
Top 10 periods in history with a large number of talents!

author:Wan'er said history
Top 10 periods in history with a large number of talents!

The development of all dynasties in history is inseparable from the support of talents, whether it is a minister or a military general, they are an important pillar to support the progress of the times, it is precisely because of their luminous heat, so that the history of humanity is unusually bright, in which periods in history a large number of talents have emerged, for the society to send more talents, let us take a look at it today.

1. Spring and Autumn period

Top 10 periods in history with a large number of talents!

In the Spring and Autumn Period, the power of the King of Zhou weakened, the princes were in dispute, the Duke of Qi Huan, the Duke of Wen of Jin, the Duke of Xiang of Song, the Duke of Qin Mu, and the King of Chu Zhuang successively claimed hegemony, the ancestor of Confucianism, the most holy ancestor of Confucius, the ancestor of Oriental military science, the Mozi who also loved non-attack, the first master of all generations, the first cow man Guiguzi in the ages, the first phase of China Guan Zhong, a hundred flowers bloomed, and a hundred schools of thought contended.

2. Late Qin period

Top 10 periods in history with a large number of talents!

Qin Shi Huang finally unified the six countries, after Hu Hai ascended the throne, two years to lose the ancestral industry, Chen Sheng, Wu Guang cut wood for soldiers, unveiled the rod, Liu Bang, Xiang Yu raised troops to resist Qin, Xiang Yu divided the eighteen princes, assisted Liu Bang Zhou Bo, Xiao He, Han Xin, Zhang Liang, etc., a large number of talents emerged.

3. The end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Top 10 periods in history with a large number of talents!

The so-called Eastern Han Dynasty was divided into three kingdoms at the end of the year, from the beginning of the Yellow Turban Uprising to the end of Cao Pi's emperor, which lasted 36 years, at this time the princes were fighting, the heroes were all around, some people were in Lu Bu, Lu Bu of the red rabbit in the horse, there were rather I bear the people of the world, and let the people of the world bear my Cao Cao, Sima Yi who sat on the benefits of the fisherman, Zhuge Liang who did his best, and died, Zhao Yun, the general Zhao Yun, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, the three brothers of Taoyuan, Hua Tuo, the divine doctor, Kong Rong let the pear, and a large number of capable people with lofty ideals.

4. The middle of the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Top 10 periods in history with a large number of talents!

The imperial court was controlled by the family, first Langya Wang's Wang Dao, Wang Dun, and then Chenjun Xie An, Xie Xuan, etc., there were the book saint Wang Xizhi, the little sage Wang Xianzhi, Tao Yuanming under the east fence of Cai Ju, the powerful minister Huan Wen, the writer Xie Lingyun, the great painter painting saint Gu Kaizhi, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, etc.

5. Middle and late Tang Dynasty

Top 10 periods in history with a large number of talents!

A large number of poets emerged in the middle and late Tang Dynasty, such as Li Bai, Du Fu, He Zhizhang, Meng Haoran, etc., Guo Ziyi, the first general of Zhongxing, Li Guangbi, the first general of Zhongxing, Wang Changling, the seven absolute saints, Gu Huaien, the loyal servant of the martyrs, Han Yu, the head of the eight masters of the Tang and Song dynasties, Liu Zongyuan, the ancestor of the travelogue, and the famous general Gao Chongwen.

6. Middle Northern Song Dynasty

Top 10 periods in history with a large number of talents!

Fan Zhongyan, who was worried about the world first, and was happy and happy after the world, Ouyang Xiu, who was the hope of the three dynasties of his career, and the teacher of the hundred generations, Su Shi, who was the top class of the Great Song Dynasty, and the all-round artist, Sima Guang, the poorest prime minister in history, Bao Zheng, who impeached his uncle, Wang Anshi, who worshiped the prime minister twice, and Cai Jing, the traitor of the ages.

7. Early Southern Song Dynasty

Top 10 periods in history with a large number of talents!

Li Qingzhao, the first talented woman in the ages, a generation of famous generals, Xin Qiji, the dragon in the word, Han Shizhong, the commander of the Zhongshe Jichen, the famous general of the Great Song Dynasty, Wanyan Zongbi, the famous general of the Great Song Dynasty, Yu Yunwen, who has been in the prime minister for 20 years, Yang Wanli, one of the four great poets of Zhongxing, Lu You, the number one patriotic poet, Fan Chengda, the poet, and Zhao Mengfu of the four major families of regular script.

8. Middle and late Ming Dynasty

Top 10 periods in history with a large number of talents!

Wang Yangming, the unity of knowledge and action, Yan Song, the first giant traitor of the Ming Dynasty, Tang Bohu, the four talented men of Wuzhong, Hu Zongxian, the famous anti-Japanese general who compromised each other, Xu Jue who overthrew Yan Song, Yang Shen, the head of the three great talents of the Ming Dynasty, the prosperity of Bian Shuai's martial arts, Li Chengliang, who has never been seen in 200 years, Li Rusong, who fought in Pyongyang and made the Japanese honest for 300 years, Xiong Tingbi, a famous anti-gold general, Tang Xianzu, a Chinese opera saint who is as famous as Shakespeare, Zou Yuanbiao, one of the leaders of the Donglin Party, Shen Zhengyi, the leader of the Zhejiang Party, and Shen Zijin, an opera artist.

9. Qing Dynasty period

Top 10 periods in history with a large number of talents!

Huang Taiji called the emperor, changed the name of the country to the Qing Dynasty, Dolgon led the Qing soldiers into the customs, Wu Sangui surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, until Pu Yi abdicated, the whole period is also a famous general, famous ministers, the more famous is A Gui, Fukangan, He Shen, Fan Wencheng, Hong Chengchou, Nalan Xingde, Tian Wenjing, Nian Qianyao, Yu Chenglong, Ao Bai, Liu Yong, Ji Xiaolan, Cao Xueqin, Wu Jingzi, Qi Baishi, Zeng Guofan, Li Hongzhang, etc., because there are too many familiar ones, I hope you can see who can represent the Qing Dynasty.

10. Republic of Korea

Since the fall of the Qing Dynasty, after the outbreak of the Xinhai Revolution, the revolutionary party established the provisional government of the Republic of China in Nanjing, the representatives of various provinces elected Sun Yat-sen as the provisional president, the Republic of China was formally established in Nanjing, Yuan Shikai established the Beiyang warlords, and Chiang Kai-shek established the national government.

The above are the ten periods of talents, which have delivered a steady stream of talents to the society and contributed to the development of the times.

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Top 10 periods in history with a large number of talents!

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