
Talk about the children who almost got aborted

Talk about the children who almost got aborted

Ho Yafu Garden

2024-05-15 17:41Published in Guangdong, author of "Population Crisis".

Yesterday I wrote an article "The future of life is unknown, not a reason not to have a baby", mentioning that Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the highest-paid football players in the world today. Before Ronaldo's birth, Ronaldo's mother had already given birth to three children, and the family was poor. After learning of her fourth pregnancy, Ronaldo's mother was so anxious that having another child would make it more difficult for her family, so she asked the doctor to abort her. But the doctor refused to abort her, and Ronaldo was eventually born.

Fortunately, the doctor rejected Ronaldo's mother's request for an abortion at the time, otherwise Ronaldo would not have had a chance to be born. Let me tell you a few more stories about children who were almost aborted.

Kang is rare

Kang Shaojian, a former director of in-depth reporting at the Beijing Times and director of Tencent's content platform, released a video titled "My Birthday" last month. Kang Shaojian said in the video that he has two names, one is given by his grandfather and grandfather, called "plan"; The other is given by the father, called "rare", which means that he is a rare life that can survive after being induced.

Kang Shaojian said: 43 years ago (1981) today, he was picked up from the trash can by his biological mother. Because his birth did not conform to the family planning policy at the time, his mother was induced to go into labor when she was seven months pregnant, "giving her at least two injections to induce labor, both of which were punctured through the belly, from this part of my right ear, and then I gave birth in the early morning of the first day of March in 1981." He was thrown by doctors and nurses into a trash can at the end of the hospital corridor."

However, Kang Shaojian was lucky to survive. "I don't know how long it took for my mother to hear a child's cry, which was my cry." So Kang Shaojian, who had just been induced to work, dragged her weak body, climbed to the edge of the trash can alone in the cold night, "carried the cold me in her arms, and then crawled back to the ward and carried me all night."

Kang Shaojian said, "I don't want to condemn anything when I recall these today, I just suddenly thought that my mother suffered so much because she gave birth to me, and it is necessary for everyone to know." I also feel it is necessary for me to tell you that I have two names: one is called rare and the other is called plan. ”

Kang's rare video quickly swiped the screen in the circle of friends, and the number of retweets reached 100,000+.

Deng Chao

On October 12, 2012, the Beijing News reported: Chen Kexin said: "Meng Xiaojun (played by Deng Chao) can't be killed, so he is called Superman." Deng Chao said: "Actually, the 'super' in my name means 'superbirth'. I was really overborn, and my mother was already on the labor induction table at the time, and it was stopped later, otherwise I wouldn't be here. ”

On April 4, 2016, Hunan Satellite TV News posted a photo of Deng Chao and his sister in his childhood, and revealed the origin of Deng Chao's name. In the video, there are many handsome photos of Deng Chao's childhood and precious photos with his sister, and dubbing said that before Deng Chao was born, both parents had children, Deng Chao was the fourth child in this family, because he belonged to Chaosheng, so his parents named him Deng Chao!

Zhao Ruirui

Zhao Ruirui used to be an excellent deputy attacker of the Chinese women's volleyball team, with a height of 1.97 meters, and was once known as the "first height" of the Chinese women's volleyball team. However, such an excellent athlete was almost aborted that year.

According to Zhao Ruirui's father, Zhao Huaifu, played volleyball in the Jiangsu team and was Yuan Weimin's teammate. In 1981, Zhao's mother was pregnant with her second child, and the national family planning policy was very tight that year, so Zhao Huaifu had to write an application for a second child and submit it to the family planning office of the district where Nanjing Institute of Physical Education is located. The application was handed over to the town family planning office, and the other party suggested that the child should be aborted, and Zhao Huaifu became angry when he heard it: "These are two lives, who is responsible for what happened?" Which of you would dare to sign the surgical order? Anyway, I don't sign it! In July 1981, Nanjing Institute of Physical Education convened the Family Planning Office, the college trade union, the personnel department, the Youth League Committee and Zhao Huaifu's family to meet again, and the only topic of the meeting was "whether the old Zhao family can have a second child". Seeing Zhao's mother sitting next to her with a seven-month-old belly, all parties at the meeting couldn't bear it. The meeting finally reached a resolution: the second child is allowed, but the child does not enjoy the child health care fee, and the hospital expenses are borne by the Zhao family. Now Zhao Huaifu took out the old bill again, and said happily: "16 yuan 3 cents 2, Rui Rui was worth so much at the beginning." ”

On July 27, 2012, I forwarded the report of Chinanews on my Weibo, and @赵瑞瑞, Zhao Ruirui forwarded and replied to my Sina Weibo and said: "Thank you to the leaders of the Nanjing Sports Institute for agreeing to me to come to this world, so that my mother was not induced when she was pregnant for 7 months, and my market value was only 16 yuan 3 mao 2~~" (see screenshot below)

Talk about the children who almost got aborted

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  • Talk about the children who almost got aborted

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