
Always sleeping on the left side will sleep out of heart disease? Chinese medicine will reveal the truth to you

author:Traditional Chinese Medicine Physician Shen

In her busy life, Aunt Li is a typical "side sleep party".

Every night, she always habitually curled up, with a warm bed on her left side, and fell asleep.


This news was like a time bomb, making Aunt Li's heart beat faster and she couldn't sleep at night.

As a senior TCM physician, I couldn't help but smile when I heard Aunt Li's troubles.

Always sleeping on the left side will sleep out of heart disease? Chinese medicine will reveal the truth to you

First of all, we need to understand that all the internal organs of the human body have their fixed positions, and the heart is located in the center of the chest to the left.

In fact, this worry is unnecessary.

The heart is a powerful muscle pump, and even if we sleep on the left side, it does not cause substantial pressure on it.

Sleeping on the left side usually doesn't have a negative impact on heart health because the heart is protected by ribs and is not easily affected by external pressures.

Always sleeping on the left side will sleep out of heart disease? Chinese medicine will reveal the truth to you

Although the left decubitus position has little effect on the heart in a healthy person,

Because fluid management in their bodies may not be as effective as in healthy people, more blood may return to the heart when in the left lateral decubitus position, increasing the heart's workload.

Overall, the left decubitus position has very limited effects on the heart and is safe for most people.

If you have a specific health condition, it's best to consult with a doctor to determine the best sleeping position for you.

Always sleeping on the left side will sleep out of heart disease? Chinese medicine will reveal the truth to you

For example, it can cause numbness in the arm, and if the arm is compressed while sleeping on its side, it may cause blood circulation in the arm to be blocked, causing numbness and tingling in the arm.

Shoulder pain, which can cause shoulder pain and limited movement if the shoulder is compressed while sleeping on your side.

Facial asymmetry, sleeping on your side for a long time may cause pressure on the face, resulting in facial asymmetry.

Skin pressure ulcers, sleeping on your side for a long time may cause persistent pressure on one part of the body, which can lead to skin pressure ulcers.

Always sleeping on the left side will sleep out of heart disease? Chinese medicine will reveal the truth to you

To reduce the possible adverse effects of sleeping on your side, it is recommended that you change your position regularly while sleeping and avoid sleeping on the same side for long periods of time.

If you want to improve your sleeping position, here are a few suggestions to consider:

Try lying on your back: Lying on your back can help all parts of your body get even support and reduce localized stress.

If you're not used to lying on your back, you can put a pillow under your knees for added comfort.

Use a pillow support: Clipping a pillow between your legs can help maintain the natural curve of your spine and reduce pressure on your legs.

Change your mattress: If your mattress is too hard or too soft, it may affect your sleeping position.

Always sleeping on the left side will sleep out of heart disease? Chinese medicine will reveal the truth to you

Consider changing to a mattress that fits you better to help you maintain the correct sleeping position.

Establish good sleep habits: Maintaining a regular sleep schedule, avoiding electronic devices before bedtime, and creating a quiet, comfortable sleeping environment can all help improve your sleeping position.

Adjust slowly: Changing your sleep habits takes time and patience, don't rush it.

Gradually adjust your sleeping position until you find the one that works best for you.

If you have any health problems, especially heart disease, it is advisable to consult a doctor or medical professional.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the best sleeping position is to lie on your back, which can evenly support all parts of the body and reduce local pressure.

Always sleeping on the left side will sleep out of heart disease? Chinese medicine will reveal the truth to you

At the same time, you can put a small pillow below the knee to help the spine maintain a natural curve and relieve pressure on the lower back.

Of course, everyone's physical condition is different, and the suitable sleeping position is also different.

If you have a special health problem,

In short, Aunt Li, sleeping on your side does not directly lead to heart disease, but we still need to pay attention to choosing a sleeping position that suits us to ensure good sleep quality.

Always sleeping on the left side will sleep out of heart disease? Chinese medicine will reveal the truth to you

After listening to my explanation, Aunt Li finally breathed a sigh of relief and decided to try to adjust her sleeping position from tonight to welcome a healthier and more comfortable sleep.

Dear friends, have you had similar concerns like Aunt Li?

I hope today's sharing can help you solve the doubts in your heart, let's embrace health together and enjoy every sweet dream!

Remember, health starts with a good night's sleep, let's be smart sleepers together!

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