
Illness has become a "good thing"? Reminder: Don't rush to treat these 5 diseases, or help you detoxify

author:TCM doctors talk about health

In the busy life of today, the pursuit of health never stops. When we suddenly feel unwell and are plagued by illness, we tend to fall into panic and anxiety. But you know what? The appearance of some conditions may actually be a positive sign that the body is repairing and detoxifying itself.

Illness has become a "good thing"? Reminder: Don't rush to treat these 5 diseases, or help you detoxify

1. Colds: The body's "cleansing mechanism"

A cold, a seemingly ordinary minor ailment, is actually a natural reaction of our body to eliminate viruses and toxins. When viruses or bacteria invade our respiratory tract, the body's immune system quickly activates to flush viruses and toxins out of the body through coughing, runny nose, etc. A cold isn't all bad, it could be the body telling us, "I'm doing a cleaning job, please give me some time." ”

Xiao Li recently suffered from a cold, coughing and snot. Worried about his health, he went to the doctor. The doctor told him that a cold is a detoxification of the body and that there is no need to worry too much. As long as you pay attention to rest, drink plenty of water, and properly supplement nutrients, your body can quickly recover your health.

Although a cold is uncomfortable, it is a manifestation of the body's self-healing. During the cold, we should maintain good habits, avoid overwork, and give the body enough time to rest and recover.

Illness has become a "good thing"? Reminder: Don't rush to treat these 5 diseases, or help you detoxify

2. Fever: The body self-"heat therapy" to drive away the evil

When we have a fever, we tend to feel sick and dizzy. But you know what? Fever is actually the body's initiating a high-temperature disinfection mechanism to kill viruses and bacteria by raising body temperature. This natural immune response helps us recover faster.

Xiao Wang's son has had a fever recently, and his body temperature has soared, once touching a high temperature of 39 degrees. Xiao Wang was so worried that he hurriedly took his son to seek medical treatment. After the examination, the doctor told him that the child had a fever because the body was fighting the virus and that there was no need to worry too much. As long as you take care to control your body temperature, stay hydrated and nourished, your child will recover quickly.

Fever is a manifestation of the body's initiation of the pyropy-sterilization mechanism. During fever, we can help the body lower its body temperature by physically cooling down, drinking plenty of water, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the changes in the condition and seek medical attention in time if necessary.

Illness has become a "good thing"? Reminder: Don't rush to treat these 5 diseases, or help you detoxify

3. Diarrhea: the body's "detoxification channel"

Diarrhea is a common digestive disorder, and it can be caused due to improper diet, viral infections, etc. Diarrhea can also be a natural response of the body excreting toxins through the intestines. When our body consumes too many harmful substances, the intestines activate the detoxification mechanism to flush out the toxins from the body through diarrhea.

Mr. Zhang recently developed diarrhea after eating unclean food. He was worried that something was wrong with his stomach and intestines, so he went to the doctor. The doctor told him that diarrhea is a manifestation of the body's detoxification and that there is no need to worry too much. As long as you pay attention to dietary hygiene, hydration and electrolytes, diarrhea symptoms can be relieved quickly.

Although diarrhea is uncomfortable, it is a natural reaction of the body's detoxification. During diarrhea, we should pay attention to dietary hygiene, avoid irritating foods, and replenish enough water and electrolytes to maintain the body's water balance.

Illness has become a "good thing"? Reminder: Don't rush to treat these 5 diseases, or help you detoxify

4. Skin inflammation: the body's "detoxification window"

The skin is one of the largest organs in our body, and it plays an important role in protecting the body and sensing external stimuli. When toxins accumulate inside our body, the skin tends to flush the toxins out of the body through inflammation. This inflammation of the skin, while it makes us feel uncomfortable, is actually the body telling us, "I'm detoxifying, please give me some support." ”

Case Study: Ms. Li has had a lot of acne on her face recently, and she feels very annoyed. She tried various acne products, but it didn't work well. Later, she went to the doctor, who told her that it was a sign of detoxification by the body. As long as you pay attention to a light diet and maintain a good work and rest habit, acne will gradually disappear.

Medical Opinion: Skin inflammation may be a manifestation of the body's detoxification. During skin inflammation, we should take care to keep the skin clean and avoid squeezing the pimples to avoid infection. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the improvement of diet and lifestyle habits to reduce the symptoms of skin inflammation.

5. Mood Swings: The "Emotional Detoxification" of the Body

Mood swings are an inevitable part of our daily lives. When we encounter negative emotions such as stress and frustration, the body will release these negative emotions through mood fluctuations to achieve the effect of detoxification. This emotional detox helps us maintain our mental health and emotional stability.

Xiao Liu has been under a lot of pressure at work recently and is very depressed. He often felt anxious, depressed, and even insomnia. Later, he realized that this was a manifestation of the body's detoxification, so he began to try to relieve negative emotions through exercise, meditation and other means. Slowly, his mood improved, and his work went more smoothly.

Mood swings are a manifestation of the body's emotional detoxification. When we encounter negative emotions, we can try to release these emotions through exercise, meditation, journaling, etc., to reduce the psychological burden. At the same time, maintain a positive mindset and optimistic mood to cope with life's challenges and difficulties.

Illness has become a "good thing"? Reminder: Don't rush to treat these 5 diseases, or help you detoxify

Being sick isn't entirely bad, it can be a positive sign that your body is repairing and detoxifying itself. When we encounter these conditions, do not panic and be anxious, believe in the body's ability to heal itself, and give it full support and love. At the same time, we should also pay attention to maintaining good living habits and dietary hygiene to prevent the occurrence and deterioration of diseases. Let's pay attention to physical health and enjoy a better life!

I'm Dr. Xie, welcome everyone to like and follow, and say your views in the comment area, let's chat

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