
Guess what, am I right?

author:Single-minded kitten yl
Guess what, am I right?
Guess what, am I right?
Guess what, am I right?
Guess what, am I right?
Guess what, am I right?
Guess what, am I right?
Guess what, am I right?
Guess what, am I right?
Guess what, am I right?
Guess what, am I right?
Guess what, am I right?
Guess what, am I right?
Guess what, am I right?
Guess what, am I right?
Guess what, am I right?
Guess what, am I right?
Guess what, am I right?
Guess what, am I right?

In the evening, the afterglow of the setting sun shines on the stone pavement, bringing a touch of peace and warmth to this busy city. People rushed by, tired or smiling, each rushing to their own destination.

In this bustling crowd, two figures stand out in particular. They are a middle-aged couple, the husband's name is Zhang Qiang, and the wife's name is Li Ting. Both of them are ordinary office workers, but today they decided to put aside their daily busyness and take a walk on the streets together to enjoy this rare leisure time.

Zhang Qiang is a humorous person who always finds joy in ordinary life. He watched the people coming and going on the street, and suddenly had a plan, and said to Li Ting: "Ting'er, let's play a game." ”

Li Ting asked curiously, "What game?" ”

Zhang Qiang smiled mysteriously and said, "It's a guessing game." I'll ask a question, and guess what answer I'm thinking of in my mind. If you guess correctly, I will promise you one condition; If you guess wrong, you guess me instead. ”

When Li Ting heard this, she thought the game was very interesting, so she gladly accepted the challenge.

"Then I'll do it first." Zhang Qiang cleared his throat and began to ask questions, "You guess, am I right?" ”

Li Ting was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "What kind of problem are you?" How do I know what answer is in your mind? ”

Zhang Qiang laughed: "This is my cleverness." There is no set answer to this question, it depends on how you understand it. You can guess I'm right, or you can guess I'm not right. But in any case, you will be stuck in a logical dilemma. ”

Li Ting listened to it and felt that it was indeed the case. She thought about it for a moment and decided to answer in a clever way: "I guess, you're not right. ”

When Zhang Qiang heard this, he was stunned. He didn't expect Li Ting to answer like this, because no matter what the answer in his heart was, Li Ting's guess was true. He smiled helplessly and said, "Okay, you win." Say, what conditions do you want me to promise you? ”

Li Ting smiled and shook her head: "Actually, I don't have any special conditions. I just want to tell you that many times in life we encounter this kind of seemingly unsolvable problem. But as long as we think about it from a different perspective, we can often find a solution. ”

Zhang Qiang listened and nodded with deep feeling. He felt that Li Ting's words were very reasonable, and it also made him think more about life.

The two continued to walk forward, Zhang Qiang raised a few more interesting questions, and Li Ting also skillfully responded to them one by one. They laughed, thought, and communicated in the game, as if they had returned to the love days of their youth.

Just then, they passed by a lively night market. The stalls are filled with all kinds of snacks and goods, and people gather around to taste the food and pick up the items.

Zhang Qiang looked at Li Ting and said, "Ting'er, do you want to eat something?" ”

Li Ting nodded: "I'm a little hungry, let's go eat something." ”

So the two came to a snack stall, ordered a few snacks and began to enjoy them. They ate and talked about the little things in life.

Just then, a little boy in shabby clothes walked over. He timidly looked at the food in the hands of the two of them, his eyes full of longing. Seeing this, Li Ting felt pity, so she took out a bun and handed it to the little boy.

The little boy took the bun with a big smile on his face. After thanking the two of them, he turned and ran away.

Looking at the back of the little boy leaving, Li Ting said with emotion: "Sometimes a small gesture can bring warmth and hope to others. We should cherish every moment in our lives and care for the people around us with our hearts. ”

Zhang Qiang listened and nodded thoughtfully. He felt that this street walk not only allowed them to relive the good times of their youth, but also gave them a deeper understanding and perception of life.

As the sun sets, night begins to fall. Zhang Qiang and Li Ting walked hand in hand on the way home, their hearts full of happiness and satisfaction. They know that no matter what difficulties and challenges they encounter in the future, as long as they support each other and face them together, they will be able to overcome the difficulties and move towards a better tomorrow.