
The 55-year-old aunt gets up early every day with a glass of light salt water and insists on going for a check-up after half a year, what is her physical condition?

author:Lao Li popular science talk

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55-year-old Aunt Li is a retired teacher, she has always paid attention to the way of health, one morning half a year ago, she got up as usual and drank a glass of light salt water, feeling refreshed, Aunt Li insisted on drinking light salt water every morning, thinking that this is a health secret.

One day half a year later, Aunt Li went to the hospital for a routine physical examination as usual, and after the physical examination report came out, Aunt Li was surprised to find that her blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipids were higher than normal, and the doctor advised her to change her lifestyle habits as soon as possible, otherwise it may cause serious consequences such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

The 55-year-old aunt gets up early every day with a glass of light salt water and insists on going for a check-up after half a year, what is her physical condition?

Aunt Li was very puzzled, she didn't understand why she insisted on drinking light salt water for half a year, and her physical condition did not improve, but worsened, so she decided to consult an experienced nutritionist, and the nutritionist patiently explained: "Auntie drinking light salt water is not a scientific health method, on the contrary, drinking salt water for a long time may have a negative impact on the body." "

"Why? Aunt Li asked curiously, and the dietitian continued: "The sodium required by the human body mainly comes from the daily diet, if you consume too much sodium, it will lead to sodium salt retention in the body, cause water and sodium retention, increase blood volume, increase the burden on the heart, lead to increased blood pressure, in addition to long-term high-salt diet may also cause kidney damage, osteoporosis and other problems. "

The 55-year-old aunt gets up early every day with a glass of light salt water and insists on going for a check-up after half a year, what is her physical condition?

Aunt Li suddenly realized: "No wonder my physical condition has not improved, it turned out to be caused by drinking light salt water,"

The nutritionist smiled and said: "Auntie don't drink light salt water in the future, if you want to maintain your health, you might as well drink more boiled water, and eat more vegetables and fruits in your diet, less high-salt, high-fat food, and at the same time ensure adequate sleep and moderate exercise, so as to truly achieve health." "

The 55-year-old aunt gets up early every day with a glass of light salt water and insists on going for a check-up after half a year, what is her physical condition?

Aunt Li nodded again and again to show that she understood, after coming out of the dietitian, she secretly made up her mind to get rid of the bad habit of drinking light salt water, and to tell her friends around her that drinking light salt water is not a good way to maintain health, in fact, the habit of drinking light salt water is not uncommon among some people, especially the middle-aged and elderly, they think that drinking light salt water can supplement the sodium required by the human body, which is beneficial to health, but this practice is not only not beneficial, but harmful.

Sodium is one of the essential minerals for the human body, which plays an important role in maintaining the balance of water and electrolytes in the human body and transmitting nerve impulses, but the sodium required by the human body can be obtained from the normal diet, and the dietary guidelines for mainland residents recommend that the daily salt intake of adults should not exceed 6 grams, that is, no more than 2400 mg of sodium.

The 55-year-old aunt gets up early every day with a glass of light salt water and insists on going for a check-up after half a year, what is her physical condition?

On the other hand, although the salt content in light salt water is not high, if it is used instead of drinking water, it will also lead to electrolyte disorders in the human body.

In addition to drinking light salt water, some so-called "health secrets" are also debatable, such as some people think that drinking honey water on an empty stomach can lose weight and beauty; Some people think that drinking coffee can refresh the mind; There are also people who believe that drinking red wine can be anti-aging, and various claims sound very reasonable, but often lack scientific basis.

The 55-year-old aunt gets up early every day with a glass of light salt water and insists on going for a check-up after half a year, what is her physical condition?

In fact, any food or drink is not a panacea, excessive consumption may bring negative effects, such as honey although the nutritional value is high, but after all, it contains a lot of sugar, drinking a large amount of empty stomach may cause blood sugar fluctuations, harmful to health, although coffee can excite the nerves, but excessive drinking may lead to heart palpitations, insomnia and other problems, although red wine contains certain nutrients, but alcohol itself is a harmful substance, excessive drinking is harmful to health.

It can be seen that blindly believing in the so-called "health secrets" is not only not beneficial, but may be harmful, the real way of health preservation, should be built on the basis of science, balanced diet, moderate exercise, adequate sleep, good attitude, is the key to health and longevity.

The 55-year-old aunt gets up early every day with a glass of light salt water and insists on going for a check-up after half a year, what is her physical condition?

This reminds me of a famous saying: knowledge is power, only by arming ourselves with scientific knowledge, we can distinguish the truth from the false in the complex information, and make the right choice, let's go back to the story of Aunt Li, through the communication with the nutritionist, she realized the disadvantages of drinking light salt water, and made up her mind to get rid of this bad habit, I think her decision is wise.

I sincerely hope that Aunt Li can adjust her eating habits as soon as possible, eat more vegetables and fruits, and eat less high-salt and high-fat foods; At the same time, she strengthened exercise, ensured sleep, and believed that through a period of scientific health, her physical condition would definitely be improved.

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[Disclaimer: The content of the article is a fictional story, please read it rationally, and do not sit in the right seat]