
The negotiation lasted more than 2 hours and was inconclusive! Ke Jianming talked about the ancient again, and Han Yu was impatient and angry and shouted to stop

author:Xu Xu.


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The negotiation lasted more than 2 hours and was inconclusive! Ke Jianming talked about the ancient again, and Han Yu was impatient and angry and shouted to stop

Text: Xu Xu.

Edited by Xu Xu.

Recently, there have been endless political farces in the "Legislative Yuan" of the National Assembly, which have made people laugh and cry. Watching a group of heavyweights playing around there, do you also marvel that there is such a wonderful plot hidden here?

Let's step into this farce and get a glimpse into the bizarre story behind Game of Thrones.

The blue camp and the green camp do not know each other in the "Legislative Yuan", and they have a great posture of competing with each other. However, this seemingly incompatible confrontation is the two camps diligently pursuing for their own interests? Or is it that old and new hatreds are intertwined into this ridiculous farce? We have to figure out what secrets are behind this farce?

"Don't hook it up now, what's the use of rambling? It's a waste of time. "

When Ke Jianming talked about the "past" again, Han Yu finally couldn't hold it back. This makes us wonder, why does Ke Jianming always like to hold on to old accounts? Could it be that he was intent on provoking? Or does he want to use this to vent his anger on Han Yu?

The negotiation lasted more than 2 hours and was inconclusive! Ke Jianming talked about the ancient again, and Han Yu was impatient and angry and shouted to stop

In fact, to understand this farce in the "Legislative Yuan", we have to start from Ke Jianming's psychology. As a legend of a generation, his days of glory are long gone.

From the past calling for wind and rain, to today's famous and uncared for, it is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Ke Jianming.

Faced with the reality in front of him, Ke Jianming could not accept it, and he was powerless to return to the sky. Therefore, every time on important occasions, he will kill pigs and kill Lan Ying, who is not afraid of boiling water. For him, this is probably the final self-redemption.

And Han Yu saw through Ke Jianming's tricks and avoided his rambling historical nagging.

Being hung and beaten again and again in the dustpan of public opinion made him know that there was no point in blindly repeating the past.

Only by serving the people in a down-to-earth manner is the only way to deal with the current situation.

The negotiation lasted more than 2 hours and was inconclusive! Ke Jianming talked about the ancient again, and Han Yu was impatient and angry and shouted to stop

From the performances of Ke Jianming and Han Yu, we may be able to get a glimpse or two. But the current political landscape is not something that can be controlled by two people.

"Ke Jianming is very dependent on the old and selling the old, but Han Yu directly shouted to stop, and the discord between the two can be seen."
"It's a pity that the friendship between these two seniors has now been exhausted, and now every word and deed in the Legislative Yuan is probably just a struggle for power."

Is this the unspeakable resentment of two old friends? Or is it the wrestling of two political forces in the transition of the old and the new?

The negotiation lasted more than 2 hours and was inconclusive! Ke Jianming talked about the ancient again, and Han Yu was impatient and angry and shouted to stop

It is not difficult for us to find that this political farce surrounding the "Legislative Yuan" is actually a battle of alternating old and new powers. A new generation of power is emerging, while the old dominant group is struggling. Against this background, it is natural that the two sides will move towards an antagonistic pattern in which fire and water are incompatible.

It is clear, however, that with the passage of time, the new forces will eventually replace the old authority. Just like the change of dynasties, new dynasties will always be like a tidal wave, surging and unstoppable.

It's just that in the process, we will inevitably see some ridiculous farces staged. The old dominant group is there to survive, trying to save everything; The new generation is fighting the banner of ripening melons and determined to rebel and bring forth the new. From this contrast, we can't help but think of a historical drama repeating itself.

In the final analysis, this political farce reflects the collision of a new force and an old authority. The old ones are still trying to argue for themselves, and the new generation is poised for it. This alternating scene is often full of dramatic tension and makes the audience laugh.

The negotiation lasted more than 2 hours and was inconclusive! Ke Jianming talked about the ancient again, and Han Yu was impatient and angry and shouted to stop

Looking forward to the future, as the tide of the replacement of the old and the new continues to surge, this farce scene of "Legislative Yuan" will continue to be staged. The new forces, though arrogant, are also unstoppable; Although the old dominant group is struggling, it is also gritting its teeth and persevering.

In this case, we certainly hope that the future political ecology will be more inclusive and rational. It is the general trend to replace the old with the new, but it is also a wise choice to tolerate and learn from each other.

"The ancients planted trees in the past, and there were shades in the back, which has been relied on for generations. After learning, there should be infinite shame. "

This sentence enlightens us that the truth is that there will be successors in life. Perhaps in this political farce, both sides still need to learn and mature a little more. And we, as the audience, should also have a comedic mentality to appreciate this ridiculous future drama.

The negotiation lasted more than 2 hours and was inconclusive! Ke Jianming talked about the ancient again, and Han Yu was impatient and angry and shouted to stop

Netizens are hotly discussed

This drama quickly sparked heated discussions among netizens on the Internet.

Some netizens ridiculed: "Ke Jianming is old-fashioned and powerful there, and he is like two people back then."
Some netizens sneered: "Pulling old accounts to show off, he is a poor sour, I really can't see that Ke Jianming has any heroic qualities."
Some netizens bluntly said: "These two old guys are just too old, and the new young people who have changed their breath are coming, and the storage is much more lively than this."
But some netizens have different views: "Ke Jianming can be said to be alone over the years, and every time he speaks, he is leaving a name for himself." Han Kuo-yu is the wise one, he understands that time has changed, and it is time to look forward. "
There are even netizens who put forward very interesting opinions: "In fact, these two people are fighting in the courtyard, just like two Alzheimer's patients talking to each other, which has aroused the special interest and curiosity of us young people."
The negotiation lasted more than 2 hours and was inconclusive! Ke Jianming talked about the ancient again, and Han Yu was impatient and angry and shouted to stop

To sum up, from this political farce of the "Legislative Yuan", we can see the collision, alternation and struggle between a new force and the old authority. This is not only the inevitable result of the development of the times, but also the weakness of human nature again and again.

Of course, we hope that the political environment in the future will be more inclusive and rational, and that the transition between the old and the new will take its course. But in any case, this immortal "substitution" drama on the political stage is bound to continue to be staged, let us wait and see the next wonderful part of this farce.

I wonder if you have ever been amused by this farce in front of you? Or do you have a unique perspective on some of these episodes? Welcome to continue to communicate and discuss in the comment area.

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