
Anecdote: The man is kind-hearted and marries his wife, and the master of the cave room at night says: Throw the paper crane out

author:I love noodle fish

A man has a good heart and marries his wife

In an ancient and quiet village, there lives a young man named Lin Yi. He was tall, clear-eyed, kind-hearted, and loved by the villagers. Lin Yi has been learning from the old carpenter in the village since he was a child, and he is not only skilled in his craft, but also has won the respect of everyone because of his helpfulness.

The old carpenter's wife, that is, Lin Yi's sister-in-law, is named Liu Ruoyun. She is a gentle and virtuous woman, not only beautiful, but also kind-hearted, and treats Lin Yi like her own son. However, as fate would have it, the old carpenter was unfortunately hit by a flash flood when he went out to work, and never returned. People in the village said that the old carpenter met the mountain god and was taken away by the mountain god.

The death of the old carpenter made Liu Ruoyun grief-stricken. She washed her face with tears all day long, didn't think about tea and dinner, and the whole person seemed to have aged a lot overnight. Lin Yi saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart. He silently took on the responsibility of taking care of his wife, not only helping her with housework, but also often accompanying her, comforting her and enlightening her.

As the days passed, Liu Ruoyun's mood gradually stabilized. However, her health deteriorated and she often felt exhausted. Lin Yi saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. He searched for medicine everywhere, hoping to find a cure for his mother's illness.

One day, when Lin Yi was collecting medicine in the mountains, he happened to meet a Taoist priest who traveled all over the world. The Taoist priest saw that Lin Yi's face was kind and sincere, so he told him a secret: the reason why Liu Ruoyun was weak was because there was an evil qi in her body. This evil spirit comes from the resentment left behind by the old carpenter's death, and can only be resolved by finding a special way.

The Taoist priest told Lin Yi that if he wanted to dissolve this evil qi, he needed to use the paper crane made by Liu Ruoyun himself on the night of the full moon to draw the evil qi out of his body. However, this process is extremely dangerous and can be life-threatening if you are not careful. The Taoist priest also reminded Lin Yi that in order to successfully dispel the evil qi, Liu Ruoyun must be willing to accept the process.

Anecdote: The man is kind-hearted and marries his wife, and the master of the cave room at night says: Throw the paper crane out

Lin Yi returned home and told Liu Ruoyun what the Taoist priest said. After Liu Ruoyun heard this, a trace of determination flashed in her eyes. She told Lin Yi that she was willing to give it a try, and as long as she could get rid of the torture of illness, she was willing to pay any price.

On the night of the full moon, Lin Yi and Liu Ruoyun set up a magic circle in the courtyard. Liu Ruoyun made the paper crane with his own hands and placed it in the center of the circle. As the Taoist priest's incantation sounded, the paper crane gradually fluttered, as if it had life. Liu Ruoyun felt a cold aura gushing out of her body, and she knew that it was evil qi at work.

At this moment, the paper crane suddenly let out a piercing scream, and the entire circle began to shake violently. Seeing this, Lin Yi immediately stepped forward to stabilize the magic circle, and held Liu Ruoyun's hand tightly, giving her encouragement and strength.

After some difficult struggle, the paper crane finally completely drained the evil qi out of its body. It turned into a cloud of black gas, soared into the sky, and disappeared into the night sky. At the same time, Liu Ruoyun also felt a sense of relief, as if she had unloaded a thousand catties of burden.

However, at this moment, Liu Ruoyun's face suddenly changed, hugged Lin Yi tightly and said, "Quickly throw the paper crane out!" It will be back! When Lin Yi heard this, he was shocked, but he immediately understood what Shi Niang meant. He quickly picked up the crane and threw it out of the yard with all his might.

The crane made a graceful arc in the air before disappearing into the darkness. Lin Yi and Liu Ruoyun looked at each other and smiled, knowing that they had finally gotten rid of the intrusion of evil qi.

Since then, Liu Ruoyun's body has gradually recovered, and her smile has returned to her face. And the relationship between Lin Yi and Liu Ruoyun is also getting deeper and deeper, and they support each other and get through one difficulty after another together. In the end, with the blessings of the villagers, they tied the knot and became the most enviable couple in the village.

Anecdote: The man is kind-hearted and marries his wife, and the master of the cave room at night says: Throw the paper crane out

However, their happy life doesn't end there. The paper crane that was thrown out did not seem to have completely disappeared. In the dead of night, Lin Yi and Liu Ruoyun could often hear the chirping of paper cranes in the distance. They knew that it was the old carpenter's grievances looking for a home. Therefore, they often let the paper cranes fly in the courtyard, hoping to find a peaceful home for the old carpenter's grievances.

Time flies, Lin Yi and Liu Ruoyun have spent several years of happiness. Their days, though ordinary, are full of warmth and sweetness. However, the paper crane that was thrown out always hung in their hearts like an unsolved mystery.

One day, when Lin Yi was chopping wood in the mountains, he accidentally discovered a hidden cave. Curious, he walked into the cave and saw that the stone walls inside the cave were carved with ancient runes, exuding an aura of mystery. In the deepest part of the cave, he found the paper crane, lying quietly on a smooth stone slab, as if forgotten by time.

Lin Yi picked up the paper crane in surprise and found that although it had gone through the years, it was still intact. His heart moved, and he decided to take the paper crane home and study the mystery with Liu Ruoyun.

That night, Lin Yi and Liu Ruoyun carefully looked at the paper crane under the lamp. They found that there was a small line of words engraved on the paper crane: "Origin and extinction are all due to a thought." The two looked at each other and smiled, and they both understood the meaning of this sentence in their hearts. It turned out that this paper crane was a trace of obsession left by the old carpenter, and it was always looking for a home until it was discovered by Lin Yi.

Liu Ruoyun gently stroked the paper crane, and a trace of tenderness flashed in her eyes. She told Lin Yi that she believed that the old carpenter's spirit had been laid to rest in the heavens, and that the paper crane had found its home. She proposed to put the paper crane in her home to commemorate the kindness of the old carpenter.

Anecdote: The man is kind-hearted and marries his wife, and the master of the cave room at night says: Throw the paper crane out

Lin Yi nodded in agreement, and they placed the paper crane in a delicate wooden box and placed it on the shrine at home. From then on, whenever an important ceremony was held in the house, they would pray to the cranes for peace and happiness.

Time flies, and Lin Yi and Liu Ruoyun's days are still calm and happy. Their kindness and sincerity have infected everyone around them, and their home has become the warmest and most harmonious place in the village.

However, fate always seems to like to play tricks on people. When Lin Yi and Liu Ruoyun were approaching their sixtieth birthday, their son died in an accident. This news was like a bolt from the blue, and the two of them were in pain. They could not accept this harsh reality and spent their days immersed in grief.

It was then that the paper crane once again played its magical role. In addition to grief, Liu Ruoyun stumbled upon a line of text on the paper crane: "Life and death have fate, wealth is in the sky." Her heart moved, and she remembered the teachings of the old carpenter. She told Lin Yi that although her son had passed away, their lives would go on. They should cherish every day in front of them and live their lives to the fullest.

Lin Yi was deeply touched by Liu Ruoyun's words, he wiped away his tears and decided to cheer up again. Together with Liu Ruoyun, he turned grief into strength and began to devote himself to helping poor children and lonely elderly people in the village. They interpret kindness and love with their actions, and have become a banner in the village.

As time passed, the story of Lin Yi and Liu Ruoyun became a good story in the village, and their kindness and love touched more and more people. The children they have helped have also grown up to become the pillars of society, and they have repaid the kindness of Lin Yi and Liu Ruoyun in their own way.

Anecdote: The man is kind-hearted and marries his wife, and the master of the cave room at night says: Throw the paper crane out

Although Lin Yi and Liu Ruoyun are old, their spirits are still full, and their lives are still full of vitality and hope. They often sit in the yard of their homes, watching the children they have helped laugh and play, and their hearts are filled with satisfaction and relief.

One day, a young Taoist priest came to the village, he heard the story of Lin Yi and Liu Ruoyun, and came to visit. The Taoist priest told Lin Yi and Liu Ruoyun that the paper crane was actually a magic weapon, and it contained the obsession and blessing of the old carpenter. It is because of their kindness and sincerity that the cranes are able to exert their magical powers.

The Taoist priest also told Lin Yi and Liu Ruoyun that the rune on the paper crane was actually an ancient spell, which represented a power that transcended life and death. This power can protect the safety and health of their families and allow them to be blessed by the gods in times of need.

After Lin Yi and Liu Ruoyun heard this, their hearts were full of gratitude and awe. They looked at the crane again and found that it did exude a mysterious and solemn aura. They decided to continue to worship the crane in their home and make it the patron saint of their family.

In the following days, Lin Yi and Liu Ruoyun's lives were happier and more peaceful. Their bodies are still strong and their spirits are still full. They often share their experiences with the young people of the village and share the details of their lives. Their kindness and sincerity also continue to infect more people, making the whole village permeated with a harmonious and warm atmosphere.

However, the years are not forgiving. When Lin Yi and Liu Ruoyun were 100 years old, they finally felt the fragility and impermanence of life. They know that they are about to leave this world, but they have no fear or regret in their hearts, because they have lived their wonderful and worthwhile lives.

At the last moment of their lives, Lin Yi and Liu Ruoyun snuggled up to each other, looking at the sunset and blue sky outside the window, their hearts full of gratitude and satisfaction. They know that their lives are happy and meaningful. They are grateful to fate for having met, to love, and to stay together for a lifetime, and to those who have given them help and love.

Anecdote: The man is kind-hearted and marries his wife, and the master of the cave room at night says: Throw the paper crane out

In the end, Lin Yi and Liu Ruoyun left this world hand in hand. Their death did not bring sadness and gloom to the village, but made more people feel the preciousness and preciousness of life. Their stories are still being told, and their spirit still inspires more people to care for others and contribute to society.

After the death of Lin Yi and Liu Ruoyun, their home became a mysterious and solemn place. The people of the village spontaneously built a small pavilion in front of their house, and in the center of the pavilion was the paper crane. It lay there quietly, as if telling the legend of the two old men.

Over time, this small pavilion gradually became a place for villagers to pray for peace and happiness. Whenever there is an important festival or a happy family event, the villagers will come here to offer incense and offerings to the cranes, and pray for the blessings of Lin Yi and Liu Ruoyun.

The magical power of the paper crane seems to be constantly transmitted. Those who were once helped by Lin Yi and Liu Ruoyun, their descendants also began to show kindness and sincerity in their lives. Like Lin Yi and Liu Ruoyun, they use their actions to care for others and contribute to society.

An atmosphere of mutual help, solidarity and friendship has gradually developed in the village. The villagers help each other and make progress together, and the whole village becomes more and more prosperous and beautiful. And all this is inseparable from the influence and inspiration of Lin Yi and Liu Ruoyun.

One day, an old man from afar came to this village. He heard the story of Lin Yi and Liu Ruoyun, and also heard about the magical power of paper cranes. He came to the small pavilion, bowed deeply to the crane, and left silently.

Anecdote: The man is kind-hearted and marries his wife, and the master of the cave room at night says: Throw the paper crane out

However, not long after the old man left, a strange thing happened in the village. A young man was hunting in the mountains when he accidentally broke his leg. After he was sent home, his wounds could not heal. The village doctor was helpless and could only watch as his condition worsened.

At this moment, the old man who had come from afar reappeared. He told the villagers that he was a skilled healer and was willing to treat the young man. He took out a miracle ointment and applied it to the young man's wound. It didn't take long for the wound to begin to heal.

The villagers thanked the old man and asked him how he learned about this miraculous ointment. The old man smiled and told them that it was the crane that had guided him here. He said that the runes on the cranes were actually ancient spells that could summon magical powers to help those in need.

The villagers were amazed by this, and once again they cast a look of respect and gratitude at the crane. They knew that all this was a precious legacy left to them by Lin Yi and Liu Ruoyun. They decided to continue to carry on and carry forward this spirit of kindness and sincerity to make the village a better and more prosperous place.

Since then, the people in the village have cherished and cherished the crane even more. They know that it is not only a symbol of Lin Yi and Liu Ruoyun, but also an eternal source of faith and strength in their hearts. They interpret kindness and love with their actions, making the world a better and warmer place.