
Tomorrow is the ninth day of the fourth month, remind: 2 don't say, 3 don't eat, 1 don't go, 2 don't move, don't forget the old tradition

author:There are three lazy sheep and three less

Hello everyone, tomorrow is the ninth day of our fourth month, and this is a particular day. Today I will talk to everyone about what we can't do on the ninth day of the fourth month. We can't forget the things that have been handed down from the old rules, come, take a look with me. Blessed people, leave a sentence in the comment area: "One shun and one hundred shun, the Bodhisattva blesses", for themselves, for their children, and for the whole family to receive blessings.

Tomorrow is the ninth day of the fourth month, remind: 2 don't say, 3 don't eat, 1 don't go, 2 don't move, don't forget the old tradition

2 do not say

1. Don't say "bad luck"

On this day, we can't say things like "bad luck". Northeast people are exquisite, blessed on the lips, on the ninth day of the fourth month, what do you say bad words, it is not good. You see, this day is to be auspicious, everyone has to say something nice when they meet, what "this year is going well", "good health" and the like, you can't mention "bad luck", "bad luck" these unlucky words. If you do, hey, it's probably going to be bad.

2. Don't say "break up"

On the ninth day of the first month of April, we can't say the word "break up". Whether it's a couple or a friend, you have to be kind. Northeast people love face, and feelings are even more serious. If there is a break on this day, it is not easy to find someone to mend the relationship. The older generation often said that if you break up on the ninth day of the first month, you will have a hard time in the future, who would dare to mention it?

Tomorrow is the ninth day of the fourth month, remind: 2 don't say, 3 don't eat, 1 don't go, 2 don't move, don't forget the old tradition

3. Do not eat

1. Don't eat cold drinks

On the ninth day of the fourth month, it is not advisable to eat cold drinks. Although the weather is getting warmer now, eating cold drinks on this day is not good for the body and is easy to hurt the spleen and stomach. The climate in our northeast, the wind in April is still a little cool, and the old people always say that they have to eat warm and maintain their bodies on the ninth day of April.

2. Don't eat spicy

It's also not a good day to eat something too spicy. As the old saying goes, the ninth day of the fourth month should be light, and it is easy to get angry when you eat spicy, and your temper will be irritable. Especially if there are children in the family, eating too spicy food is more likely to make a fuss, and the family will be uneasy.

3. Don't eat raw and cold

On this day, we have to avoid cold things. The older generation always emphasizes that the ninth day of April is a good time to maintain health, and raw and cold food is easy to make people have stomach aches, especially the elderly and children.

1 Failure

Don't go far away

On the ninth day of the fourth month, it is best not to go far away. The older generation is particular, and it is easy to have accidents when going out on the ninth day of the new year. Especially for long trips, try to avoid this day. It's okay to be short-haul, but it's better to leave a long-distance trip for another day. We Northeast people believe this, it is easy to run into trouble when going out on the ninth day of the new year, and it is safest to stay at home.

2. Do not move

1. Don't move big money

On the ninth day of the first month of April, we should not move a lot of money. What does that mean? That is, try not to spend a lot of money, invest or lend money to others on this day. The older generation said that it is easy to break the fortune if you make a lot of money on this day. You see, we can spend any amount of money on a normal day, but this day we make a lot of money, and we are always a little unsure.

Tomorrow is the ninth day of the fourth month, remind: 2 don't say, 3 don't eat, 1 don't go, 2 don't move, don't forget the old tradition

Second, do not use knives and scissors

We also have to pay attention on this day and try not to use knives and scissors. Especially in families with small children, it is best to put away things such as knives and scissors. Why? The older generation said that the ninth day of the fourth month is cut with a knife, and it is easy to bump into it. Adults and children alike should be careful not to get hurt by this.

brief summary

You see, there is really a lot of attention paid to the ninth day of the fourth month. Northeast people live a life of harmony, smoothness and smoothness. We have to abide by the rules handed down by our ancestors. If you really don't care about that, it's fine, but sometimes it's more grounded to follow the old rules.

Therefore, everyone has to pay attention tomorrow, 2 don't say, 3 don't eat, 1 don't go, 2 don't move, make sure you have a smooth April 9. Don't forget the old traditions, life is more comfortable!

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