
Why is the Huawei Pura70 far less popular than the Mate60? Offline store owner: These reasons are very real

author:Little cutie life

Recently, Huawei's latest Pura 70 series mobile phones have sparked widespread attention and discussion after entering the market. However, many consumers and industry insiders have said that in terms of popularity and response, there is still a certain gap between the Pura 70 series and the Mate 60 series launched last year. In order to explore the reasons for this, we visited a number of offline mobile phone stores and listened to the opinions of the owners.

Why is the Huawei Pura70 far less popular than the Mate60? Offline store owner: These reasons are very real

Brand reputation and user base are different

Most store owners said that the Huawei Mate series, as a classic flagship product line, has accumulated a large number of loyal users over the years. These users have a high degree of recognition and trust in the Mate series, and each new generation of new product releases has attracted much attention. The Huawei P series is positioned in an inferior position, and its reputation and popularity are not as good as the Mate series. Even if the name is changed to Pura, it is still difficult to match Mate in the hearts of old users.

Why is the Huawei Pura70 far less popular than the Mate60? Offline store owner: These reasons are very real

There are differences in product strength

The Pura 70 does outperform the Mate 60 in some areas, such as a more advanced camera system and a more youthful design. But on the whole, the Mate 60 is still better in terms of core functions such as imaging, screen, and battery, and can better meet the needs of users who pursue extreme performance. The price also reflects this difference, with the higher-priced Mate 60 being more of a flagship.

Why is the Huawei Pura70 far less popular than the Mate60? Offline store owner: These reasons are very real

The timing of the release is not as surprising as the Mate 60

According to industry analysts, when the Mate 60 was released last year, Huawei had just solved the chip dilemma, marking the rapid progress of Huawei's mobile phone business. Many long-awaited users project excitement and joy onto the Mate 60. By the time Pura 70 was released this year, the passion for revenge had faded considerably. Coupled with the lack of publicity, it is even more difficult to set off a craze like the Mate 60.

After listening to the opinions of industry insiders, the author believes that the reasons why the Pura 70 is not as hot as the Mate 60 include:

Why is the Huawei Pura70 far less popular than the Mate60? Offline store owner: These reasons are very real

The positioning of the market segment needs to be clarified

As a sub-flagship model, the Pura lacks a clear market positioning compared to the flagship Mate series and fails to attract a specific user group. It is recommended that Huawei further clarify whether the target users of the Pura series should pursue cost-effectiveness or experience-first, so as to carry out differentiated marketing.

Lack of innovative features

Compared to the huge leap brought by the Mate 60, the Pura 70 series lacks highlights in terms of features and innovation. If breakthroughs and innovations can be made in specific areas, such as battery life, fast charging, and imaging, it is also expected to become a selling point to attract users.

Why is the Huawei Pura70 far less popular than the Mate60? Offline store owner: These reasons are very real

The similarity of the design language is too high

The Pura 70 is too similar to the Mate 60 in terms of design language and lacks recognition. It is suggested that a new design language can be explored in the future to improve the differentiation from the flagship, rather than completely copying the Mate.

Why is the Huawei Pura70 far less popular than the Mate60? Offline store owner: These reasons are very real

Limited media exposure

Due to various reasons, there is a certain gap between the current exposure of the Pura 70 and the Mate series on the media side. Huawei may need to increase its marketing efforts to increase its visibility and influence through multi-channel exposure.

Why is the Huawei Pura70 far less popular than the Mate60? Offline store owner: These reasons are very real

Competition in the mid-to-high-end market has intensified

The competition in the mid-to-high-end mobile phone market is becoming increasingly fierce, and Huawei has to face competitive pressure from strong manufacturers such as Apple and Samsung. The success of Pura 70 also depends on the future product striving to further lead the way, as well as the adjustment of the brand's marketing strategy.

Why is the Huawei Pura70 far less popular than the Mate60? Offline store owner: These reasons are very real
Why is the Huawei Pura70 far less popular than the Mate60? Offline store owner: These reasons are very real

The gap between the Pura 70 and the Mate 60 stems from a number of reasons. Looking ahead, Huawei will also need to work product positioning, innovative R&D, exterior design, and marketing to enhance the competitiveness and popularity of the Pura series. But it is certain that as Huawei continues to improve, the Pura series will have a chance to surpass

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