
In 1950, the cadres of the Military Commission secretly built a villa in Xiangshan, and Mao Weiren was furious when he heard about it: he was pulled out and killed

author:Bug History

In 1950, Chairman Mao received information during dinner that the director of the Second Bureau of the Military Commission secretly built a luxury villa in Xiangshan for his own enjoyment. The director's name is Dai Jingyuan, and he is an important cadre in intelligence work, who has made key contributions to many battles in the Long March, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and the War of Liberation, and was once praised by Chairman Mao as an "unsung hero." Now that he has made such a big mistake, many people think that Chairman Mao will be gracious outside the network, but he didn't expect the chairman to order to be shot on the spot! Why did Chairman Mao make this decision that shocked everyone? What is the ending of Dai Jingyuan? Follow us to uncover the story behind the luxury villas in Xiangshan.

In 1950, the cadres of the Military Commission secretly built a villa in Xiangshan, and Mao Weiren was furious when he heard about it: he was pulled out and killed

In 1950, Chairman Mao set up a banquet in his home to invite Li Yinqiao, the chief of the guard, and his wife Han Guixin. The marriage between the two was brokered by Chairman Mao, Han Guixin used to be the nanny and tutor of Chairman Mao's daughter Li Ne, and also sewed old clothes for Chairman Mao, and the relationship between the two families has always been very good. At this time, Han Guixin came back after giving birth in the countryside, and Chairman Mao personally invited the couple to come over for dinner after hearing about it.

This lunch is very ordinary, Chairman Mao is a simple person, and he is very down-to-earth when he invites him to dinner, but this kind of honor is not something that anyone can get. During the meal, Chairman Mao and Li Yinqiao chatted happily, especially about Han Guixin's work in Xiangshan, and asked very carefully. In front of the kind Chairman Mao, Han Guixin talked more and more about the content, from the details of her work to the people in Xiangshan, she knew everything.

However, one of the people mentioned in it shocked Chairman Mao, and this person was Dai Jingyuan. From Han Guixin's mouth, Chairman Mao learned that Dai Jingyuan had built a luxury villa in Xiangshan, with extremely luxurious configurations and furniture, which was obviously not something that Dai Jingyuan's salary could afford. Especially when he heard that a batch of precious building materials was purchased at a low price by Dai Jingyuan using the convenience of his position, Chairman Mao became more and more angry in his heart. Dai Jingyuan not only built villas privately, but also used his power for personal gain, which has touched Chairman Mao's bottom line.

In 1950, the cadres of the Military Commission secretly built a villa in Xiangshan, and Mao Weiren was furious when he heard about it: he was pulled out and killed

After sending off Li Yinqiao and Han Guixin, Chairman Mao became more and more angry the more he thought about it, New China was so extravagant when it was first established, and it will be in the future? So the next day, he asked people to inform Dai Jingyuan to come to the house, and he had to ask about the situation in person. Dai Jingyuan thought that this was just an ordinary meeting, but the moment he entered Chairman Mao's residence, he found that the atmosphere was very serious, in addition to Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou and Nie Rongzhen were also at the scene, and there was no trace of relaxation on their faces.

Dai Jingyuan was very nervous in his heart, and Chairman Mao's first sentence made him break out in a cold sweat: "Tell me well, what's going on with that villa?" Dai Jingyuan knew that his affairs had been discovered by Chairman Mao, and his heart was beating violently, he didn't dare to hide it, and told him what he had done. The more Chairman Mao listened, the more angry he became, knocking on the table and asking: "Are you still worthy of being a party member and cadre doing this?" Dai Jingyuan trembled and hurriedly admitted his mistake, but Chairman Mao did not accept his apology, and one sentence made Dai Jingyuan's mood fall to the bottom: "Knowing the law and breaking the law, I was pulled out and shot!" ”

In 1950, the cadres of the Military Commission secretly built a villa in Xiangshan, and Mao Weiren was furious when he heard about it: he was pulled out and killed

Chairman Mao said this sentence through gritted teeth, and he had mixed feelings in his heart. Dai Jingyuan's face was already bloodless, and he was stunned in place as if he had lost his soul. Premier Zhou and Nie Rongzhen saw that this was wrong, and hurriedly got up and persuaded: "Dai Jingyuan's revolutionary achievements are outstanding, can you open the net?" "Premier Zhou and Nie Rongzhen both interceded for Dai Jingyuan, did Chairman Mao let Dai Jingyuan go because of this?

In 1950, the cadres of the Military Commission secretly built a villa in Xiangshan, and Mao Weiren was furious when he heard about it: he was pulled out and killed

In 1950, Dai Jingyuan, director of the Military Commission, took advantage of his position to secretly build a luxury villa in Xiangshan, and Chairman Mao claimed to kill him after learning about the situation.

Premier Zhou and Nie Rongzhen were all shocked when they heard Chairman Mao's decision, Dai Jingyuan is a senior talent of our party, and it is a pity that he was shot like this. Therefore, they got up together to persuade Chairman Mao, hoping that Chairman Mao could dissipate his anger and reduce some punishment for the sake of Dai Jingyuan's previous merits. So how remarkable is Dai Jingyuan's contribution?

He was born in 1919 and joined our party at the age of ten. When he was 14 years old, Dai Jingyuan entered the Second Bureau of the Military Commission and was responsible for deciphering the Kuomintang's ciphercode. In the third month after entering the Second Bureau of the Central Military Commission, he deciphered the Kuomintang's cipher code and provided tremendous help to our army's anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaign. When participating in the Long March, Dai Jingyuan repeatedly cracked the information of the Kuomintang, for example, after the Zunyi Conference, the Central Committee decided to attack the new drum field, and the day before the departure, Dai Jingyuan urgently cracked the information that the Kuomintang had laid a wide net in the new drum field, avoiding the danger of the Central Red Army's annihilation.

In 1950, the cadres of the Military Commission secretly built a villa in Xiangshan, and Mao Weiren was furious when he heard about it: he was pulled out and killed

Chairman Mao praised Dai Jingyuan and often told people that if it were not for Dai Jingyuan and others, the Long March would be several times more difficult. Chairman Mao called Dai Jingyuan an "unsung hero", and at the most difficult time of the Long March, he sent the three chickens that he had finally obtained to Dai Jingyuan, giving priority to ensuring their food.

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, deciphering the Japanese army's cipher code became the key to the war, and if we could get the enemy's communication information, our army's confrontation with the Japanese invaders would be twice as effective with half the effort. In a closed cave, Dai Jingyuan and his comrades-in-arms worked day and night, they forgot to sleep and eat, and spent more than a month to decipher the important secret codes of the Japanese army, and a large number of Japanese troops were intercepted by our army, which is not a small contribution.

The chief of staff of the Central Military Commission specially came to express his condolences to Dai Jingyuan and others, and brought special souvenirs from the central authorities, including a large diary personally rewarded by Chairman Mao. In the diary given to Dai Jingyuan, Chairman Mao personally wrote "Step by step to victory", which is a high appreciation for Dai Jingyuan.

In 1950, the cadres of the Military Commission secretly built a villa in Xiangshan, and Mao Weiren was furious when he heard about it: he was pulled out and killed

In November 1939, the Japanese army's "flower of famous generals" Abe Guixiu carried out a sweep of our party's Jinchaji base area, and the specific military arrangements were cracked by our party, Yang Chengwu led the troops to ambush in the Loess Ridge Gorge of Taihang Mountain, and killed Abe Guixiu, who was best at fighting mountain warfare, here. He was the highest-ranking Japanese general killed in the War of Resistance Against Japan, and this great victory was inseparable from the cipher code deciphered by Dai Jingyuan. When Abe's military coat was sent to Yan'an, Chairman Mao specially ordered the clothes to be sent 30 kilometers away and rewarded to Dai Jingyuan.

Dai Jingyuan has many other achievements, such as cracking the intelligence of the German army, learning that they will launch a blitzkrieg against the Soviet Union, so that the Soviet Union can avoid greater losses, Stalin specially called Chairman Mao to express his gratitude. Another example is the Huaihai Campaign, Dai Jingyuan intercepted the movement information of Huang Baitao's troops and Huang Wei's corps, so that the PLA was in an absolute advantage, so as to win the Huaihai Campaign.

It can be said that Dai Jingyuan has made incomparably dazzling contributions to the civil war and even the anti-fascist war around the world. But why did he choose to secretly build a villa after the founding of the People's Republic of China? Did Chairman Mao finally show grace outside the network?

In 1950, the cadres of the Military Commission secretly built a villa in Xiangshan, and Mao Weiren was furious when he heard about it: he was pulled out and killed

In 1950, Dai Jingyuan, a cadre of the Military Commission, took advantage of his position to secretly build a luxury villa in Xiangshan, Chairman Mao angrily said that he would shoot him, what was his end?

Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, Dai Jingyuan's merits were undoubted, and the information he cracked determined the victory of important battles many times. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Dai Jingyuan served as the deputy minister of the Ministry of Intelligence, and he had great power in his hands. At this time, he no longer had anything to do to work day and night, compared to the painstaking efforts before the founding of the People's Republic of China, Dai Jingyuan, who was suddenly idle, became active. Seeing the large land in Xiangshan, Dai Jingyuan had the idea of building a mansion, not only did not report to the top, but also used the convenience of his position to buy luxury building materials at a low price.

Chairman Mao learned about it from the wife of Li Yinqiao, the chief of the guard, and he was furious at that time, and the next day he found Dai Jingyuan to confront him, and after finding out that the situation was true, he said angrily: "If you know the law and break the law, you should be directly pulled out and killed." Premier Zhou and Nie Rongzhen were on the side, and when they heard Chairman Mao's decision, they were shocked and persuaded Chairman Mao to spare Dai Jingyuan's life. Perhaps thinking of Dai Jingyuan's exploits back then, or perhaps thinking that his actions were not worthy of death, Chairman Mao finally revoked the order to be shot, but only adjusted Dai Jingyuan's position, and transferred him from the acting director of the Intelligence Bureau of the Military Commission to the secretary of the Dongcheng District Party Committee in Beijing.

In 1950, the cadres of the Military Commission secretly built a villa in Xiangshan, and Mao Weiren was furious when he heard about it: he was pulled out and killed

Although Dai Jingyuan saved his life, he lost a lot of money from this transfer, such as the 1955 investiture ceremony. Some people think that this is very unfair, and it is a pity that Dai Jingyuan, who has a lot of merit, was not authorized. But making a mistake is a mistake after all, Dai Jingyuan has no complaints about this, no matter what position he is in in the future, he will be conscientious and will not forget his original intention. Later, Dai Jingyuan was reappointed as the head of the Third Department of the General Staff, in recognition of his past contributions.

Once when a reporter went to interview Dai Jingyuan, he talked about the details of the intelligence activities of the year, even if these things could be declassified, Dai Jingyuan was tight-lipped. The reporter was very puzzled, Dai Jingyuan said with a smile: "It is my duty not to leak secrets, even if it can be decrypted, it should not be up to me." This is the epitome of his life after the founding of the People's Republic of China, in the criticism in 1950, Dai Jingyuan really reflected on a lot of things, and his belief in his heart became more and more firm, and was affirmed by Deng Xiaoping and Premier Zhou one after another.

In 1950, the cadres of the Military Commission secretly built a villa in Xiangshan, and Mao Weiren was furious when he heard about it: he was pulled out and killed

In the 80s, Dai Jingyuan retired at the age of 60, when the General Staff gave him a commemorative gift, which was engraved with 16 big characters given to him by senior leaders: "Invisible Front, Unsung Heroes, Selfless Dedication, Supreme Glory." This is a true portrayal of his revolutionary period, and it is also the party's high opinion of him. After his retirement, Dai Jingyuan did not remain silent, but continued to devote himself to the construction of the country, served as a deputy to the National People's Congress, and continued to write memoirs, recording the glorious history that happened in those years, and won literary awards issued by the General Staff Department.

In 2007, when Fujian was preparing to build the Yang Chengwu Exhibition Hall, Dai Jingyuan did not hesitate at all, and directly donated Abe Guixiu's military coat, he said: "The military coat worn by the flower of the famous Japanese army should not only be left in my hands, this belongs to the whole of China, belongs to the whole army, and it can play a greater educational value in the exhibition hall!" ”

Dai Jingyuan did make mistakes in the past, but this could not erase the great contributions he made back then. What do you think of his merits and demerits? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area.