
The 56-year-old aunt was diagnosed with uremia, and she usually likes to eat fruits and exercise, and the doctor is sad: why don't you listen to persuasion

author:Lao Li popular science talk

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Aunt Liu is a primary school teacher, busy but always full of enthusiasm, she is always smiling, amiable, deeply loved by students, she likes to dance square dance with friends in her spare time, chat, life is full and comfortable, in the eyes of everyone, she is a representative of healthy life, is a role model for everyone to learn.

However, all this came to an abrupt end after the physical examination report came out, that day Aunt Liu went to the hospital for the annual physical examination as usual, when she got the report, her face instantly turned pale, and the doctor told her that her kidney function was seriously impaired, which had reached the level of uremia and needed to be treated as soon as possible.

The 56-year-old aunt was diagnosed with uremia, and she usually likes to eat fruits and exercise, and the doctor is sad: why don't you listen to persuasion

Aunt Liu couldn't believe her ears, and she asked the doctor, "How can this be?" I usually exercise diligently and eat healthily, why did I suddenly get this disease? Her voice was full of confusion and trepidation, and her eyes were full of confusion.

The doctor sighed and said earnestly: "Auntie, you usually like to eat fruits, which is not wrong in itself, but it is not good to eat too much, do you know, some fruits are very high in potassium, such as bananas, oranges, etc., excessive intake of potassium will increase the burden on the kidneys, plus you are old, kidney function is slowly declining, so it is more likely to have problems." "

The 56-year-old aunt was diagnosed with uremia, and she usually likes to eat fruits and exercise, and the doctor is sad: why don't you listen to persuasion

Aunt Liu suddenly realized, she recalled that she had to eat a lot of fruit every day, sometimes she could eat three or four bananas a day, she thought that eating more fruits was good for health, but she didn't expect it to backfire, she couldn't help but feel afraid for a while, if it wasn't for this physical examination, the consequences were really unimaginable.

The doctor continued: "Also, Auntie, it's a good thing that you love exercise, but the amount of exercise should not be too much, excessive exercise will produce a lot of creatinine and uric acid, and it will also increase the burden on the kidneys. "

The 56-year-old aunt was diagnosed with uremia, and she usually likes to eat fruits and exercise, and the doctor is sad: why don't you listen to persuasion

After listening to the doctor's words, Aunt Liu had mixed feelings in her heart, she regretted that she did not pay attention to her physical condition earlier, but she was glad that she found the problem in time, and she made up her mind to cooperate with the treatment and get rid of those habits that seemed to be healthy but were actually harmful.

Aunt Liu's story has given us a lot of inspiration, many people think that eating more fruits and exercising more is a healthy lifestyle, but in fact, it is too much, everyone's body bears different abilities, and the blind pursuit of the so-called "health" may be counterproductive, especially for the middle-aged and elderly, the body's functions are gradually declining, and it is necessary to do what you can.

The 56-year-old aunt was diagnosed with uremia, and she usually likes to eat fruits and exercise, and the doctor is sad: why don't you listen to persuasion

In addition, exercise should also be moderate, choose a moderate intensity of exercise, step by step, excessive exercise not only harms the kidneys, but also may lead to other health problems, the gains outweigh the losses.

Each of us aspires to live a long and healthy life, but it is not easy to really do it, health is a system engineering, which requires our comprehensive and rational understanding and action, first of all, we must respect the objective laws of the body, conform to nature, and cannot blindly pursue some extreme lifestyles, but also learn to observe the changes in our bodies, adjust strategies in time, and vary from person to person and from time to time.

The 56-year-old aunt was diagnosed with uremia, and she usually likes to eat fruits and exercise, and the doctor is sad: why don't you listen to persuasion

Regular physical examination is also an essential part, many chronic diseases have no obvious symptoms in the early stage, only through physical examination can the problem be detected early, strive for the best time for treatment, do not wait until the body has serious problems, then regret it.

In addition, mental health can not be ignored, the pace of modern life is getting faster and faster, the pressure is getting bigger and bigger, long-term tension and anxiety will cause great damage to physical and mental health, so we must learn to relieve stress and maintain an optimistic and positive attitude, which is also of great significance to health.

The 56-year-old aunt was diagnosed with uremia, and she usually likes to eat fruits and exercise, and the doctor is sad: why don't you listen to persuasion

Aunt Liu's experience is regrettable, but it also sounded the alarm for everyone, I hope everyone can take this as a warning, treat health with a scientific attitude, not blindly follow, not extreme, and find a way to be healthy that is truly suitable for you.

In general, maintaining health requires a comprehensive and scientific approach, we must learn to listen to the voice of the body, respect the laws of life, and achieve real physical and mental health, health is a lifelong career, we need to use wisdom to operate, I believe that as long as we treat our bodies with a responsible attitude, everyone can live a wonderful and dignified life.

The 56-year-old aunt was diagnosed with uremia, and she usually likes to eat fruits and exercise, and the doctor is sad: why don't you listen to persuasion

Aunt Liu's story may be just a microcosm, but her experience provides each of us with a valuable life topic, health seems simple, but in fact there is a lot of knowledge, we must be humble attitude, continue to learn health knowledge, use scientific methods to guide life practice, but also to remain vigilant, not to be misled by one-sided health concepts, always look at their own lifestyle with a global vision.

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[Disclaimer: The content of the article is a fictional story, please read it rationally, and do not sit in the right seat]

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