
Today, on the eighth day of the fourth month, "whether it is hot or not, it depends on the eighth day of the fourth month", will it be so hot that you cry on dog days this year

author:The food of the living home


With the passage of time, we have just bid farewell to Lixia and ushered in Xiaoman. These two solar terms mark the official arrival of summer and also indicate that the weather will become hotter and more thunderstorms. In traditional Chinese culture, solar terms are not only a time guide for agricultural activities, but also an important basis for predicting weather changes.

This year, April 2024, the national average temperature was 1.7°C above normal, the highest since 1961. What is particularly interesting is that the temperature is now a little higher than the same time period in previous years, so many people wonder, is it going to be so hot that they cry this year? How hot will dog days be this year? According to the words of the old people in the countryside, this year, "whether it is hot or not, it depends on the eighth day of the first month of April", and today is the eighth day of the first month of April.

Today, on the eighth day of the fourth month, "whether it is hot or not, it depends on the eighth day of the fourth month", will it be so hot that you cry on dog days this year

Dog Day Schedule

This year's dog days are called "super long" because they are 10 days longer than the average dog days, reaching 40 days long. Among them, the mid-incubation time is 20 days, which is 10 days longer than in previous years. This means that the dog days will last longer this year, and the hot weather will continue for up to 40 days.

This change is due to the leap month in the lunar calendar. As a lunisolar calendar, the lunar calendar takes into account both the return year cycle of the sun and the synodic cycle of the moon. In order to reconcile the differences between the two cycles, the lunar calendar is adjusted by placing a leap month, that is, adding 7 leap months to the 19-year cycle. Therefore, when there is a leap month in a given year, the duration of the dog days becomes correspondingly longer.

Today, on the eighth day of the fourth month, "whether it is hot or not, it depends on the eighth day of the fourth month", will it be so hot that you cry on dog days this year

The source of dog days

The origins of dog days can be traced back to the agrarian society of ancient China. At that time, solar terms were divided according to the position of the sun on the zodiac to guide agricultural activities. Dog days consist of three phases: the first, middle, and last phases, each lasting about 10 days. Among them, the time of the mid-volt may vary depending on the existence of a leap month.

In ancient times, dog days were not only an important period in agriculture, but also an important cultural and religious festival. During this time, various rituals and activities are held to pray for good weather and a good harvest. In addition, dog days are also important times for health care. In TCM theory, dog days are considered to be the peak period of "yang energy", and people should take care of their bodies through proper diet and lifestyle habits to avoid heat stroke and illness.

Today, on the eighth day of the fourth month, "whether it is hot or not, it depends on the eighth day of the fourth month", will it be so hot that you cry on dog days this year

Weather forecast

Meteorologists offer their views through an in-depth analysis of current climate models, combined with historical climate data. They point out that the trend of global warming is intensifying, which could lead to extreme weather events, such as heat waves, becoming more frequent and intense. Factors such as El Niño, atmospheric circulation patterns and the urban heat island effect were also taken into account, all of which could have an impact on the hot summer months.

The conclusion is that this year's summer will be hotter than usual, and it will be a heat wave with persistent high temperatures. The masses are urged to be prepared to prevent heat stroke and cool down.

Today, on the eighth day of the fourth month, "whether it is hot or not, it depends on the eighth day of the fourth month", will it be so hot that you cry on dog days this year

The agricultural proverb of the eighth day of the fourth month

The eighth day of the fourth month, also known as the Buddha Bathing Festival, is an important festival for Buddhists to commemorate the birth of the Buddha. On this day, Buddhists hold a Buddha bathing event to show their respect and remembrance of the Buddha. In addition to its religious significance, the eighth day of the fourth lunar month also has a place in China's agrarian culture. There is a popular saying in the countryside, "whether it is hot or not, it depends on the eighth day of April", that is to say, whether it is hot this year, it depends on the weather on the eighth day of April, and the weather on this day reflects the cold and hot of the dog days in the following summer.

Agricultural proverbs, the crystallization of folk wisdom, are often used to predict the weather and guide agricultural activities. Among the many agricultural proverbs, the proverbs about the eighth day of the fourth month are particularly striking, as they are often associated with the hot weather of dog days. These agricultural proverbs not only reflect people's observation and understanding of the laws of nature, but also a prediction of future weather. So let's take a look, on the eighth day of the fourth month, what does the agricultural proverb say?

Today, on the eighth day of the fourth month, "whether it is hot or not, it depends on the eighth day of the fourth month", will it be so hot that you cry on dog days this year

"It rained on the eighth day of April, and it was not hot on dog days." This agricultural proverb embodies the careful observation of the weather changes by the ancients. In traditional farming societies, weather is crucial for the growth of crops. If it rains on the eighth day of April, it may indicate that the summer will be relatively mild and not too hot. Such climatic conditions are conducive to the growth of crops, especially in areas where crops with high water requirements, such as rice, are grown. Moderate rainfall can also help alleviate drought, reduce evaporation due to high temperatures, and maintain soil moisture.

"The eighth day of April is sunny, and the dog days are dry." A sunny eighth day of April may herald a dry dog day. In the absence of modern irrigation technology, drought was a huge threat to agricultural production. This proverb reminds farmers that if the weather is clear on the eighth day of April, then pay special attention to irrigation and water management on the next three dog days to reduce the adverse effects of drought on crops. It is also advisable to choose some drought-tolerant crops to plant to adapt to possible drought conditions.

Today, on the eighth day of the fourth month, "whether it is hot or not, it depends on the eighth day of the fourth month", will it be so hot that you cry on dog days this year

"The eight winds of the first month of April, the dog days are dry and hot." Hot and dry winds are a special climatic phenomenon that usually occurs in spring and early summer, when the temperature rises rapidly, the humidity decreases, and the wind increases. Hot and dry air not only exacerbates the evaporation of soil moisture, but can also cause damage to crop leaves and affect photosynthesis, thereby reducing crop yield and quality. This proverb reminds people that if there is wind on the eighth day of April, then be especially vigilant for the appearance of hot and dry winds on dog days, and take appropriate precautions, such as mitigating the effects of hot and dry winds by planting windbreaks or adjusting crop planting structures.

"Eight clouds in early April, dog days with frequent rain." A cloudy eighth day of April may herald a rainy dog day. In some areas, frequent rainfall may help alleviate the summer heat, but for agricultural production, excessive rainfall can also cause problems, such as flooding and crop diseases. This proverb reminds farmers that if there are more clouds on the eighth day of April, then special attention should be paid to drainage and disease control on dog days to ensure the healthy growth of crops.

Today, on the eighth day of the fourth month, "whether it is hot or not, it depends on the eighth day of the fourth month", will it be so hot that you cry on dog days this year

Although these agricultural proverbs are simple, they contain a wealth of experience and wisdom, and are the long-term observation and summary of natural phenomena by the ancients. Even with the development of modern science and technology, these agricultural proverbs still have great reference value.

Weather forecast for the eighth day of April

According to the latest meteorological forecast, on the eighth day of April 2024, Jiangnan and southern China will experience a heavy rainfall process accompanied by strong convective weather, which may bring localized flooding. At the same time, the northern region will usher in a wave of high temperatures, and the temperature in the Xinjiang Basin, the central and western parts of Inner Mongolia, and the central and southern parts of North China will rise significantly. So it seems that the actual weather in various places is still different, you can take a look at the actual situation in the local area, and refer to the proverb to make your local judgment on whether the dog days are hot this year.

Today, on the eighth day of the fourth month, "whether it is hot or not, it depends on the eighth day of the fourth month", will it be so hot that you cry on dog days this year

What is hot dry air?

Hot and dry wind is a meteorological phenomenon that is extremely unfavorable for the growth of crops, especially during the wheat filling stage. Hot and dry air can cause water loss in wheat leaves, affecting photosynthesis and reducing yield. Therefore, the impact of hot and dry air on wheat producing areas is particularly noteworthy.

Through the analysis of solar terms and weather forecasts, we can draw some preliminary conclusions about the weather in the summer of 2024. The rain on the eighth day of April seems to indicate the heat of the dog days. This year's dog days are not only longer, but also due to the heavy rainfall in the south of the Yangtze River and South China and the high temperature in the north in early April, it indicates that the difference in weather between the north and the south will be more obvious.

Today, on the eighth day of the fourth month, "whether it is hot or not, it depends on the eighth day of the fourth month", will it be so hot that you cry on dog days this year

Heavy rainfall in Jiangnan and southern China on the eighth day of April may indicate that these areas will face more precipitation during the dog days, which will help alleviate the drought, but also need to be careful to prevent possible flooding. In the north, on the other hand, we need to be wary of the potential effects of high temperatures and droughts, especially hot and dry winds on crops such as wheat.

Difference in weather between the north and the south

The difference in weather between the north and the south has always been a distinctive feature of China's summer climate. Jiangnan and southern China have rainy summers due to their proximity to the ocean, while northern regions have a relatively dry climate due to their distance from the ocean, which is prone to high temperatures and droughts. This difference in weather has a profound impact on agricultural production, water management, and people's lives.

Today, on the eighth day of the fourth month, "whether it is hot or not, it depends on the eighth day of the fourth month", will it be so hot that you cry on dog days this year

What is the effect of hot and dry winds on wheat-producing regions?

The influence of hot and dry air on wheat growth cannot be ignored. Wheat is one of the main food crops on the continent, and its production is directly related to the country's food security. Hot and dry air will lead to water loss during the grain filling stage, which will affect the filling of grains and reduce the yield. Therefore, for wheat producing areas, especially the main wheat producing areas in the north, it is necessary to pay close attention to the occurrence of hot and dry winds and take corresponding preventive measures.

As global warming intensifies, the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events are likely to increase. This year's high temperatures and heavy rainfall, as well as the appearance of hot and dry winds, may be a manifestation of the effects of climate change. Therefore, we need to strengthen research on climate change and improve our ability to respond to extreme weather events to ensure the safety of people's lives and property and the country's food security.

Today, on the eighth day of the fourth month, "whether it is hot or not, it depends on the eighth day of the fourth month", will it be so hot that you cry on dog days this year

The solar terms and agricultural proverbs are the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancients, and they still have important reference value today. Through the observation of solar terms and the application of agricultural proverbs, we can better understand and predict weather changes, thereby providing guidance for agricultural production and people's lives. At the same time, we should also recognize that in the face of the challenges posed by climate change, we need to take more proactive measures to adapt and respond to future weather changes.

Regarding this year's abnormal climate, do you think this summer will be super hot or cold? What is the current climate in your area? Is it already summer? Feel free to leave a message and let us know what you think!

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