
"Merry" Ruan Jingtian: I have loved Liu Pinyan, ambiguous Yin Enhui, and I have an unforgettable love for Xu Weining

author:Moe people entertainment
"Merry" Ruan Jingtian: I have loved Liu Pinyan, ambiguous Yin Enhui, and I have an unforgettable love for Xu Weining

Ruan Jingtian: The heart of a child is not extinguished, but he always takes the emotional path crookedly

For the name Ruan Jingtian, everyone's first impression may be "flowery carrot", "stallion", and "prodigal son in love". Indeed, since he was young, he began his hormonal journey of drunken dreams and death, and along the way, he was still childish, involved in love, and constantly had negative news.

"Merry" Ruan Jingtian: I have loved Liu Pinyan, ambiguous Yin Enhui, and I have an unforgettable love for Xu Weining

But one thing to say, Ruan Jingtian's own pursuit of affection has always been out of a simple and innocent heart, but in the process of implementation, he is often tossed by the flesh and reality.

"Merry" Ruan Jingtian: I have loved Liu Pinyan, ambiguous Yin Enhui, and I have an unforgettable love for Xu Weining

A rebellious teenager who is spoiled by his parents

Ruan Jingtian was born in a military family, and was pampered by his parents since he was a child, and developed a certain petty bourgeois temperament. He once said in an interview: "When I was a child, I was spoiled by my parents and ate all the delicacies in Taiwan, including beef noodles, salted crispy chicken, and mochi.

"Merry" Ruan Jingtian: I have loved Liu Pinyan, ambiguous Yin Enhui, and I have an unforgettable love for Xu Weining

As the only son in the family, his parents were obedient to him, holding him in the palm of their hands like a treasure, and developed some of his later willful and stubborn personalities.

"Merry" Ruan Jingtian: I have loved Liu Pinyan, ambiguous Yin Enhui, and I have an unforgettable love for Xu Weining

When he was 16 years old, Ruan Jingtian suddenly had the idea of becoming a model, although his parents didn't understand it, but they still supported him 100% out of pampering. In this way, he originally planned to be a pilot in the future, but he was inexplicably brought into the entertainment industry by his temporary interest.

"Merry" Ruan Jingtian: I have loved Liu Pinyan, ambiguous Yin Enhui, and I have an unforgettable love for Xu Weining

With a white and beautiful face, Ruan Jingtian is well-known in the modeling industry. However, under the influence of family favors, he was easily deceived by the temptations of flesh and money at this age.

"Merry" Ruan Jingtian: I have loved Liu Pinyan, ambiguous Yin Enhui, and I have an unforgettable love for Xu Weining

Some unsightly scandals in his private life began to appear on him, such as an affair with Liu Pinyan, a 17-year-old young model, and entanglement with some older agents in the same company...

"Merry" Ruan Jingtian: I have loved Liu Pinyan, ambiguous Yin Enhui, and I have an unforgettable love for Xu Weining

Whenever asked by the media about these old things, Ruan Jingtian always kept silent and avoided talking about them. He knew in his heart that he was a hairy boy in the period of adolescence and hormonal confusion, who didn't understand anything, and was carried away by the temptation of money and flesh. Fortunately, I gradually grew up and matured, and slowly walked out of that absurd stage.

"Merry" Ruan Jingtian: I have loved Liu Pinyan, ambiguous Yin Enhui, and I have an unforgettable love for Xu Weining

In 2008, Ruan Jingtian starred in an idol drama "Fate I Love You", which became an instant hit and started the peak of his career. It was also from this year that he and the heroine Xu Weining coveted each other's sesame paste and pulled their relationship into love.

"Merry" Ruan Jingtian: I have loved Liu Pinyan, ambiguous Yin Enhui, and I have an unforgettable love for Xu Weining

An 8-year bumpy relationship

From 2008 to 2015, Ruan Jingtian and Xu Weining had each other's rights and wrongs for 8 years. The relationship between the two can be described as ups and downs, turbulent, and there have been too many separations and scandals.

"Merry" Ruan Jingtian: I have loved Liu Pinyan, ambiguous Yin Enhui, and I have an unforgettable love for Xu Weining

The most explosive time was in 2011 when Ruan Jingtian and South Korean actress Yoon Eun-hye had an affair in the crew, which led to several breaks with Xu Weining's relationship. Ruan Jingtian quibbled at that time that it was just a friend relationship, but everyone once again believed in his reputation as a "flower heart".

"Merry" Ruan Jingtian: I have loved Liu Pinyan, ambiguous Yin Enhui, and I have an unforgettable love for Xu Weining

In 2015, because of the scandal between Ruan Jingtian and young actress Zhou Dongyu, the relationship of more than 8 years had to come to an end. When they broke up, Xu Weining said: "I still need more time to grow well."

"Merry" Ruan Jingtian: I have loved Liu Pinyan, ambiguous Yin Enhui, and I have an unforgettable love for Xu Weining

From her words, it can be seen that Ruan Jingtian is too hasty and immature in handling the emotional road. Drawing inferences, there may have been too many scandals and derailments around him in the past 8 years, which will make the relationship so fragile and vulnerable.

"Merry" Ruan Jingtian: I have loved Liu Pinyan, ambiguous Yin Enhui, and I have an unforgettable love for Xu Weining

After breaking up with Xu Weining in 2015, Ruan Jingtian's life gradually revealed more traces of profligacy. Especially since 2017, the scandals between him and the young actress Song Zuer have been frequently exposed, and the age difference between the two is 16 years, which has made the outside world blame.

"Merry" Ruan Jingtian: I have loved Liu Pinyan, ambiguous Yin Enhui, and I have an unforgettable love for Xu Weining

Even shortly after the divorce, Ruan Jingtian's ex-girlfriend Joanna broke the scandal that he had cheated on Xu Weining during his relationship with him. It seems that Ruan Jingtian's acting is not temporary, but has been around for a long time. He has taken many detours in the pursuit of his sweetheart, but he essentially hopes to meet someone who can give him complete understanding and tolerance.

"Merry" Ruan Jingtian: I have loved Liu Pinyan, ambiguous Yin Enhui, and I have an unforgettable love for Xu Weining

It's just that during this journey, Ruan Jingtian always instinctively wants to do something extreme to prove himself and prove that he is worthy of love, which leads to all kinds of misunderstandings and negative news. His heart is too pure and innocent, which makes him take too many detours on the road of feelings.

"Merry" Ruan Jingtian: I have loved Liu Pinyan, ambiguous Yin Enhui, and I have an unforgettable love for Xu Weining

Ruan Jingtian has been unconditionally pampered by his family since he was a child, and when he grew up, he retained a pure heart in his heart, and some of his ideas were different from those around him, and the way he carried out his feelings often deviated. He always subconsciously wants to get more love and understanding, which causes a lot of negative scandals. But even after so many ups and downs, his original intention of treating feelings still remains.

"Merry" Ruan Jingtian: I have loved Liu Pinyan, ambiguous Yin Enhui, and I have an unforgettable love for Xu Weining

Although the heart of a child is beautiful, if you are too innocent and simple, you will inevitably step on the thunder again and again on the emotional road. Nguyen Jingtian is a typical example. He simply longs to be understood and loved by others, but because of this, he has done a lot of "impulsive" and "irrational" things.

"Merry" Ruan Jingtian: I have loved Liu Pinyan, ambiguous Yin Enhui, and I have an unforgettable love for Xu Weining

Looking back on Ruan Jingtian's emotional experience, we seem to be able to see the growth path of a "naïve teenager to a mature man". From his disorientation when he was young due to the temptation of money and flesh, to the fact that he was too hasty in his relationship with Xu Weining for 8 years, and then to the constant scandals after the breakup... Every relationship journey of Ruan Jingtian is like a topic that he uses to "grow".

"Merry" Ruan Jingtian: I have loved Liu Pinyan, ambiguous Yin Enhui, and I have an unforgettable love for Xu Weining

It's a pity that he doesn't seem to have learned his due lesson from it. is still dominated by a piece of sincerity in his heart, and makes a lot of "impulsive" decisions. For example, the scandal with the young actress Song Zuer, the age difference between the two is 16 years, which makes the outside world accuse it of "support". Another example is that his ex-girlfriend Joanna revealed that she had cheated on her to pursue Xu Weining during her relationship with her.

"Merry" Ruan Jingtian: I have loved Liu Pinyan, ambiguous Yin Enhui, and I have an unforgettable love for Xu Weining

It can be seen from these turmoil that although Ruan Jingtian has "grown up", some thoughts in his heart still exist, and they have become a stumbling block for him on the emotional road. This heart has always dominated Ruan Jingtian's way of dealing with feelings. It can be said that it is precisely because of this that he has repeatedly stepped on thunder on the emotional road.

"Merry" Ruan Jingtian: I have loved Liu Pinyan, ambiguous Yin Enhui, and I have an unforgettable love for Xu Weining

Let's wait and see when this prodigal son in love will really grow up and treat feelings in a mature way. Or perhaps, he will retain the last innocence in his heart for the rest of his life, and write his emotional life in a unique way.

"Merry" Ruan Jingtian: I have loved Liu Pinyan, ambiguous Yin Enhui, and I have an unforgettable love for Xu Weining


In fact, in the final analysis, Ruan Jingtian's buddy is too persistent in his desire for affection, and he always hopes to be tolerated and understood, so he will do something very "deathly". For example, there was an affair with Yin Enhui back then, which almost ended the relationship with Xu Weining; For example, later there was an affair with the young and beautiful Zhou Dongyu and Song Zuer, which made people's ex-girlfriends suffer a tight spell.

"Merry" Ruan Jingtian: I have loved Liu Pinyan, ambiguous Yin Enhui, and I have an unforgettable love for Xu Weining

It can be said that he has been spoiled since he was a child, and his control over the emotional road is still too weak when he grows up. is obviously a big carrot, but he has a pure heart that wants to be loved. It is precisely because of this innocence that he has repeatedly taken detours in the pursuit of feelings, causing a lot of negative news.

"Merry" Ruan Jingtian: I have loved Liu Pinyan, ambiguous Yin Enhui, and I have an unforgettable love for Xu Weining

But then again, it's probably part of his unique personality as well. Although he always causes trouble by "doing death", at least he is still very serious and enthusiastic about his feelings.

"Merry" Ruan Jingtian: I have loved Liu Pinyan, ambiguous Yin Enhui, and I have an unforgettable love for Xu Weining

Let's continue to wait and see when this prodigal son in love can really grow up and mature, and treat feelings in a reasonable way. If he goes on to "die" all the way, it's nothing, at least he still retains the last sincerity in his heart!

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