
Frequent urination deficiency, raspberry shrinkage, flesh deficiency, chronic prostatitis collection

author:The key to righteousness

1. Raspberries

Raspberry, which comes from Li Shizhen's mouth.

Raspberry is a sunny crop, so it is mild in nature, can replenish yang deficiency, and benefit the liver and kidney; Sweet and sour, acid can be astringent, can solidify essence, can shrink urine.

Frequent urination deficiency, raspberry shrinkage, flesh deficiency, chronic prostatitis collection

It is precisely because raspberry has this function that people with frequent nocturia can throw away the urine basin when they eat it, that is to say, the urine basin can be reversed and not used, so it is called "raspberry".

2. Yamamoku meat

Yamagi meat is known as the "holy medicine of salvation", and its rescue power is ten times that of ginseng.

Frequent urination deficiency, raspberry shrinkage, flesh deficiency, chronic prostatitis collection

According to my years of clinical experience, the amount of deficiency and enuresis, the amount is small and reactive, and the meat needs to be 60 or above to be effective:

One can collect qi and solidify it; Second, it can concentrate on the mind;

Three can sweat and save qi and yin; Fourth, it can collect urine and treat frequent urination.

Therefore, as a relieving medicine, I often use it for the treatment of debilitating chronic prostatitis, usually with a combination of ginseng prescriptions, and the more severe the patient, the faster the effect.

Frequent urination deficiency, raspberry shrinkage, flesh deficiency, chronic prostatitis collection

Take the experience of an iron fan of mine as an example, 55 years old, chronic prostatitis for 7 years, has been troubled by frequent urination, especially from evening to early morning, the urge to urinate is very much, especially obvious shortness, and when it is serious, there will be enuresis and urinary incontinence when sleeping at night.

Accompanied by dizziness, laziness and dislike of movement, frequent diarrhea, indigestion, chills and cold, fat tongue, thin and white moss.

Frequent urination deficiency, raspberry shrinkage, flesh deficiency, chronic prostatitis collection

In addition to the common symptoms of prostatitis, fans and friends also have very obvious yang deficiency symptoms, moving is yang, static is yin, the more people who don't like to move, the easier it is to be yang deficiency.

Therefore, this is a deficiency of Yuan Yang, and Yang does not collect urine.

Subsequent formula: raspberry, mountain firewood meat, aconite, woody fragrance, nootropic kernel, ginseng, atractylodes, poria cocos

The recipe is headed by raspberry and mountain wood, raspberry shrinks urine and stops the band, relieves frequent urination, and mountain corn meat replenishes deficiency and rescues, and at the same time, it is combined with aconite, ginseng, and wood fragrance to nourish the liver and kidneys, replenish yang and correct the body, and inhibit inflammation.

Frequent urination deficiency, raspberry shrinkage, flesh deficiency, chronic prostatitis collection

Atractylodes macrocephalus and Poria cocos strengthen the spleen and stomach, and promote the digestion and absorption of medicinal effects.

Yizhiren, yang medicine, with its ability to absorb intake, enhance the effect of the whole formula to solidify the water liquid, its function is to dry the spleen and warm the stomach, can help the work of atractylodes and poria.

1 course of treatment, urinary incontinence, enuresis is gone, the urge to urinate is reduced and slowed down, and the frequency of urination at night is consciously improved;

After a total of 3 courses of treatment, there was no frequent urination, and the spirit improved, and there was no recurrence after half a year.

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