
3 precursors of a woman's heart for you, don't miss it if you understand it

author:Marriage counselor Liu Jie

Text: Marriage counselor Liu Jie

"Ask what the world is like, and teach people to live and die."

Many literati and writers in ancient and modern times are discussing this "love" word that makes countless heroes bend their waists.

When it comes to emotion, it is always so subtle and peculiar, especially when a girl is attracted to you, can you accurately capture her small movements, subtle expressions?

Next, let's explore the three precursors of a girl's heart for you.


She often takes the initiative to talk to you

When a girl has a crush on you, she will want to know more about you and will look for opportunities to talk to you.

Not only face-to-face chat, but also on mobile phones or other social platforms, take the initiative to interact with you.

She will become very proactive, there always seems to be endless conversations, no matter what you say, she will be very active and caring.

She will also ask you questions, such as "Who do you like to listen to?" "Do you have any plans for this weekend?" Or, "Do you have any good restaurants to recommend?" ”

3 precursors of a woman's heart for you, don't miss it if you understand it

Moreover, she will also take the initiative to share her daily life, take the initiative to ask for your views and opinions, etc.

These seemingly ordinary chats are actually her way of trying to get closer to you.

Zhang Ailing once said: "For people after the age of 30, ten years and eight years are just a matter of the seams, while for young people, three years and five years can be a lifetime." ”

In love, time seems to be magnified countless times, and every communication is extraordinarily precious.

When a girl is willing to take the time to talk to you and take the initiative to share her life, then she is likely to have a crush on you.


She takes the initiative to create opportunities around you

If a girl has a crush on you, she will take the initiative to create some "coincidences" or "chance encounters" around you.

For example, she's always "accidentally" there when you're often there, or she's always "just right" there when you need help.

These "coincidences" are actually not accidental.

As Shakespeare said, "True love cannot be expressed in words, but deeds are the best illustration of faithfulness." ”

In fact, it's she who does her "homework" ahead of time and knows where you like to go. Then she'll look for an opportunity to "just happen" in your line of sight.

Of course, this is not a scheming or calculation, but she wants to enhance your relationship through more "accidents".

In addition to this, she will also take the initiative to create some opportunities to interact with you.

3 precursors of a woman's heart for you, don't miss it if you understand it

For example, inviting you to an event or party, asking you to borrow something, offering you a little favor, etc. All of this is to get close to you and want to spark love with you.


She is very sensitive to subtle changes in you

When a girl has a crush on you, she will pay special attention to your every move.

Your hairstyle, your clothes, your mood changes, and even a tiny expression will be the center of her attention.

She'll notice that you've cut your hair or put on a new outfit and will compliment you.

Rabindranath Tagore once said, "The eye cannot see you, because you are the pupil of the eye; The mind cannot understand you because you are the secret of your heart. ”

Her attention to you has gone beyond the greetings between ordinary friends, but has gone deep into every subtlety.

This attention will also be reflected in her sensitivity to your emotional changes.

If you are in a bad mood one day, others may not notice, but she can see it at a glance and take the initiative to ask you what's wrong and if there's anything wrong.

3 precursors of a woman's heart for you, don't miss it if you understand it

This kind of nuanced care is the most obvious sign that she is interested in you.

Xu Zhimo said: "I walk gently, just as I come gently; I beckoned softly, and made a cloud of the western sky. ”

When love comes, it may be so gentle and quiet, but as long as you observe carefully, you will definitely be able to capture those heart-warming moments.

When you find these signs, you may wish to give her some responses as well, so that the spark of love can bloom in your relationship.