
The police car stopped the private car at high speed and followed, and the official response was that the identities of the two men were exposed, and sure enough, there was a situation

author:Wisdom Lotus Leaf X

It is said that it is difficult to find the police, and this sentence clearly shows that the original intention of the police is to serve the people. However, some police officers have misplaced themselves and regarded the status of a police officer as a privilege.

When encountering something, as soon as the police officer card is revealed, he can enforce the law at will, regardless of whether it is compliant and legal, he is obviously a law enforcer, but he treats laws and regulations as child's play.

The police car stopped the private car at high speed and followed, and the official response was that the identities of the two men were exposed, and sure enough, there was a situation

Driving on the highway and suddenly being stopped by other cars, this thing is quite scary, and there will be a big accident. Therefore, the law stipulates that you can't stop a car on the highway casually, unless the police uncle is busy with urgent matters. Recently, there was a video that went viral, saying that a private car was driving well on the highway and did not give way to a police car, but was stopped by a police car. Everybody's talking about it.

The event passed

In the video, it is seen that the private car drove in the leftmost lane, and then a police car with "public security" written on it wanted to overtake from the right, and also turned on the siren, but the private car did not slow down to give way, but accelerated to overtake a large truck, and then drove on the right. After the police car stopped the private car, the two people who came down, neither wearing police uniforms, said that the private car was dangerous to change lanes and that they had to check their driver's licenses. The private car driver was not convinced, not knowing where he was in danger, but in the end he cooperated. After this spread on the Internet, everyone was talking about it.

The police car stopped the private car at high speed and followed, and the official response was that the identities of the two men were exposed, and sure enough, there was a situation

After being stopped, the driver and passengers of the private car were stunned and did not know what had happened. The two people who got out of the police car, although they were not wearing police uniforms, one of them showed the private car driver his documents, and then asked for his driver's license and driving license. The driver of the private car asked what was wrong, and the police said why they didn't give way to the official car. The driver said that he didn't see it, and the police kept asking for documents, and the driver finally said that he would cooperate well.

In the video, it can also be seen that the police car wanted to change lanes and honked the horn of the private car, but it was unsuccessful, and then the siren was sounded. After the private car overtook a truck, it immediately changed to the right lane, and the police car caught up and stopped the private car in the emergency lane.

The police car stopped the private car at high speed and followed, and the official response was that the identities of the two men were exposed, and sure enough, there was a situation

First of all, if the private car is really dangerous driving, there seems to be nothing wrong with the police car stopping him to "educate" him. After all, dangerous driving is dangerous and bad for yourself and others.

After all, if someone stops a car for personal gain, it will definitely not work. If this kind of thing happens, if the "public security" involved really did it deliberately, they should be fired and publicly apologized.

If this behavior leads to a traffic accident, then there must be accountability. Even if the siren is turned off, if the situation is unsafe at the time, there is a reason for the private car not to give way, which is not considered to be an obstruction of official business.

The police car stopped the private car at high speed and followed, and the official response was that the identities of the two men were exposed, and sure enough, there was a situation

Everyone believes that police officers should wear uniforms when performing their official duties, so the behavior of these two plainclothes police officers raises questions.

It is unclear whether the two men abused their powers, but police have said they are investigating.

Police responded

Hubei's highway traffic police said they knew about the matter and were dealing with it. According to the video, here's what happened: On May 10, on the Hubei Expressway, a police car with "public security" written on it stopped a car, and two plainclothes policemen got out of the car, one of whom asked for a driver's license and driving license as soon as he came up. The driver asked what was wrong, and the police said that the official car had to give way, and the driver said that he didn't see it. The police also said that the driver was dangerous to change lanes, and the driver asked where it was dangerous. The police insisted on seeing the documents, and the driver finally cooperated.

The police car stopped the private car at high speed and followed, and the official response was that the identities of the two men were exposed, and sure enough, there was a situation

Later, everyone found out that the two men were really policemen, and they were in-service police officers in Songzi City, Jingzhou.

An investigation team has been set up in Jingzhou to deal with this issue.

If the police encounter an emergency, such as chasing a suspect or a suspicious vehicle, they have the right to stop the car on the highway. However, if it is not safe for a private car to drive on the highway, or if the police car does not pass first, this is really not right. However, if the traffic police take drastic actions because of this, such as unreasonable stopping of cars, then it should not be.

The police car stopped the private car at high speed and followed, and the official response was that the identities of the two men were exposed, and sure enough, there was a situation

Accounts differ and opinions vary

Netizens were most angry about the dangerous behavior of the two policemen. Even if they're police officers, they can't just force other cars to stop on the highway, right? Is this catching the bad guys?

The police car stopped the private car at high speed and followed, and the official response was that the identities of the two men were exposed, and sure enough, there was a situation

Netizens were very dissatisfied with the behavior of the two plainclothes policemen, believing that they abused their power and damaged the image of the police. This incident caused a lot of controversy, and many people expressed their dissatisfaction online.

The police car stopped the private car at high speed and followed, and the official response was that the identities of the two men were exposed, and sure enough, there was a situation

However, if the private car is driving normally, but does not give way to the police car, then the problem arises: when performing an emergency mission, of course, give way, it goes without saying. But if there is no urgent task, do you have to give way unconditionally?

No uniforms, and no sirens and lights can be turned on if they are not on official duty. Wait for the inspector to punish him.

The police car stopped the private car at high speed and followed, and the official response was that the identities of the two men were exposed, and sure enough, there was a situation

In the video, the two plainclothes policemen looked fierce, and the tachograph of the private car captured this scene, and after it was transmitted to the Internet, netizens were very angry, saying that they stopped like this on the highway to enforce the law, and who was responsible for the accident!

Some netizens said: I don't go in case of emergency, who is responsible for the accident when stopped on the highway? Some law enforcement officers are really willful on the highway, and they stop cars casually without regard for the safety of others, which is too dangerous. Everyone hopes that the relevant authorities will severely punish such acts.

The police car stopped the private car at high speed and followed, and the official response was that the identities of the two men were exposed, and sure enough, there was a situation

Some people on the Internet say that police officers have to wear uniforms when driving police cars. According to the regulations, it is like this: police cars must generally be driven by the police, and they must wear police uniforms when driving.

However, if it is necessary for investigative work or other special work, the police may not wear a police uniform. For example, when dealing with some secret cases or hurried police activities, you can drive a police car without a police uniform. As for whether the police car in the video is on a mission, this will not be known until the police find out, so we don't have to guess.

The police car stopped the private car at high speed and followed, and the official response was that the identities of the two men were exposed, and sure enough, there was a situation

In the end, we'll wait for an official explanation. However, judging from the current situation, the behavior of the police does need to be carried out within the scope of the law, and this sudden stopping of the car does raise many questions.

Lawyer's view

After watching the video, a lawyer said that the two police officers may have abused their power and endangered the safety of public transportation.

The lawyer in Henan, named Fu Jian, analyzed the law enforcement behavior in the video.

The police car stopped the private car at high speed and followed, and the official response was that the identities of the two men were exposed, and sure enough, there was a situation

He said that unless the police were on urgent business, they could not stop a car on the highway for inspection. If the police car in the video stopped a private car without being busy with an urgent matter, it would be a bit out of bounds. Normally, traffic enforcement is done by uniformed traffic police, and it is dangerous to stop a car on the highway, which is a major matter of public safety.

Lawyer Fu Jian also mentioned that you must keep your distance when driving on the highway. The police car in the video was overtaking too close, which violated traffic rules. Jingzhou officials are already looking at this and have set up a special team to investigate.

The police car stopped the private car at high speed and followed, and the official response was that the identities of the two men were exposed, and sure enough, there was a situation

Write at the end

The official results have not yet been released, and it should be clear in a few days. It is true that police cars have some special treatment when they are busy with official business, but this does not mean that they can casually obstruct other people's right of way.

Private cars should also respect police cars on the road, but that doesn't mean they have to give way unconditionally. The police must act in accordance with the law and professional ethics, and cannot use their power to oppress others, nor can they take their privileges as food. The police must have a rigorous work attitude and high moral character, and bring order and security to the society, rather than making people feel afraid and unfair.

We have to think about whether there is something wrong with the values of the entire law enforcement force. The police should put the safety and interests of ordinary people first, rather than abusing their power and putting themselves above others.