
Beauty does not lose to celebrities, dating Lin Jianyue, who is 24 years older, and living as a winner without having children or getting married

author:Yinyue said ancient and modern

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Beauty does not lose to celebrities, dating Lin Jianyue, who is 24 years older, and living as a winner without having children or getting married

Hong Kong, a veritable city of money and prosperity, has given birth to countless myths of wealth. Among them, the most influential and indispensable figure is the well-known and well-known Lin Jianyue.

Born in 1957 into a wealthy family in Hong Kong, Lam was destined to inherit the huge industry of the Lai Sun Group and take on the responsibilities of a generation of leaders from an early age.

At the age of 13, Lin decided to pursue further studies in Canada, and his life entered a new stage in his college career in the United States, which led him to obtain a bachelor's degree in business, laying a solid foundation for his future career development.

The 24-year-old Lin Jianyue, young and energetic, resolutely returned to Hong Kong and devoted himself to his father's corporate kingdom. He had a bright future ahead of him, and within a few years, he had taken full control of the family's business, the Lai Sun Group, and became the true master of this vast empire.

Beauty does not lose to celebrities, dating Lin Jianyue, who is 24 years older, and living as a winner without having children or getting married

However, just when Lin Jianyue was proud and ambitious, he encountered an unprecedented predicament. Due to the blunders of a bold investment strategy and the onslaught of the Asian financial turmoil, Lai Sun Group was hit hard and its share price fell sharply.

However, Lin Jianyue did not back down because of this, but showed extraordinary wisdom and courage. With his excellent business skills and decisive decision-making, he successfully restructured the debt and defused the crisis of domestic and foreign difficulties for the company.

More importantly, he adjusted his strategic direction in time and turned his attention to the entertainment industry.

In this brand-new field, Lin Jianyue once again showed his unique charm. Accurate decision-making again and again has won him the capital to take off.

Beauty does not lose to celebrities, dating Lin Jianyue, who is 24 years older, and living as a winner without having children or getting married

With the gradual recovery of Hong Kong's real estate market, the Lam family's wealth quickly recovered to its peak state, once again becoming the city's most influential top wealthy family.

However, behind the glory of wealth and career, Lin Jianyue's love life is full of ups and downs. His first wife was the well-known Taiwanese child star Xie Lingling, and their wedding of the century caused a huge sensation at the time, with 140 tables of VIPs to be entertained.

Xie Lingling not only has a beautiful appearance, but also is talented. She has made a name for herself in the entertainment industry since she was a child, and has created many classic roles, especially the role of "Xiao Wanjun", which is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Mr. Lin Jianyue and Ms. Xie Lingling are indeed a pair made in heaven! The following year, Xie Lingling gave birth to her eldest son Lin Xiaoxian, and then gave birth to a pair of lively and lovely daughters.

Beauty does not lose to celebrities, dating Lin Jianyue, who is 24 years older, and living as a winner without having children or getting married

However, her mother-in-law, Ms. Yu Baozhu, felt that the family was still thin, so Xie Lingling became pregnant again and gave birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses.

Although Ms. Xie Lingling is respectful, filial and caring to her in-laws, and devotes herself to the family business, behind this seemingly happy marriage, Mr. Lin Jianyue's heart has long been uncertain.

He spent a lot of money on the hot movie star Wang Zuxian at the time, and even risked his mistakes, which eventually led to the gradual emergence of the extramarital affair between the two.

This shocking scandal caused an uproar in Hong Kong society. Although Mr. Lin Jianyue vowed to divorce Ms. Xie Lingling and signed the so-called "separation agreement", he was eventually forced to give up due to strong opposition from Ms. Yu Baozhu, who was strong at home.

Beauty does not lose to celebrities, dating Lin Jianyue, who is 24 years older, and living as a winner without having children or getting married

Ms. Wang Zuxian returned empty-handed and discredited, which undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to her acting career. After the breakup, Mr. Lin Jianyue's affair still did not stop, and he had scandals with his subordinate Lin Xuehua and Taiwanese model Chen Huping.

It is especially worth mentioning that Ms. Chen Huping gave birth to a daughter for him, but unfortunately, she failed to enter the door of the Lin family in the end.

During this period, there was news that Mr. Lin Jianyue and movie star Lin Xilei also had a secret relationship. The love history of this amorous rich man is as dazzling and fascinating as the night view of Hong Kong, and he can be called the best in the love field and the bosom friend of many women.

As the head of the Lin family, Mrs. Yu Baozhu cherishes the family's reputation and bloodline far more than ordinary people. Back then, she ruthlessly and publicly accused Mr. Lin Jianyue's third party, Wang Zuxian, and pushed this popular movie star to the forefront of public opinion.

Beauty does not lose to celebrities, dating Lin Jianyue, who is 24 years older, and living as a winner without having children or getting married

Mrs. Yu's firm stance not only successfully prevented the infamous fate of the Lin family, but also strengthened Mr. Lin Jianyue's determination to divorce his original partner Xie Lingling, like a hammer that knocked Mr. Lin Jianyue's selfish desires.

Although Mr. Lin Jianyue swore at that time, he vowed to separate from Ms. Xie Lingling, and promised Ms. Wang Zuxian to "marry her as his second wife".

However, under the resolute opposition of Ms. Yu Po-chu, these plans came to naught, and Mr. Lam's selfish ambitions were shattered.

This is the end of the more than 10-year-long underground love affair. Ms. Wang Zuxian left gloomily, while Ms. Xie Lingling was able to temporarily stabilize the orthodox bloodline of the Lin family because of the full protection of Mrs. Yu.

Beauty does not lose to celebrities, dating Lin Jianyue, who is 24 years older, and living as a winner without having children or getting married

With the passage of time, Lin Jianyue's love life did not return to tranquility due to the dust settled. By chance, he met Lin Baoxian, who was later regarded as the goddess of destiny.

Although Lin Baoxian is not a wealthy daughter from a prominent entertainment industry, her beauty and temperament are impeccable. She worked as a personal assistant to Japanese artist Hitoshi Suzumoto, and later moved to the manager of a private club founded by Xu Shumin's husband Huang Hao.

Although her identity is low-key, her beauty cannot be concealed, and she can be called an actress who came out of the film and television screen.

On that day, Lin Baoxian went to Huang Hao's high-end sushi restaurant to make purchases, and it happened that Lin Jianyue was tasting food. The momentary eye contact doomed the fate between them.

Beauty does not lose to celebrities, dating Lin Jianyue, who is 24 years older, and living as a winner without having children or getting married

Lin Jianyue fell in love with this ordinary woman at first sight and took the initiative to ask for contact information, but was politely declined by Lin Baoxian.

This is completely understandable, after all, Lin Jianyue's reputation in Hong Kong is not good, and he is known as "a young man with a heart of flowers". Moreover, there is an age gap of 24 years between the two, which is indeed a little difficult to accept for a beauty like Lin Baoxian.

However, Lin Jianyue is not an idle person, he quickly found Lin Baoxian's contact information with a strong network of contacts, and began a passionate pursuit.

Even though he has entered middle age, he is still full of vitality, because his obsession with Lin Baoxian makes him shine with new brilliance in the love field.

Beauty does not lose to celebrities, dating Lin Jianyue, who is 24 years older, and living as a winner without having children or getting married

Although the age gap between the two is large, Lin Baoxian does not have that deep love for Lin Jianyue, but people always need to understand and contact each other.

At that time, Lin Baoxian's mother was seriously ill, and she herself had just come out of the trough of her relationship, which was undoubtedly a double blow.

Lin Jianyue took advantage of the situation and took care of the mother and daughter with meticulous care. He has a strong personality, a strong hand, and is even more experienced in pursuing women.

In order to win Lin Baoxian's heart, Lin Jianyue even did not hesitate to use a private jet to take them to Thailand to pay homage to the famous local White Dragon King.

Beauty does not lose to celebrities, dating Lin Jianyue, who is 24 years older, and living as a winner without having children or getting married

With such a relentless pursuit, Lin Baoxian finally chose to compromise and established a stable relationship with the wealthy man who was 24 years older. Although it was only physical companionship at first, Lin Jianyue's goal was much more than that, and he longed for her sincere love.

For those ambitious and wealthy people, being able to marry a talented and beautiful woman like Lin Baoxian was undoubtedly a beautiful dream that they thought about day and night.

However, Lin Jianyue's deep affection for this beauty is far beyond simple financial support and material satisfaction, and is more reflected in the careful care of daily chores.

What surprised people was that once, Lin Jianyue did not shy away from going out shopping with Lin Baoxian and his baby daughter.

Beauty does not lose to celebrities, dating Lin Jianyue, who is 24 years older, and living as a winner without having children or getting married

Under the attention of everyone in the family, he not only did not hide his deep affection for Lin Baoxian, but instead gave her the distinguished status she deserved, which made it impossible to associate it with the identity of a "third party".

What is even more admirable is that although Lin Jianyue, who is more than a year old, has gone through vicissitudes and read all kinds of things in the world, he still holds the innocent and persistent pursuit of true love.

And Lin Baoxian, as the only partner he chose at this age, has always maintained a humble and low-key posture, and has never had any presumptuous or rude behavior.

Although the two had no children, they had amassed enough wealth to live out their old age. This can be seen from the memorial ceremony of Lin Baixin's original wife Lai Yuanfang.

Beauty does not lose to celebrities, dating Lin Jianyue, who is 24 years older, and living as a winner without having children or getting married

At that time, his ex-wife Xie Lingling attended in person, but Lin Jianyue did not ignore Lin Baoxian, but gave her respect like a hostess, which fully demonstrated how much he cherished this relationship.

After 12 years of companionship, Lin Jianyue's deep affection for Lin Baoxian naturally does not need to be repeated. This kind of focus and care obviously goes beyond the scope of money and material, but comes from the most sincere love in the heart.

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