
How to name it according to the time of birth, it is worth seeing.

author:Single-minded kitten yl
How to name it according to the time of birth, it is worth seeing.
How to name it according to the time of birth, it is worth seeing.
How to name it according to the time of birth, it is worth seeing.
How to name it according to the time of birth, it is worth seeing.
How to name it according to the time of birth, it is worth seeing.
How to name it according to the time of birth, it is worth seeing.
How to name it according to the time of birth, it is worth seeing.
How to name it according to the time of birth, it is worth seeing.
How to name it according to the time of birth, it is worth seeing.
How to name it according to the time of birth, it is worth seeing.
How to name it according to the time of birth, it is worth seeing.
How to name it according to the time of birth, it is worth seeing.
How to name it according to the time of birth, it is worth seeing.
How to name it according to the time of birth, it is worth seeing.
How to name it according to the time of birth, it is worth seeing.
How to name it according to the time of birth, it is worth seeing.
How to name it according to the time of birth, it is worth seeing.
How to name it according to the time of birth, it is worth seeing.

In the evening streets, the lights are lit up and the neon lights are shining, like stars in the night sky. People in a hurry are busy returning home, or strolling leisurely through the streets and alleys. And in this street full of life, an interesting thing happened, which made people stop and sigh at the wisdom of naming.

In a teahouse on the corner, two young parents, Mr. Zhang and Ms. Li, are worried about naming their soon-to-be-born child. They searched the dictionary and consulted relatives and friends, but they could not decide on a name that not only matched the child's birthday, but also had a good meaning. Lao Wang, the owner of the teahouse, is a well-informed old man, he listened to the discussion between the two with a smile, and he already had an idea in his heart.

"Two, it's a university question to choose a name." Lao Wang took a sip of tea and said slowly, "I also studied this when I was young, and naming it according to the time of birth is not only in line with numerology, but also can place the expectations and blessings of my parents." ”

When Mr. Zhang and Ms. Li heard this, they immediately became interested and approached to ask. Lao Wang explained unhurriedly: "For example, when a child is born in spring, when everything recovers, you can take the word 'spring', which means vitality and a bright future; If it is summer, you can take the word 'summer', which symbolizes sunshine and enthusiasm; Autumn is the harvest season, which can be called 'autumn fruit' and 'harvest', while winter means purity and tenacity, and can be called 'snow' and 'ice'. ”

Mr. Zhang nodded and agreed: "This idea is novel, we didn't expect it before. ”

Ms. Li also chimed in: "Yes, such a name has both meaning and numerology, which is really a double win." ”

Lao Wang continued: "Of course, in addition to the season, the hour is also an important reference for naming. For example, a child born in Zishi (11 p.m. to 1 a.m.) can take the word 'Zi', or words related to 'Zi', such as 'Zihan', 'Zixuan', etc., which means that the child will be smart and talented in the future. ”

Mr. Zhang listened with relish and hurriedly asked: "Then what name should our child be given when he was born in Youshi (5 pm to 7 pm)?" ”

Lao Wang pondered for a moment, smiled and said: "When the sun is setting and the golden rooster is dawning, you can take the word 'unitary', or words related to 'unitary', such as 'unitary', 'unitary', etc. In addition, the character 'unitary' also has the meaning of abundant harvest and wealth, so this name also conveys your best wishes for your children's future life. ”

After hearing this, Mr. Zhang and Ms. Li's eyes lit up, and they all said that the name was both nice and meaningful. They gratefully shook Wang's hand and thanked him repeatedly.

After leaving the teahouse, Mr. Zhang and Ms. Li were in a particularly happy mood. They felt that the naming trip not only taught them knowledge, but also made them look forward to the arrival of their children even more. They believe that as long as they put their name to their children, they can bring good luck and happiness to them.

On the way home, Mr. Zhang sighed: "I used to think that the name was just a combination of two words, but I didn't expect that there would be so much attention and knowledge in it." ”

Ms. Li also said with deep feelings: "Yes, this time it is really a matter of knowledge. In the future, we will learn more traditional culture and numerology knowledge to pave the way for children's growth. ”

The two walked on the street hand in hand, their hearts full of anticipation and hope for the future. They believe that as long as they feel life with their hearts, learn and inherit the wisdom of traditional culture, they can create a better future for their children.

This evening on the street is particularly warm and meaningful because of a discussion about naming. It allows us to see the charm and value of traditional culture, and also makes us feel the deep expectations and blessings of parents for their children. In this fast-paced era, let us not forget our original intention, inherit our culture, and create a better future for the next generation.