
Alarm bell of the dead country? The fighting nation opened fire at full power, began the siege plan, and NATO gave a death order to Ukraine

author:Xu Xu.


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Alarm bell of the dead country? The fighting nation opened fire at full power, began the siege plan, and NATO gave a death order to Ukraine

Text: Xu Xu.

Edited by Xu Xu.

Ukraine is in a difficult situation, and it is clear that NATO is overstretched under high pressure. When the Russian army was heavily pressed and the Ukrainian army was in a dilemma, NATO not only did not help, but instead issued an order to despair in the city.

It is not difficult to see that the United States is secretly manipulating NATO in order to make profits. Where will Ukraine go from here? The situation is becoming more and more confusing.

How to break through the current dilemma

Where does Ukraine go from here? This is an urgent issue to be addressed. NATO has traveled thousands of miles to manipulate Ukraine and give it a "life and death certificate", intending to make the Ukrainian army fight to the death and consume the Russian army.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg bluntly said: "If Ukraine is defeated in this conflict, then there will be no need to rebuild."

NATO's arrogance and unreasonable demands have exposed its treacherous intentions and sinister intentions for selfish gain. Ukraine has been forced into the vortex of war and is in a dilemma: either fight to the death and suffer heavy casualties, or be annexed by the Russian army and abandoned by NATO.

Alarm bell of the dead country? The fighting nation opened fire at full power, began the siege plan, and NATO gave a death order to Ukraine

Why is the dilemma so hard to solve?

The reason why Ukraine is in such a dilemma is rooted in NATO's manipulation and use. NATO is really a weapon of the United States, and the cloak of a "force for peace" cannot hide its hegemonic nature. In order to obtain geopolitical and economic interests in the Ukrainian region, the United States has tried its best to sow discord between Russia and Ukraine and create conflicts.

NATO's so-called support for Ukraine is nothing more than an opportunity to drag Russia down and plunge Ukraine into a permanent dispute in the Russian-Ukrainian civil war. The Ukrainian army is mired in the quagmire carefully designed by NATO and the United States, sinking deeper and deeper and unable to extricate itself.

Origins of the conflict and key details

Tracing the development of this Ukrainian crisis, it can be seen that NATO and the United States have played a role in contributing to it. In 2014, a pro-Western revolution broke out in Ukraine, and the pro-Russian government was ousted. Since then, the new pro-Western regime has taken a hard line and openly expressed its intention to join NATO and the European Union.

This is undoubtedly a huge provocation against Russia, which is firmly opposed to Ukraine's accession to NATO. In February 2022, the Russian army began a "special military operation" in eastern Ukraine, and fierce armed conflict broke out between the two sides.

Since the beginning of the war, more than 80,000 Ukrainian civilians have died and millions have been displaced. The war has dragged on, causing food and energy prices to soar and the global economy to fall into recession. NATO and the United States, as the behind-the-scenes operators of this war, have to bear heavy responsibility for this.

Alarm bell of the dead country? The fighting nation opened fire at full power, began the siege plan, and NATO gave a death order to Ukraine

Analysis of the views of all parties

There are different views and positions in the international community around this Ukraine crisis. So, what should be the solution to Ukraine's current predicament? How can the flames of war be extinguished?

Russia believes that Ukraine's accession to NATO will seriously threaten its national security and may even lead to the direct deployment of NATO troops on Russia's doorstep. Therefore, Russia has resorted to force in order to defend itself.

The West, for its part, accuses Russia of wantonly violating Ukraine's sovereignty, violating the international rule of law, and being a clear aggressor. NATO has repeatedly rebuked Russia, believing that the Russian side should bear full responsibility.

As a party concerned, China has always called for resolving differences through dialogue and negotiation and opposes unilateral actions by either party. China has also repeatedly criticized the practices of NATO and the United States, arguing that they have double standards on the Ukraine issue.

Alarm bell of the dead country? The fighting nation opened fire at full power, began the siege plan, and NATO gave a death order to Ukraine

Deep-seated cause and impact analysis

In a sober analysis of the causes of the Ukraine crisis, NATO and the United States have played the most critical role as promoters. The United States has been trying to expand its influence in the European region, and its fundamental purpose is nothing more than that:

  1. suppressing Russia and weakening its traditional influence in Europe;
  2. drawing Ukraine into the Western camp and containing Russia's strategic interests in the Black Sea region;
  3. undermining Russian-European energy cooperation and cutting off Russia's economic lifeline;
  4. Continue to deploy military forces on Russia's doorstep to create security threats.

The United States staged the "color revolution" that ousted Ukraine's pro-Russian government in 2014 and propped up a pro-Western regime. Subsequently, the Ukrainian government continued to provoke Russia, publicly stated that it would join NATO and prohibit Russia from deploying troops in Crimea.

This move is tantamount to a direct challenge to Russia's security interests and has become the fuse that ignites the flames of war. Russia was forced to launch a military operation in 2022 in an attempt to contain the pro-Westernization process in Ukraine by force. But the real trader is the United States.

"We write the script, and the Ukrainians will play it", many American politicians have long planned this.

Undoubtedly, this war will lead to a significant weakening of Russia's power and international influence. More importantly, the United States is secretly manipulating the war in order to strengthen its dominant position in Europe and expand NATO's sphere of influence.

Alarm bell of the dead country? The fighting nation opened fire at full power, began the siege plan, and NATO gave a death order to Ukraine

Analysis of future prospects and countermeasures

Looking ahead, the outlook for the situation in Russia and Ukraine is bleak. Continued confrontation will lead to a lose-lose situation for both sides, which is undoubtedly a point of no return. The only way forward lies in dialogue and negotiation, mutual concessions and joint efforts to find reconciliation.

As a responsible major country, China should continue to play a constructive role on the Ukraine issue and push all parties to sit down for dialogue. At the same time, it is also necessary to condemn the hegemonic practices of NATO and the United States, and oppose their unilateral sanctions and coercion by force.

For Ukraine, the only right option now is to sit down and talk with Russia. Do not let NATO and the United States take advantage of it, otherwise it will pay an unbearable price.

Russia should also take into account the rights and interests of the Ukrainian people and avoid unduly harming innocent civilians during military operations. Through reasoning and intercession, we will strive for the understanding and support of the Ukrainian people to the greatest extent.

Only through mutual respect and dialogue on an equal footing can Russia and Ukraine rekindle the dawn of reconciliation, NATO and the United States can stop, and this brutal civil war can be stopped. Otherwise, the scourge of war will intensify and bring more serious impact and turmoil to peace and development.

Alarm bell of the dead country? The fighting nation opened fire at full power, began the siege plan, and NATO gave a death order to Ukraine

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet:

Some netizens believed: "There are serious double standards between NATO and the United States on the Ukraine issue, they claim to maintain peace, but in fact they are secretly sowing contradictions and fueling the flames." The United States does not hesitate to provoke regional wars, shirk its responsibilities, and act heinously!"

Some netizens also believed: "Ukraine should also reflect on it." Its rash entry into the Western military alliance and its many provocative acts against Russia have led to today's difficult situation. If we had remained neutral and refrained from acting rashly, the situation could have been very different. "

Some netizens believed: "There is never a winner in war, and both sides will pay a huge price." Regardless of the intentions behind the United States and NATO, peaceful dialogue remains the best way forward. Russia and Ukraine should put aside their prejudices and make concessions to each other in order to regain hope for reconciliation. "

Many netizens also denounced: "The civil war in Ukraine has spread all over the world, causing an energy crisis and a food crisis. It's chilling to see NATO's approach to Ukraine so sinister again! The United States and other Western countries want to exacerbate disputes and squeeze the maximum benefits, but they ruthlessly trample on the right to peace.

Under the smoke of war, Ukraine's future is in doubt. We cannot tolerate the recurrence of the barbaric act of war, nor can we allow peace to be trampled upon at will by countries whose interests are paramount. Mankind has an obligation to make unremitting efforts for peace, to promote reconciliation, to eliminate hatred, and to turn hostilities into cure.

So, where will the Ukrainian crisis end up? How will countries around the world respond to this complex situation? Let's wait and see.