
Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: The so-called Taiwanese celebrities who smear the mainland will be punished in accordance with the law


Recently, at a press conference held by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, spokesman Chen Binhua severely condemned the behavior of some "celebrities" in Taiwan in spreading rumors and smearing the mainland, and said that the mainland would punish these people and their families in accordance with the law. This move has aroused widespread public attention.

Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: The so-called Taiwanese celebrities who smear the mainland will be punished in accordance with the law

It is true that cross-strait relations are complicated and there are many differences. However, regardless of the stance, objective and truthful information exchange is the basis for promoting mutual trust between the two sides of the strait and eliminating estrangement. A small number of "celebrities" in Taiwan have disregarded the facts and fabricated rumors such as "the people of the mainland cannot afford to eat tea and eggs" and "the mainland's high-speed rail has no backing." Their intentions have been clearly exposed. Such malicious slanderous remarks with ulterior motives have not only misled the Taiwan people, but also deepened the antagonism between the two sides of the strait and damaged the feelings of the compatriots on both sides of the strait.

Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: The so-called Taiwanese celebrities who smear the mainland will be punished in accordance with the law
Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: The so-called Taiwanese celebrities who smear the mainland will be punished in accordance with the law

Although the two sides of the strait have not yet been reunified, the Chinese nation is linked by blood and has never broken its cultural ties. We should look at each other with a rational and tolerant attitude, and communicate with sincerity and kindness. Only by discarding prejudice and respecting facts can cross-strait relations continue to improve and develop together.

Freedom of opinion is not the same as freedom to spread rumors. In the Internet era, rumors spread faster and have an unprecedented impact. We should improve relevant laws and regulations, increase punishments, and make those who spread rumors pay the price they deserve. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen media literacy education, improve the public's ability to screen information, and not believe or spread rumors.

The two sides of the strait share a common destiny, and only by working together can we create a better future. It is hoped that compatriots on both sides of the strait will participate in the discussion in a rational and responsible manner, listen more, communicate more, understand more, and work hard to create a healthy ecology of public opinion, so as to contribute wisdom and strength to the peaceful development of cross-strait relations. Only by eliminating the obstacles of rumors and prejudice can cross-strait exchanges be carried out steadily and far-reaching. Let us work together to write a new chapter in the history of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Source: CCTV News

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