
A 51-year-old woman was diagnosed with high blood sugar and used purple potatoes as her staple food, how was her body after more than 6 months

author:Starfire Life

"Have you ever heard of purple potatoes can lower blood sugar?" Li Mei asked the doctor nervously, her face full of anxiety and anticipation.

Li Mei, an ordinary middle school teacher, is in her fifties, works diligently on weekdays, and is highly respected by students and parents. However, in recent days, she has always felt dizzy and exhausted.

At the suggestion of a colleague, she decided to go to the hospital for a check-up. The test results were like a bolt from the blue – her blood sugar was high and she was at risk of diabetes.

This news is tantamount to a bombshell for Li Mei, she never imagined that she would face such a predicament when she is usually healthy. Her mood sank to the bottom, and fear and insecurity flooded over her heart.

On the way home, Li Mei heard a neighbor mention that purple potatoes have the effect of lowering blood sugar. It was like a light in the darkness that gave her hope. So, she decided to try this dietary therapy method and use purple potatoes as a staple food.

Next, Li Mei began purple potato diet therapy. She insists on eating purple potatoes every day, with purple potato porridge for breakfast, purple potato bibimbap for lunch, and purple potato steamed vegetables for dinner. Although she was a little uncomfortable at first, she was convinced that it would turn her health around.

However, a few months have passed, and Li Mei's physical condition has not improved significantly. She began to wonder if the purple potato diet was really effective?

A 51-year-old woman was diagnosed with high blood sugar and used purple potatoes as her staple food, how was her body after more than 6 months

1. The health miracle brought by long-term consumption of purple potatoes

Purple sweet potato, a brightly coloured and nutritious ingredient, occupies an important place in Li Mei's diet. Since deciding to eat purple potatoes as her staple food, she has embarked on a new health journey. And with the passage of time, long-term consumption of purple sweet potato as a staple food has brought significant changes to her body.

The most noticeable change was reflected in Li Mei's blood sugar levels. Due to the lower GI value of purple potatoes, her blood sugar rises more slowly after consumption, which allows her blood sugar levels to be better controlled.

After a long-term adjustment of the purple potato diet, Li Mei's blood sugar level stabilized in a healthy range, which allowed her to greatly reduce her risk of diabetes.

A 51-year-old woman was diagnosed with high blood sugar and used purple potatoes as her staple food, how was her body after more than 6 months

In addition, the dietary fiber rich in purple potatoes also plays a positive role in promoting the digestive system of plum plums. Long-term consumption of purple potatoes made her intestinal function smoother and reduced the problem of constipation. At the same time, these fibers can also help her better control her appetite, which can lead to some weight loss.

In addition to the positive effects on blood sugar and digestion, the many vitamins and minerals in purple potatoes also have a positive effect on plum plum's overall health.

Her skin began to become smoother and more elastic, and her mental state improved. These changes have made her more confident and energetic in her daily life.

A 51-year-old woman was diagnosed with high blood sugar and used purple potatoes as her staple food, how was her body after more than 6 months

However, the long-term use of purple sweet potato as a staple food has also brought some challenges. Due to the relatively simple nutrient composition of purple potatoes, Li Mei needs to pay extra attention to the intake of other nutrients to ensure a balanced diet.

To this end, with the advice of her dietitian, she began to skillfully combine purple potatoes with other ingredients, such as protein-rich beans and nuts, as well as vitamin-rich green leafy vegetables.

Overall, long-term consumption of purple sweet potatoes as a staple food has brought many benefits to Li Mei, not only improving her blood sugar control and digestion, but also improving her overall health. However, she also realizes that a balanced diet is just as important, so while enjoying the benefits of purple potatoes, she is constantly exploring and refining her diet.

A 51-year-old woman was diagnosed with high blood sugar and used purple potatoes as her staple food, how was her body after more than 6 months

2. The invisible link between blood sugar and mental health

The stability of blood sugar, as an important source of energy to maintain our vital activities, is essential for good health. What you may not know is that fluctuations in blood sugar not only affect our physiological functions, but are also closely linked to our mental health.

When blood sugar levels are too low, we may feel tired, irritable, palpitated, and even have trouble concentrating. This is because the brain is the organ in the body that consumes the most glucose, and when the supply of blood sugar is insufficient, the function of the brain is affected, which can lead to mood swings and cognitive decline. Being in a state of low blood sugar for a long time may also cause psychological problems such as anxiety and depression.

A 51-year-old woman was diagnosed with high blood sugar and used purple potatoes as her staple food, how was her body after more than 6 months

Conversely, when blood sugar levels are too high, while a person may feel energetic for a short period of time, long-term high blood sugar can cause damage to various organs in the body, including the brain.

High blood sugar accelerates the aging of the brain, affects memory and thinking skills, and even increases the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. In addition, high blood sugar may also lead to psychological problems such as mood swings, irritability, and irritability.

To further complicate matters, mental health issues can also affect blood sugar levels in turn. For example, when people are in negative emotions such as anxiety and depression, they tend to adopt unhealthy coping styles, such as overeating, lack of exercise, etc., which can lead to an increase in blood sugar. At the same time, negative emotions may also affect the secretion of hormones in the body, further exacerbating blood sugar fluctuations.

A 51-year-old woman was diagnosed with high blood sugar and used purple potatoes as her staple food, how was her body after more than 6 months

Therefore, maintaining a stable blood sugar is not only essential for physical health, but also an important factor for mental health. Through a reasonable diet, moderate exercise, and necessary medication, we can effectively control blood sugar levels and maintain physical and mental health and harmony.

At the same time, it is also very important for people who already have mental health problems to adjust their mentality in time and seek professional psychological counseling and treatment.