
Why is China developing trams? It turns out that the world's two major oil belts do not have China's share!


The output of domestic oil fields is not enough for industrial development, and a large number of imports are needed, and new energy vehicles are different, it does not need to refuel, only need to charge, and China's power generation is the most advanced in the world, and the price of electricity is cheap. It is a matter of course to vigorously develop trams!

Why is China developing trams? It turns out that the world's two major oil belts do not have China's share!

1. The development of electric vehicles can not only reduce dependence on oil, but also promote the development of the domestic power industry, forming a virtuous circle.

2. China's power industry is already competitive in the world, and the development of electric vehicles will help to further consolidate this advantage.

3. As a type of new energy vehicle, trams are clean and environmentally friendly, which is in line with the mainland's concept of promoting green development.

4. The vigorous development of trams is also to reduce air pollution, improve the urban environment, and improve people's quality of life.

5. The promotion of trams will also help promote the transformation and upgrading of the mainland automobile industry and enhance the international competitiveness of the mainland automobile industry.

6. Compared with traditional combustion vehicles, trams are less expensive to run, helping consumers save money.

7. With the continuous advancement of battery technology, the range of electric vehicles will become longer and longer, which can meet the needs of more consumers.

8. The state's strong support for new energy vehicles, including car purchase subsidies and purchase tax exemptions, will further promote the development of the tram market.

9. The spread of trams has also helped to reduce traffic accidents and improve road safety.

10. The development of trams will also drive the development of related industrial chains, such as charging piles and batteries, to provide new impetus for the mainland's economic growth.

11. The high degree of intelligence of trams will help promote the development of intelligent transportation, autonomous driving and other technologies in mainland China.

12. The vigorous development of electric vehicles will help the mainland occupy a place in the international new energy vehicle market and enhance its international status.

13. The spread of trams will also help reduce congestion in cities and improve road efficiency.

14. The development of electric vehicles will lead to the development of electric energy storage technology, which will contribute to the optimization of the energy structure of the mainland.

15. The development of trams will also promote the innovation of the new energy industry in mainland China and enhance the overall competitiveness of the industrial chain.

16. Vigorously developing trams will help reduce carbon emissions and help the mainland achieve the goals of carbon peak and carbon neutrality.

17. The popularization of trams will also help promote the reform of the mainland's electricity market and promote the development of electricity marketization.

18. The development of trams will drive the construction of new energy infrastructure in the mainland, such as charging piles and battery swap stations.

19. The vigorous development of electric vehicles will help Continental seize the opportunity in the transformation of the global automotive industry and lead the future development trend of automobiles.

Why is China developing trams? It turns out that the world's two major oil belts do not have China's share!

20. The spread of trams will also help to improve the continent's energy security and reduce its dependence on oil.

21. The development of electric vehicles will promote innovation in the automotive industry in mainland China and improve the overall technical level.

22. The vigorous development of electric vehicles will help Continental establish its brand image in the global new energy vehicle market and enhance its international influence.

23. The popularization of trams will also help promote the green development of urban transport in mainland China and improve the quality of cities.

24. The development of trams will promote international cooperation in the mainland's new energy industry and promote global green development.

25. Vigorously developing trams will help the mainland play an active role in global climate governance and demonstrate its responsibility as a major country.

26. The popularization of trams will also help to promote the optimization of the mainland's energy consumption structure and improve energy efficiency.

27. The development of trams will promote the transformation and upgrading of the mainland's automobile industry and achieve high-quality development.

28. The vigorous development of electric vehicles will help the mainland maintain its leading position in the global competition for new energy vehicle technology.

29. The popularization of trams will also help to promote innovation in the mainland's electricity market and promote changes in electricity consumption patterns.

30. The development of trams will lead to the prosperity of the mainland's new energy industry and help achieve energy independence.

Why is China developing trams? It turns out that the world's two major oil belts do not have China's share!

31. The vigorous development of electric vehicles will help China to overtake in the global automobile industry and become an automobile power.

32. The popularization of trams will also help promote the intelligent development of urban transport in mainland China and improve the level of urban management.

33. The development of trams will promote innovation in the mainland's new energy industry and help achieve sustainable development.

34. Vigorously developing trams will help the mainland play a leading role in global climate governance and promote global green development.

35. The popularization of trams will also help promote the construction of the mainland's energy interconnection and improve the efficiency of energy allocation.

36. The development of electric vehicles will promote the internationalization of the mainland's automobile industry and enhance its global competitiveness.

37. The vigorous development of electric vehicles will help Continental to occupy a dominant position in the global new energy vehicle market and lead the direction of future automotive development.

38. The popularization of trams will also help promote the green transformation of urban transport in mainland China and enhance the sustainable development capacity of cities.

39. The development of trams will drive innovation in the mainland's new energy industry and help achieve energy transition.

40. Vigorously developing trams will help the mainland play a key role in global climate governance and promote global green and low-carbon development.

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