
Life and death! The United States imposes 100% tariffs on Chinese trams! China shatters Tesla's illusions

author:Milk tea says things

Recently, the U.S. government has made another "ultimate show" and decided to impose 100% tariffs on China's new energy vehicles!

Yes, that's right, it's a full double! Hearing the news, the global market was in an uproar.

Life and death! The United States imposes 100% tariffs on Chinese trams! China shatters Tesla's illusions

The United States imposed tariffs, and China's new energy vehicles stumbled

The U.S. government's move to announce tariffs on a range of Chinese products has indeed stunned the world.

In particular, the tariff on new energy vehicles has risen to 102.5% in one fell swoop, which is simply unbelievable.

Such extreme tariffs are not only puzzling, but also raise questions about the intentions of the United States.

Life and death! The United States imposes 100% tariffs on Chinese trams! China shatters Tesla's illusions

This is not the first time that the United States has taken unilateral tax increases. Similar initiatives were made back in the Trump administration.

However, the magnitude and magnitude of this tax increase are rare even in history.

Such a drastic reaction will undoubtedly raise many questions and concerns at home and abroad.

In the United States, there have been many voices of skepticism about this move.

Life and death! The United States imposes 100% tariffs on Chinese trams! China shatters Tesla's illusions

This is because such unilateral tax hikes not only have the potential to damage trade relations between China and the United States, but also have a backlash against the U.S. economy itself.

Some experts and economists fear that such over-protectionist measures will lead to economic decoupling between the United States and other countries, which in turn will affect the stability of the global economy.

What's even more worrying is that this kind of behavior seems to have a taste of "drinking to quench thirst".

Life and death! The United States imposes 100% tariffs on Chinese trams! China shatters Tesla's illusions

In the face of the rise of China's new energy vehicle market, the domestic auto industry in the United States is feeling tremendous pressure.

The sharp decline in sales of local automakers such as Tesla has raised concerns about whether the U.S. government's move is motivated by the protection and support of the domestic industry.

The rise of China's new energy vehicles, the United States is "afraid"?

The rise of China's new energy vehicle market has indeed attracted global attention.

Life and death! The United States imposes 100% tariffs on Chinese trams! China shatters Tesla's illusions

In the first quarter of this year, China's NEV exports not only bucked the trend, but also showed a variety of styles and more competitive prices, which made it difficult for domestic NEV brands in the United States to match.

The decline in sales of big brands such as Tesla is undoubtedly a blow to the domestic auto industry in the United States.

Against this backdrop, the U.S. government's imposition of such high tariffs on China's new energy vehicles has sparked widespread speculation.

Life and death! The United States imposes 100% tariffs on Chinese trams! China shatters Tesla's illusions

One interpretation is that the U.S. government hopes to protect the competitiveness of its auto industry by raising taxes, because China's new energy vehicles have obvious advantages in price and style.

Another interpretation is that the US government's move may be more out of political considerations, trying to show its hardline posture by creating an "international farce" or to promote trade negotiations with China.

Whatever the reason, however, such extreme tariffs are likely to have a negative impact on the United States itself.

Life and death! The United States imposes 100% tariffs on Chinese trams! China shatters Tesla's illusions

First, the tax hike could cause U.S. consumers to face higher car prices, which in turn could affect their purchasing power and willingness to spend.

Second, high tariffs on China's new energy vehicles could trigger trade frictions, which in turn could affect the economic relationship between China and the United States.

Eventually, such unilateral tax hikes could exacerbate global trade uncertainty and affect the stability of the global economy.

Life and death! The United States imposes 100% tariffs on Chinese trams! China shatters Tesla's illusions

The United States' "playing with fire" has provoked China's "counterattack"?

China will not sit idly by in response to US provocations, and this has been made quite clear.

In the face of the threat of tariffs from the United States, China has said it will take necessary countermeasures, which means that a new trade war between China and the United States could break out at any time.

Life and death! The United States imposes 100% tariffs on Chinese trams! China shatters Tesla's illusions

However, China appears more assertive and prepared for the trade conflict than before.

China's technological capabilities have matured, and many key areas can already be produced independently, and it is no longer too dependent on the United States.

Moreover, the size and potential of the Chinese market means that the impact of U.S. restrictions on China will not be as severe as it has been in the past.

Life and death! The United States imposes 100% tariffs on Chinese trams! China shatters Tesla's illusions

China will not back down because of US provocations, but will firmly defend its interests and dignity.

As a result, China will act decisively in this potential trade war and will be able to protect its interests.

However, both sides should be aware that a trade war is not good for both sides and could ultimately lead to instability and instability in the global economy.

Life and death! The United States imposes 100% tariffs on Chinese trams! China shatters Tesla's illusions

Therefore, rational and pragmatic dialogue and cooperation remain the best way to resolve differences.


It seems that this "trade war" between China and the United States has just begun. Who will have the last laugh, I really can't say.

But what is certain is that this turmoil is far from subsided, and the global economic market will be turbulent as a result, so let's wait and see!

Life and death! The United States imposes 100% tariffs on Chinese trams! China shatters Tesla's illusions

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