on the night of the cave room, the blind woman said: Hurry up and order a few more oil lamps

The shadow let out a scream, then dissipated into a plume of black smoke into the air. The temperature in the room gradually rose, and the wind disappeared without a trace. Li Hao and Xiaolian both breathed a sigh of relief, they knew that Qin Hui's unjust soul had been successfully defeated by them.

However, Xiaolian's face became unusually pale. She told Li Hao that in order to deal with Qin Hui's unjust soul just now, she used all the power in the jade pendant, and now the jade pendant has lost its effectiveness. Moreover, she herself was seriously injured because she had consumed too much mana.

Li Hao looked at Xiaolian distressedly, and he vowed to find a way to heal Xiaolian's injuries and reseal Qin Hui's unjust soul. So, he carried Xiaolian out of the room and began his adventure to find a cure and a seal.

During their journey, they encountered various difficulties and challenges, but they always supported each other and never gave up. In the end, they found a reclusive Maoshan master, who not only healed Xiaolian's injuries, but also taught them how to reseal Qin Hui's unjust soul.

With the help of the masters of Maoshan, Li Hao and Xiaolian successfully resealed Qin Hui's unjust soul in a hidden place. Since then, Qingxi Town has restored its former tranquility and harmony, and Li Hao and Xiaolian have also lived a happy and happy life.

After a thrilling battle, Li Hao and Xiaolian finally succeeded in resealing Qin Hui's unjust soul. However, they did not stop because of this, because they knew that only by finding a way to completely purify Qin Hui's unjust soul could they ensure the eternal peace of Qingxi Town.

Anecdote: The man married a blind woman, and on the night of the cave room, the blind woman said: Hurry up and order a few more oil lamps

Li Hao and Xiaolian, under the guidance of the masters of Maoshan Mountain, embarked on a journey to find the method of purification. They traveled through mountains and forests, trekked through rivers, and went through many hardships to finally come to a mysterious place called "Pure Soul Valley".

There is a mysterious aura in the Valley of Pure Souls, and it is said that it was once a sacred place for a powerful man to purify the evil energy of the world in ancient times. Li Hao and Xiaolian searched carefully in the valley and finally found an ancient altar. On the altar is a bizarre stone tablet filled with ancient runes.

The master of Maoshan told them that this stone tablet recorded the secret of the method of purification. However, deciphering these runes is not an easy task and requires extreme wisdom and courage. Li Hao and Xiaolian decided to work together, and they studied the runes on the stone tablet day and night, constantly trying to understand the mysteries.

In the process of interpreting the runes, Li Hao and Xiaolian gradually discovered the truth of Qin Hui's unjust soul. It turned out that although Qin Hui was a famous general during his lifetime, because of his ambition and cruel methods, he led to chaos in the world and the people were devastated. After his death, his soul was rejected by the way of heaven, and he was punished to wander in Maoshan for thousands of years and suffered a lot.

However, in Qin Hui's heart, there was always a trace of remorse. He longed for salvation, but he couldn't get rid of the sins in his body. After learning this truth, Li Hao and Xiaolian were deeply sympathetic, and they decided to help Qin Hui achieve redemption.

Under the guidance of the Maoshan masters, Li Hao and Xiaolian used the runes on the altar and their own mana to successfully summon Qin Hui's unjust soul to the altar. They told Qin Hui about his sins and faults, and told him that salvation could only be achieved by truly repenting and paying the corresponding price.

Qin Hui burst into tears after hearing this, he deeply repented of his mistakes and expressed his willingness to pay any price in exchange for salvation. With the help of Li Hao and Xiaolian, Qin Hui began to practice according to the method of purification, and gradually purified the sins on his body.

Anecdote: The man married a blind woman, and on the night of the cave room, the blind woman said: Hurry up and order a few more oil lamps

After a long time, Qin Hui finally succeeded in purifying his soul. He said goodbye to Li Hao and Xiaolian, turned into a wisp of breeze and disappeared into the sky. And Li Hao and Xiaolian were also favored and protected by Heaven because of their kindness and bravery.

In Qingxi Town, the deeds of Li Hao and Xiaolian are praised as a good story. They not only helped Qin Hui's unjust soul find a way to salvation, but also revitalized Qingxi Town.

However, their adventure did not end there. Because of the purification of Qin Hui's unjust soul, they found that there were still many secrets and evil forces hidden in Maoshan that were not known to the world. They decided to stay in Maoshan and protect the land and its inhabitants.

Under the guidance of the Maoshan masters, Li Hao and Xiaolian began to practice the Maoshan technique, hoping to use this power to better protect Qingxi Town. Day after day, they practiced diligently, not only improving their cultivation, but also enhancing their feelings for each other.

In the process of cultivation, they encountered various difficulties and challenges. Sometimes, they need to face powerful monsters and evil spirits; Sometimes, they need to go deep into treacherous caves and forbidden places. But no matter what difficulties they encounter, they always support each other and face them together.

Their courage and wisdom have won the respect and appreciation of many immortals on Maoshan Mountain. These immortals have passed on more advanced techniques and knowledge to them, so that they can better protect Qingxi Town.

Anecdote: The man married a blind woman, and on the night of the cave room, the blind woman said: Hurry up and order a few more oil lamps

Over time, Li Hao and Xiaolian gradually became the guardians of Qingxi Town. Not only did they use their power to banish the evil forces, but they also taught the townspeople some basic self-defense techniques and knowledge. The residents of Qingxi Town are grateful and regard them as their benefactors.

However, there are still many unknown secrets and dangers in Maoshan Mountain. Li Hao and Xiaolian knew that their mission was far from over. They will continue to cultivate and explore to protect the land and its inhabitants.

In the process, they not only gained love and friendship, but also growth and courage. They understand a truth: only by bravely facing difficulties and challenges can they become true heroes.

And their stories will continue to be passed on in Qingxi Town, inspiring future generations to move forward bravely, pursue justice and light. In the days to come, Li Hao and Xiaolian will continue to protect this land and its inhabitants forever.