
Research confirms: do this kind of exercise, longevity and disease prevention! But don't pay attention to 2 points, be careful of health and injury

author:Sharp-eyed life

Lao Wang is a fitness expert, and she can be seen running in the park every morning. She always said: "The body is the capital of the revolution, and it must be well maintained." ”

No, Lao Wang has recently become obsessed with Tai Chi, that move, that breath, she has learned it well. After practicing Tai Chi, she felt that her whole person was in good spirits, and even her wife praised her for her ruddy face and more energetic than before.

Research confirms: do this kind of exercise, longevity and disease prevention! But don't pay attention to 2 points, be careful of health and injury

Lao Wang proudly shared: "Studies have said that playing Tai Chi can not only live a long life, but also prevent diseases!" But you have to pay attention to two points, the movements must be standard, and the breathing must be well coordinated, otherwise the health will become injured. ”

Now, everyone is curious, what health secrets will Lao Wang share next? Let's wait and see, follow Lao Wang to learn how to be healthy!


Recommended exercise for middle-aged and older adults

For middle-aged and elderly people, it is important to choose an exercise method that is suitable for them. The following three exercise methods are not only simple and easy to learn, but also have remarkable effects, which are the first choice for middle-aged and elderly people.

Research confirms: do this kind of exercise, longevity and disease prevention! But don't pay attention to 2 points, be careful of health and injury

Brisk Walking: Brisk walking is a simple and easy form of aerobic exercise that doesn't require any equipment and venue restrictions, just a pair of comfortable sneakers. Brisk walking can not only exercise cardiopulmonary function, enhance muscle strength, improve joint stability, etc.;

It can also promote the body's metabolism and blood circulation, which helps to lose weight and get in shape. It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people insist on walking briskly for more than 30 minutes every day, and the speed should be about 120 steps per minute.

Tai Chi: Tai Chi is a traditional martial art that focuses on the harmony of body and mind, both internal and external. Not only does it improve the body's balance and flexibility; It is also able to regulate breathing and state of mind, which helps to relieve stress and anxiety.

Research confirms: do this kind of exercise, longevity and disease prevention! But don't pay attention to 2 points, be careful of health and injury

The movements of Tai Chi are slow and smooth, which is suitable for middle-aged and elderly people to exercise. It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people practice Tai Chi under the guidance of professional coaches to avoid sports injuries caused by irregular movements.

Racket sports: Racket sports include badminton, table tennis and other ball games. These exercises not only work the muscle strength of the upper and lower limbs; It also improves the body's coordination and reflexes.

In the process of swinging the racket, it is necessary to constantly move the body and adjust the posture, which is of great help to improve the physical flexibility and balance of middle-aged and elderly people.

It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people pay attention to choosing ball games suitable for their age and physical condition when choosing racket sports, and avoid excessive intensity of exercise.

Research confirms: do this kind of exercise, longevity and disease prevention! But don't pay attention to 2 points, be careful of health and injury

Specific health benefits of exercise

Exercise, as a simple and effective way to maintain one's health, has been confirmed by a growing number of scientific studies. It can not only improve the body's immunity and enhance physical fitness, but also effectively delay aging and make life rejuvenated.

Exercise is able to combat the aging of blood vessels. As we age, the body's blood vessels gradually harden, leading to increased blood pressure, arteriosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases.

Exercise, especially aerobic exercise, can promote blood circulation and increase the elasticity of blood vessels, thereby effectively preventing the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. Studies have shown that people who regularly do aerobic exercise have much younger vascular age than their chronological age.

Research confirms: do this kind of exercise, longevity and disease prevention! But don't pay attention to 2 points, be careful of health and injury

Exercise slows down cardiopulmonary aging. Cardiopulmonary function is one of the important indicators of human health, which directly affects people's mental state and quality of life.

Exercise, especially aerobic exercise such as brisk walking and jogging, can significantly improve cardiopulmonary function and enhance the body's endurance. People who insist on exercising for a long time are often full of energy and energy.

Exercise also slows down brain aging. As we age, our brain will gradually shrink and become less functional, leading to problems such as memory loss and sluggishness.

Exercise, on the other hand, can promote the regeneration and connection of neurons in the brain, improving the brain's cognitive ability and memory. Studies have shown that people who exercise regularly have much younger brain age than they really are.

Research confirms: do this kind of exercise, longevity and disease prevention! But don't pay attention to 2 points, be careful of health and injury

In the exploration of human longevity, exercise and recuperation have always been two indispensable aspects. As the ancients said, "Movement and stillness help each other, and there is no disease and longevity".

Exercise can make the body healthier, and recuperation can make the mind calmer, and the two complement each other to maintain human health and longevity.

Therefore, for the elderly, in order to maintain health and delay aging, it is necessary not only to exercise moderately, but also to pay attention to rest. Only by balancing the relationship between exercise and recuperation, and arranging the lifestyle reasonably, can we enjoy a good time of health and longevity.

Research confirms: do this kind of exercise, longevity and disease prevention! But don't pay attention to 2 points, be careful of health and injury

Let us always adhere to moderate exercise, maintain good living habits, adjust our mentality, keep our mood happy, believe in the future, and enjoy life. In this way, we can meet a better tomorrow in health and happiness.

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