
It's okay to pat the "longevity mechanism" on your body! Help you dredge the meridians, enhance your physique, and delight your body and mind

author:Health Road Plue

Have you experienced the following problems? The meridians are blocked, and the physical constitution is poor and easy to get sick? Not in a good mood? Frequent constipation? Always insomnia?

It's okay to pat the "longevity mechanism" on your body! Help you dredge the meridians, enhance your physique, and delight your body and mind

Each person has the special ability of the "Longevity Mechanism". Why not take some time out to focus on and activate these "longevity mechanisms"? This method is safe and effective, and it doesn't cost any money.

Our body can function normally because the meridians connect the five internal organs, and through the meridian system, nutrients and qi, blood, and fluid are continuously transported to various organs and organs.

Tapping the meridians is very beneficial to promote the smoothness of the meridians, but it is necessary to pay attention to promoting the operation of the meridians during the tapping, rather than blocking the path of the meridians.

The meridians are blocked, the constitution is poor and easy to get sick, shoot 3 litters

There are many special areas in the human body that may hide many secrets of longevity! Gently pat these areas for 3~5 minutes each time, 5~6 times a day, can help unblock the meridians and enhance physical fitness.

1. Elbow fossa: may accumulate undesirable factors of the lungs and heart meridians

Location: The cubital fossa is located on the inside of the elbow, where the upper and forearm meet.

Benefits: This area is the passage of the lung meridian, pericardial meridian and heart meridian, and frequent rubbing and patting of this area will help to dredge the flow of qi and blood to the heart and lungs, and maintain and enhance the heart and lung function.

Method: Using a virtual palm, gently pat the inside of the elbow.

2. Popliteal fossa: may accumulate adverse factors of bladder meridian and kidney meridian

Location: The popliteal fossa is located behind the knee joint, where the thigh and calf meet.

It's okay to pat the "longevity mechanism" on your body! Help you dredge the meridians, enhance your physique, and delight your body and mind

Function: This area is the qi and blood channel of the bladder meridian, and often rubbing and patting this area can dredge the qi and blood flow of the bladder meridian, help improve symptoms such as backache and back pain, and have a conditioning effect on enuresis and poor urination.

Method: Using a virtual palm, gently pat the back of the knee.

3. Armpit: may accumulate undesirable factors of heart meridian and bile meridian

Position: Straighten your arm, feel the pull on the inside of your arm and flank and find the area higher in your armpit.

Function: This area is the qi and blood channel of the heart meridian and gallbladder meridian, and frequent rubbing and patting of this area can dredge the flow of qi and blood in the heart meridian and gallbladder meridian, help relieve liver qi stagnation, relieve shoulder and neck discomfort, and improve sleep quality.

Method: Use a virtual palm and gently pat the armpit.

Not in a good mood? Slap the gallbladder meridian

Location: Located on the outer thigh.

Function: The bile meridian is closely related to emotions, if you feel that the mood is not smooth, you can help restore the pleasure of the body and mind by patting the bile meridian.

Method: Gently pat the outside of the thigh with a fist-clasped hand, which can be moderately increased.

Frequent constipation? Rubbing and patting the groin

Function: By rubbing and patting the groin, it can bring a warm and relaxing feeling in the abdomen and lower limbs, while promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis and helping to relieve constipation.

Methods: Locate the groin and perform repeated rubbing. First of all, you need to warm up, and use both hands to quickly rub up and down the groin area located on the inner thigh and lower abdomen, and the rubbing time is generally 1~3 minutes. At this point, you may feel a warm sensation in your pelvis, lower abdomen, and even lower limbs.

It's okay to pat the "longevity mechanism" on your body! Help you dredge the meridians, enhance your physique, and delight your body and mind

Using hollow palms, tap repeatedly.

Hold the hollow palm and repeatedly tap the groin area located on the inner thigh where it meets the lower abdomen. 100 strokes on each side, focusing on the midpoint of both hips. During the slap, you may feel your abdomen and legs relax, gradually transmitting a warm sensation in your lower extremities.

Bad sleep? Alternate pedaling movements

Function: By alternately pedaling on the inner calf, the left and right feet take turns, which can promote the smoother flow of qi and blood, help calm the mind and enter a restful sleep state.

Method: Use the sole of your right foot along the inner calf of your left leg, starting below your knee, and push down with moderate force.

This can be done during or after foot soaking. Alternate pedaling with the left and right feet for 1~2 minutes.

Note: It is best to perform this set of movements 1 hour before bedtime. If you feel some small lumps or nodules during the process, you can use the heel area to stimulate to relieve the discomfort.