
The 2024 Dog Days schedule is here! This year's dog days are very special, will the dog days be so hot that they cry?

author:The food of the living home


As the gentleness of the spring breeze gradually recedes, we ushered in the prelude to summer - the beginning of summer. The beginning of summer, one of the 24 solar terms in China, not only marks the beginning of summer, but also heralds the arrival of a series of seasonal changes.

Another distinguishing feature of summer is the length of the days and the shortness of the nights. As the direct point of the sun moves northward, the hours of daylight in the Northern Hemisphere gradually increase, and the nights decrease accordingly. This not only affects people's schedules, but also has an impact on their biological clocks.

At present, the hot weather has also entered one after another in various places, and the feeling of summer is becoming more and more obvious day by day. Many people are asking, when are the dog days this year? Will dog days be hot this year? Or is it going to be so hot that you cry? Let's give you a science popularization, and by the way, the date table of dog days will also be given to you, and you will understand it at a glance.

The 2024 Dog Days schedule is here! This year's dog days are very special, will the dog days be so hot that they cry?

High temperatures in summer

Summer, the season full of life, also comes with some challenges. How to stay comfortable and healthy in the hot summer is a problem that everyone needs to face. Hot weather is one of the most common challenges in summer. Persistent heat is not only uncomfortable, but can also lead to health problems such as heat stroke. In this regard, it is important that we take appropriate measures to escape the heat.

When dealing with hot weather, fans and air conditioners have become indispensable equipment in homes and offices. Fans help dissipate heat by accelerating air flow; Air conditioners, on the other hand, create a more comfortable environment by regulating the indoor temperature and humidity.

The 2024 Dog Days schedule is here! This year's dog days are very special, will the dog days be so hot that they cry?

In addition to the use of fans and air conditioners, eating and drinking in the summer is also very important. As a representative fruit in summer, watermelon not only has a sweet taste, but also has a good effect on relieving heat. In an air-conditioned room, enjoying the cool air while sipping chilled watermelon is undoubtedly a great pleasure in summer.

Dog days of summer

Dog days, as the hottest phase of summer, are an important concept in traditional Chinese solar terms. It usually occurs between the mild and heavy heat, and is the hottest and wettest time of the year. Dog days, as the name suggests, refer to the period of "three hidden". During this period, temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere reach their highest point of the year as the direct point of the Sun approaches the Tropic of Capricorn.

The 2024 Dog Days schedule is here! This year's dog days are very special, will the dog days be so hot that they cry?

More precisely, dog days are a concept used in the Chinese lunar calendar to describe the hottest period of the year, which usually appears between the two solar terms of Xiaoxia and Daxiao, and is a representation of the hot weather in summer in traditional Chinese solar term culture. Dog days are divided into three phases: the first, middle, and last phases, and the beginning and duration of each phase are related to the Geng day in the lunar calendar.

Dog days are usually between the minor and major heats, and the exact timing varies from year to year. The small heat marks the official start of summer, while the big heat is the peak of summer. Dog days are the transition period between these two solar terms.

The 2024 Dog Days schedule is here! This year's dog days are very special, will the dog days be so hot that they cry?

Schedule of dog days

The dates of the dog days are determined according to the Chinese lunar calendar and the algorithm of the sexagenary branches, specifically related to the concept of "Geng day". Geng day refers to the day with the word "Geng" in the sexagenary branch, and each phase of the dog day is calculated with Geng day as the starting point.

1. First volcant: the third Geng day after the summer solstice, fixed for 10 days

The beginning time of the first volt is the third Geng day after the first Geng day after the summer solstice, and the duration is a fixed 10 days. This is usually the time of year when temperatures begin to rise significantly.

The 2024 Dog Days schedule is here! This year's dog days are very special, will the dog days be so hot that they cry?

2. Mid-volt: the fourth Geng day after the summer solstice, the number of days is not fixed (10 or 20 days)

The beginning time of the mid-volt is the fourth Geng day after the summer solstice, and its duration is not fixed, it may be 10 or 20 days. Mid-volt is the hottest phase of the dog days and the warmest time of the year. Like this year's dog days, this year's dog days are actually different from previous years, the difference is that the dog days are as long as 20 days, and they are called the "super long version" dog days by netizens.

3. The end of the day: the first Geng day after the beginning of autumn, fixed for 10 days

The beginning time of the end of the year is the first Geng day after the beginning of autumn, and the duration is also a fixed 10 days. The last days mark the end of the dog days, and the temperature begins to drop gradually.

The 2024 Dog Days schedule is here! This year's dog days are very special, will the dog days be so hot that they cry?

The dog days of 2024 are on schedule

Based on the calculation of the lunar calendar and the sexagenary cycle in 2024, we can derive a specific schedule of dog days.

1. First Days: July 15 to July 24

The beginning of 2024 begins on July 15 and lasts until July 24. Although the first dog days are just the beginning, the temperature is already quite high, and it is necessary to start taking measures to escape the heat. From now on, there are about 2 months left to enter the first lurk.

2. Mid-volt: July 25 to August 13

The 2024 Dog Days schedule is here! This year's dog days are very special, will the dog days be so hot that they cry?

Nakabushi began on July 25 and lasted until August 13. Due to the variable number of days in the dog days, the 2024 year lasts for 20 days, which is the hottest phase of the dog days. This year's mid-year season spans two months, from the end of July to mid-August.

3. Last: August 14 to August 23

The end of the season began on August 14 and lasted until August 23. Although the temperature at the end of the year has begun to drop, it is still necessary to continue to pay attention to heat prevention and cooling. In other words, this year's dog days lasted from July 15th to August 23rd, a full 40 days.

The 2024 Dog Days schedule is here! This year's dog days are very special, will the dog days be so hot that they cry?

Dog Days

In traditional Chinese culture, there is an old saying that "the male is fierce, and the female is cool", which is used to predict the warmth and coldness of dog days. According to the parity of the lunar dates, it can be judged whether the dog days are "male" or "female". Based on the lunar calendar date of 2024, we can judge that the dog days of this year are "mother volts". This means that the summer of 2024 may not be particularly hot, but proper measures to escape the heat will still be required.

So what is "male" and "female"? "Gongfu" refers to dog days with odd lunar dates, which are generally considered to be hot; The term "mufu" refers to dog days with an even number of lunar dates, which are generally considered to be cooler.

The 2024 Dog Days schedule is here! This year's dog days are very special, will the dog days be so hot that they cry?

In this way, this year's dog days are still relatively optimistic, at least in terms of agricultural proverbs, dog days are not very hot, but a little longer.

The dog days of 2024 not only herald a relatively cool summer because of the "mother volt", but also because of their special time span and climatic conditions. The dog days of the year are 40 days in total, which is longer than the average dog day, but it is not expected to be particularly hot because it is a "mother volt". This is good news for outdoor workers and seniors, at least to avoid hot weather operations outside.

The 2024 Dog Days schedule is here! This year's dog days are very special, will the dog days be so hot that they cry?

As the saying goes, "winter disease is cured in summer"

There is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine, "winter disease and summer treatment". This "summer treatment" refers to the meaning of dog days and dog days to cure diseases. When dog days come, it is now popular to go to the hospital to apply dog patches, which can get rid of the symptoms accumulated over the years, and the effect is very good. For people who are well-healthy, during dog days, a reasonable diet is essential to maintain health and comfort, not only to reduce the burden on the body, but also to prevent diseases. However, eating habits vary from region to region.

In the north, people like to eat foods that bring a refreshing sensation on dog days. Dumplings and noodles are common choices because they are easy to digest and don't put an undue burden on the body. Mutton and mutton soup are also traditional foods in the north, as they provide the necessary nutrients and energy to help people withstand the heat. It is taboo to eat some frozen foods, such as ice cream, ice cream and the like, eating these things on dog days is not good for the body.

The 2024 Dog Days schedule is here! This year's dog days are very special, will the dog days be so hot that they cry?

The climate in the south is more humid and hot than in the north, so southerners pay more attention to light and heat relief in their diet on dog days. Common southern summer foods include mung bean soup, lotus leaf porridge, cold vegetables, etc. Not only do these foods provide essential nutrients, but they also help the body regulate its water balance. But watermelon in summer quenches your thirst more, and gulping down watermelon can replenish the loss of water on hot days.

TCM advice

For how to better cope with the dog day climate, TCM also gives some practical and useful advice. As follows:

1. Eat a light and easy-to-digest diet: On dog days, you should choose light and easy-to-digest foods and avoid greasy and spicy foods to reduce the burden on your body.

The 2024 Dog Days schedule is here! This year's dog days are very special, will the dog days be so hot that they cry?

2. Proper exercise: Despite the hot weather, proper exercise such as yoga, tai chi, jogging, and swimming can help detoxify the body and stretch yang energy.

3. Avoid excessive cold: In summer, it is not advisable to eat more cold food or stay in an air-conditioned environment for a long time to avoid hurting the spleen and stomach.

The 2024 Dog Days schedule is here! This year's dog days are very special, will the dog days be so hot that they cry?

4. Replenish water and salt: Due to heavy sweating in summer, you need to replenish the lost water and salt in time, and soup tea is a good choice.

5. Maintain a good attitude: Psychological regulation is also crucial, and you should maintain calmness, calm your nerves, avoid irritability, and calm your anger.

6. Three-dog patch: When the three-dog Tianyang qi is at its fullest, it is applied to the acupuncture points of the human body through medicine to drive away the cold and dampness in the body.

The 2024 Dog Days schedule is here! This year's dog days are very special, will the dog days be so hot that they cry?

7. Nap: Insist on napping on dog days to improve sleep quality and enhance resistance, but napping time should not be too long, 30 minutes to 1 hour is recommended.

8. Soak your feet in hot water: Soaking your feet in hot water every night, especially with wormwood, can help remove the heat and humidity.

9. Moxibustion: Moxibustion replenishes the energy of Yuanyang, helps to expel cold and dampness from the body, and prevents inflammation.

10. Strengthen the spleen and heart: On dog days, you should focus on taking care of the spleen, stomach and heart, avoid heart fire, and maintain a calm and quiet state of mind.

The 2024 Dog Days schedule is here! This year's dog days are very special, will the dog days be so hot that they cry?

11. Dietary taboos: Avoid eating excessively hot or cold foods to avoid affecting your health.

12. Precautions for exercise: Exercise should avoid high temperature periods, choose early morning or evening when it is cooler, and avoid sweating.

13. Dispel dampness: Dog days are damp, so you should eat less cold food and eat more food that strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness, such as poria cocos, tangerine peel, etc.

14. Avoid air conditioning disease: use air conditioning reasonably, avoid direct blowing, maintain a suitable temperature, and pay attention to the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor.

The 2024 Dog Days schedule is here! This year's dog days are very special, will the dog days be so hot that they cry?

15. Drink water scientifically: Drink water in small quantities and many times, and avoid drinking water in large gulps so as not to increase the burden on the heart.

16. Go to bed late and wake up early: Adapt to the sunshine hours in summer, adjust your work and rest appropriately, go to bed late and get up early, and take a proper lunch break.

These tips can help you stay healthy during the dog days, while also preventing and treating some of the diseases that are prone to occur during the winter months. Wellness is a comprehensive concept that involves many aspects such as diet, exercise, mood, work and rest, etc., and needs to be appropriately adjusted according to the individual's physique and actual situation. The dog days of 2024, as the "mother volt", are expected to bring people a relatively cool summer. During these 40 days, we should take proper measures to escape the heat and have a comfortable dog day.